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"Never interrupted your enemy when he is making a mistake "


"Blessing and Glory to the future sun of Obelia, His Highness Adrastos Nicoli de Alger Obelia!" Someone shouted followed by multiple voices not forgetting to also greet and congratulate the knights.

Adrastos immediately excused himself to go in his residence, he missed his family after all.

He could only sweat dropped at the site before him with the maids and knights is sobbing uncontrollably that even a snot can be seen in some knights before wiping it again with tissue.

"Your highness!" They shouted that made Adrastos jolt and was about to run when run after him tackling him on the ground hugging him tightly.

'Are they that really glad? but wait... i can't breathe!' He thought pushing them away

"Guys! I can't breath" He said making them finally let him go as Adrastos sigh on relief

"We missed you your highness" Cadoc said, one of the knight who approached him again and hugged him as soon other knights and maid did the same, adding to Adrastos comfort

'It feels warm'

"Your highness!" A panting Darcio came in view looking at Adrastos

"You seem to be in a hurry Darcio" He smiled

"Once I've heard about you coming back here i finished all i have to do and run to welcome you, though i am a bit late" Darcio sweat dropped

"Nonsense, you're just in time Darcio"

"Your highness i am really glad to have you back" Darcio said sighing in relief as all worries and doubt from before was done

Darcio were in his fighting stance ready to unsheat his sword making Adrastos tilt his head in confusion but realize what is the matter when a taller stature stand beside him

"Hey calm down there, i am an ally" Khaos said lazily raising both his arm in defeat

"Halt Darcio, This is Khaos he will be with us from now on" He said calming the alarmed Darcio, "What took you so long Khaos?"

"Sorry about that someone said that i should go talk to the emperor first, speaking of him he said you should go and visit" Khaos explained nonchalantly still noticing the dislike look from Adrastos

"Darcio, Khaos let's go" He said but before he could finally leave totally

"I'll be back, let's celebrate this more properly" He said smiling at them making his people nod at him happily

Arriving at the audience room there he saw his father, Claude sitting with Athanasia beside him looking nervous

"Blessing and Glory to the sun of Obelia, you asked for my presence your majesty?" He greeted him bowing a bit which made the man in front of him humm in agreement

"I see that you are back alive and well, did you learn your lesson" Claude said nonchalantly

' it's a relief that there is no head i am going to recieve' Athanasia sighed in relief

"Of course your majesty" Adrastos agreed not really caring if his answer is unclear

"What is that outfit you're wearing, how hideous. Truly a shame and embarrassing to wear another empire's country than your own" Claude insulted which Adrastos smiled, he did expect him to react this way

"Pardon me your majesty but since you're wearing a foreign and far from our empire's clothing i thought it was only fine for me to wear something that interest me" He apologized not really caring if its half assed apology with a smile on his face

A dead silence was presence making Athanasia sweat and choke from the heavy tension between her father and her brother.

"B-brother welcome back!" Athanasia welcomed him thinking a way to removed the tension

"Indeed i am little princess" He said smiling slightly at her walking toward Athanasia, he present the neatky wrapped gift to her

"What is this brother?"

"As I've said before i would give you a gift once i come back right, here it is" He explained making Athanasia jolt clearly remembering the horrific moments in the past.

"With this i bid your majesty and her highness my farewell, i have things to do. Just call Darcio or Khaos if you ever need me your majesty" He said bidding farewell to them his smile falling when he turns back, Adrastos hates being with then for another minute.

"Join us tomorrow for tea time" Claude persuade (demanded) at Adrastos making him stop from his walk thinking what his answer will be

"Yes your majesty" He simply answered before walking away

Claude could not help to feel the lonliness and discomfort when Adrastos left, in his view it seems like Adrastos left him forever as his world crumbled, he want to try reaching for him but is too far of his reach

'What is'

to be continued

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