스물 일곱

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" Are monsters born or created?"


Kanna could not describe the feeling she felt after meeting those fiery jeweled eyes who seems to glow

"If i would be bold, can i ask for his highnesses time?"

" Is it that important that you even dare to intrude in my abode late at night. This is highly inappropriate if you ask me Miss Hearst" Adrastos said looking blankly at the nervous Kanna

"I am here to ask for your forgiveness your highness" Kanna started while Adrastos looked at her waiting for what she'll say next

" I have taken your kindness for granted. You have given me the opportunity to get a high paying job. I resigned for the wishes to serve in the imperial palace. Your highness forgive me"

" That is your choice if you want to be a mere maid, i couldn't careless. You have free will but i do admit that what you did made me extremely disappointed" Adrastos responded making Kanna go silent, " If that is the only thing you want to say then i will ask you to leave my chamber"

" Why does his highness hate Princess Athanasia's late mother?" Kanna suddenly ask making Adrastos look at her with amusement

" Who even told you that nonsense?"

" I just noticed how his highness seems so distant to her highness"

" What a joke.. What made you think a crown prince like me would even hold a feeling of anger towards a commoner" Adrastos said as he scoff

"Because Lady Diana holds a big favor and affection to his majesty more than your mother?" Kanna said without hesitation but flinch when she felt an unbearable aura coming from Adrastos

"To dare mention my mother? Even when she died before i could even walk, I can definitely see how my mother doesn't care what Claude felt for her. He can fuck everyone for all i care but to assume that i hate Diana for such childish reason almost made me laugh" Adrastos sneered

"F-forgive me your highness i have overstep my boundaries"

" You should... And to make it more clear and you can sculpt it to your brain, I can never hold a grudge to Miss Diana, a mere commoner whom has the favor of everyone that you all even have the audacity to address as 'Lady'. I can never be angry to someone who is destined to die from child birth" Adrastos declared

"Does the crown prince do not feel a single sympathy for his sister?"

" I also grew up motherless and even was raised with a father who raises his hand to his son, compared to little princess, my life was more complicated than her. Little princess needs to know her limit, she had all the support from his majesty and the majority in the imperial palace why would i feel sympathy?"

" If taking care of her made you this way then it is best to keep a distance from me Miss Hearst. You disappointed me more than enough" Adrastos said while teleporting Kanna to the Emerald Palace

"So even someone like her will leave me huh?"


Morning came and Athanasia decided to visit her brother, Adrastos to his palace

'Let see what that punk is doing'

"You look like you're going to murder your brother" Lucassaid making Athanasia slap his arm while beside them was a silent Kanna

"Kanna are you okay? You look restless?" Athanasia asked the pale looking Kanna which made Lucas look intently at her

"Yes yes i am fine your highness you do not need to worry"

" Hurry up and let's go see big brother!"

Athanasia asked Xiefieng who happen to pass by where her brother currently is which Xiefieng answered while pointing at the direction

There they saw Adrastos playing a chess by himself making Lucas chuckle and look at him weirdly

"Your brother is a weirdo who even plays chess by himself"

"Brother I am here!" Athanasia shouted which made Adrastos flinch a bit as he accidentally released a string that made Athanasia, Kanna, and Lucas stopped from stepping any closer

" Surprising someone like that is really not nice little princess" Adrastos scolded Athanasia while she just scratch her head as Adraatos just sigh and released his string to the three

A voice behind Adrastos made the three turn as the figure went closer Athanasia sweat dropped how tall the man is, "So who won bǎobèi?"

" No one, i was disturbed" Adrastos answered which made the three confused

"Of course how can you win when you don't even have opponent on playing a chess" Lucas mocked quickly understanding what Khaos meant

Khaos surprisingly laugh at Lucas statement

"Forgive me young boy but Adrastos playing by himself is how he make plans and strategies to destroy the enemy" Khaos laughed

"Did you find all of the things i asked you to find?"

"Of course" Khaos replied while handing the materials to Adrastos

"Glycerol, Nitric Acid, and Sulfuric Acid" Khaos said while pointing them one by one. Athanasia wondered for a while thinking deeply where she heard those familiar words

(Y'all have some ideas?)

"What about the sulfur, charcoal, potassium nitrate"

Khaos handed them all while the people present who knows nothing to what they're talking about stare at them curiously

Adrastos suddenly showed an empty bullet made Athanasia panic

' Is that a pistol?!' She thought while looking at Adrastos mixing the materials

Once the materials was done, Everyone except Adrastos and a panicked Athanasia look at the materials weirdly

"What the fuck is this?"

" Nitroglycerin and Gun powder" was Adratos only said as he put enough amount of Nitroglycerine on a small paper propellant.

Adrastos put the gunpowder on the empty bullet and load it to a gun, and a booming sound of a big balloon pooping, everyone was shocked that no one was able to comprehend what just happened, Khaos was the first one to react and was about to shout when Adrastos interrupted him.

"Throw it as hard as you can Khaos, if you can i might give you a reward"

Khaos smirked and throw the propellant with all his might and as soon as the propellant had in contact with the tree, an explosion and a sound like thunder surrounds the area. The tree was detonated

"A new weapon to exterminate the enemy: success" Adrastos stated

Dynamite and Gun: Acquired


to be continued

don't use it haha like its illegal


One stick of Dynamite is really powerful, it contains 190 grams and produces approximately one megajoule of energy. It can definitely blast a 12 inch tree to the ground

Nitroglycerin is a contact explosive

Alfred Nobel, dynamite was originally meant for mining and he did not intend dynamite as a weapon

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