삼십 오

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" Only the fools will let his enemy
be happy while he suffered"


Adrastos walked to the wide corridor to meet his new father

"Dad may i come in? I wish to discuss something" Adrastos stated hearing a small confirmation to Lixieng he walk inside

"Son I have told you countless of times, there is not need for you to knock. You are welcome anytime"

Adrastos chuckled while looking at his twasing father, "My bad, Force of habit dad"

Lixieng just shake his head while smiling

"So what does my dear child want to discuss?" Lixieng asked with a gentle tone

"Can you let me meet Maximillian once more? I wish to have a conversation with him"

"Of course I can. Are you ready son?" Adrastos nod as Lixieng smiled and place his hand on Adrastos' head

"Just relax yourself and think whatever you want"

Adrastos soon succumb as soon as he envision wgat he wants, he immediately went and look around to find Maximillian. It didn't took to long for him to spot the latter.

He went closer to where Maximillian is, he was surrounded by the beautiful yet relaxing view of a lake and various flowers where a bench was placed and where Maximillian was sitting on.

"You knew of it, you knew your fate Max... Why didn't you protect and run away the time you found out your fate?" Adrastos directed sitting next to Maximillian

"It is my fate brother Erix, i accepted already that no matter what i do... no matter how much effort i put, i will always be invisible and will eventually end up dead by the hands of our father" Maximillian exclaimed staring at the lake with melancholy

"But you won't be killed if you runaway" For the first time in his second life, he felt sympathetic to the boy beside him

"I live in a book that revolves around Athanasia, that means i see no point of changing the story when she can have her happy ending" Maximillian smiled but still the pain and envy once again strike him.

'Its my destiny to die'

"You knew of your fate! I-"

"Brothwr Erix there's no need for you to envy. I am aware that even if i knew of my destiny, it will never change that I'll be dead by the end"

"The time you knew you're given the second chance and aware of your fate, you can change your fate in that by running away! Why sacrifice your happiness for someone who was the reason of you being an ashes and even let your excuse of a father torment you?!"

"Athanasia is my sister and i love father. They're my family i couldn't possible hurt and runaway from them"

"Bullshit! If she is your sister you wouldn't be put into despair and if that Claude care and love for you then why am I here being the one to experience your pain and suffering?!" Adrastos shouted as tears started to fall from his eyes looking at Maximillian

For the entire conversation they had never once Maximillian looks at Adrastos but once the latter look at him, he was shocked by how many tears Maximillian was shedding

"I know father did something awful to me... But i am alone, he was the one who notice me. Even if he uses me to finish the job he was supposed to do, even if i was beat up, get insukted by him he will always be my father. I hate that i have to rely and stick to him! I hate how he wouldn't notice my hard work! I hate him but i cannot leave him."

"Max you had the chance!You have the chance to runaway from him and stop your suffering!"

"But even if i-- wven if i runaway who will love me? who will notice me? I am all alone! I am unlovable, if father wouldn't even bat an eye on me what more to strangers?" Depressingly, Maximillian look at Adrastos clenching his fist

Adrastos inch closer yo Maximillian and went to comfort him as tears also couldn't stop from falling from his eyes

"You were loved Maximillian, you were blinded for asking validations and love to thw wrong person that you ignored the people who cares for you... Xifeng, Darcio, Cormac and others, they love you to no end. Can't you see? There are so many who genuinely cares and adore you" Adrastos comforted the now silent Maximillian

"I know it hurts you to the core whenever Claude stare at you with disgust, insult you, beat you and even punish you to something small but it is time Max that you realize you are not alone" Adrastos continues

"You are not alone"

"You are loved Max"

"I am proud of you Max. You suffered enough so allow me to find the peace you wanted for so long"

"You never alone, you have me Max. Brother Erix is here to help you "

to be continued


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