Chapter 2: The reveal

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Maya sent cloths to the gang along with a letter to meet her before noon.

Ashok had questioned her about her plan to which she had responded with. "I'll let them know who I am soon."

She met them at their mansion as they all headed for a tour of the city.

Time skip

Maya was getting pressured to tell them about herself, trying to not get caught in the lie, she suggested them to come at the palace gates tomorrow.

A crowd stared to form in the rich markets as Maya vanished.

Luckily, Katara remembered the way back home. They arrived at the mansion's doorstep only to find a royal guard waiting for them. "The king has invited you at the royal palace." He informed them. "Formal attire has been kept inside. But remember, looking at the princess' face is prohibited."

"Why?" Aang asked.

"The princess is not an ordinary girl." He walked away.

Zuko, curious about the place decided to convince the gang to stay here a bit longer, which wasn't that hard as the rest had questions as well.

"Wait..." Ang spoke up. "Where's Appa?"

"You gave her to Maya right?" Toph reminded.

Aang hoped that Appa was alright.


Maya, now in her normal princess attire watched as the guards kept more hay in the barn for the bison.

A maid came up next to her and bowed before informing the princess. "My lady, the travellers have been invited to the palace by your father. He wishes you to be present as well."

Maya agreed and sent her away.

The dragon dropped down from one of the trees as she conjured up a fake man. He walked off and reached the mansion where the gang was staying. Peaking into the house, he saw chaos.

Aang was jumping up and down, excited to go in the golden palace, Toph was swearing without any consequences, Sokka who was pulling momo by his tail, Katara who was trying to calm them down and Zuko who, along with Suki, had an expression of pure defeat.

Maya chuckled as Divya looked at her with confusion.

"I shall entertain them for myself." Maya played with a gold coin as it disappeared. "Nothing life-threatening but, unexpected."

Divya shook her head as Maya gave her a sweet smile. "Just don't kill them."

Ashok and Kamala walked into the gardens as Divya bowed to them. "Maya, we heard you wish to entertain yourself with our guests."

"I did."

"You always have a reason for you shenanigans. What is it this time?"

"She dreamily looked at her parents as he spoke in a soft voice. "Nothing. Nothing."

Time skip

The next day rolled around as the gang found a chariot waiting for them. They climbed in and reached at the palace gates.

Going in, the smell of sandalwood invaded their senses as the walls decorated with rich silks shimmered. Magnificent paintings were on the walls and it felt as if their eyes were following them. The marble floors were decorated with flowers along the walls with patterns engraved into the tiles.

Chandeliers hung from the high ceilings with lit candles which never seemed to melt.

An advisor walked upto them as he smiled. "The royal family is waiting for you." He went his own way.

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