Chapter 15: Preparations

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Ashok consulted Govind to give him a day when the rule could be transferred to his daughter.

"The best time on the upcoming full moon." Govind read the charts. "The placement of the planets is sure to give the princess a convenient rule without any problems."

"That is in a week."

"The next one we have....." Govind changed the places of the planets on the wall. "It is in two months."

Ashok sighed as he thanked the advisor and left.


Shiva was reading a book but his attention was on the conversation happening between the pandit and the king, half way across the palace.

"Why don't we just change the placement of the planets whenever convenient?" Shiva streched, keeping the book on his lap.

"Harmonic convergence will happen in the next hundred years." Maya smiled. "We cannot mess the arrangements of the planets."

"We'll just returned them back to normal."

Maya chuckled at Shiva's impatience. "Why are you in such hurry?" She asked, already knowing the answer.

"The war."

"I guessed." Maya stood up. She sat down on her desk and began writing a letter. "Have the trades restarted?"

"Not exactly.. our traders are ready, they are waiting for your permission."

Maya smiled at the parchment as she told Shiva to allow them to start the trades.

Maya wrote a letter to Zuko, inviting him for her crowning which was going to be held in a week.

Just as she tied the letter to her owl's leg, Ashok walked in and informed her. "You will be crowned in a week."

Maya nodded as he left.

Time skip

Zuko took off his crown when the owl flew onto his window. He took the letter as it flew away.

The rest of the gang, who had come to visit him came into his room.

"What's that?" Sokka asked.

"Letter from Maya." Zuko told, not looking up.

Sokka noticed the fond smile on the Firelord's face as he teased him. "Is she finally agreeing to be your girlfriend?"

Zuko's head turned to him with a flustered look. "What?! No! She has invited us for her crowning ceremony."

"So you will rule two nations now?"

Zuko looked at him confused before it clicked what Sokka meant. "Sokka! Stop!"

Katara chuckled at the embarrassed state of the Firelord as she shut her brother up. "I'm sure Maya won't mind of we go there a bit early."

Time skip

Two days before the crowning, the gang arrived at Dwarka's doorstep. They were surprised to see that the entire infrastructure had been changed along with the palace. The country seemed brand new and even better than before.

They tried to lower Appa straight into the palace but the bison couldn't.

Maya and Shiva were immediately notified by the servants about the massive bison hovering 1500 feet over their heads.

Maya sent Snow to bring them to the entry gates as he happily flew up into the sky.

Shiva was called for a meeting as Maya went to bring team Avatar.

She waited at the massive entrance as the bison landed, followed by Snow.

The group climbed out as Zuko's eyes lit up seeing Maya infront of him.

"Unfortunately you all cannot directly come into the palace." Maya told them.

"Why?" Sokka asked.

"Security reasons." She answered as the walked through the gates.

The massive stone statues who were taller than Appa, allowed the princess to go through but the walls closed the second the bison got too close to the interior of the country.

The doors opened again as the guards pulled their spears back to their sides, allowing the rest to step through.

Sokka watched everything with fascination when Zuko covered Maya's face with his cape.

Maya pulled the cape down as she i informed the Firelord. "Father doesn't mind."

The dragon took the group ahead, leaving the princess with the Firelord.

A small child ran up to Maya and bowed before gifting her a bouquet of flowers. "Happy ruling!" He shyly ran to his mother standing a few yards away.

Maya nodded at the mother who bowed as well before continuing with Zuko.

She pulled out a fire lily out of the bouquet and placed it in the Firelord's crown.

Zuko tried to remove the flower as Maya held his hand down. "No. You are not taking it out."

"There are people here." Zuko whispered. "I can't roam about with a flower in my head."

"You were roaming around the fire nation palace with an entire crown of flowers without any problem."

"That's different."

"No it isn't."

The two bantered as Zuko took the flower out and placed it in her hair instead. "There. It looks better there anyways."

The two reached the palace as Shiva raised an eyebrow, smirking at the them.

The princess with a fire lily in her hair, a bouquet of red roses and lilies in one hand and holding the hand of the Firelord who was smiling as if there is no tomorrow.

Maya, lost in the conversation with the fire bender finally realised that Shiva was standing infront of them, already making all the possible references he could think of.

Maya pulled her hand away as Zuko slowly looked at Shiva who patted his back. "Good going loverboy."

Maya went to her chambers, knowing Shiva was coming to tease her.

She kept the flowers in an empty vase as Shiva spoke from behind her. "Sooo.......The Firelord huh?"

"Don't act so innocent Shiva. I know about Krutika."

Shiva's eyes widened. "Wait... You won't tell anyone right?"

"Why should I?"

Shiva sighed in relief.

"You know Shiva, nobody would dare to oppose it as well. You're the prime minister and she is the daughter of a council member. Don't think just because I am not there, I don't know."

Time skip

Maya found Zuko in the gardens as she went next to him. "I guessed you would be here."

Before Zuko could say anything Maya continued. "I have something for you."

She pulled him to a small bush and squatted down. Reaching in, she pulled out a golden egg.

"Keep it safe with you."

Zuko took it in his hands as he felt it to be similar. " a dragon egg?"

Maya nodded. "Snow's kid."

"But I thought she was the only dragon in Dwarka."

"They don't need a partner to reproduce. They just lay the egg and leave it to fend for itself. Normally I would not give it to someone but the dragon population is as good as extinct, that is why I am giving it to you."

Zuko looked at the egg closely and asked. "How much more time till it breaks?"

"A couple months."

"Help me raise it though..."

The two days passed without any problems, something which made both Maya and Shiva suspicious. Soon enough it was the day Maya would become queen.

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