Chapter 10: Birthday break

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Maya was returning to her homeland but was met with a very excited Shiva. He excitedly pulled her into the palace as she was immediately showered with flower petals.

Ashok hugged his daughter as he wished her. "Happy Birthday daughter."

Having completely forgotten about what day it was she smiled as Shiva also wished her. "We have invited all your friends. The party shall be held tomorrow night when everyone arrives."

Maya spent her day answering letters from her family and friends as she thanked the ministers, councils and her beloved citizens.


Zuko and the gang received the letters as they didn't waste a moment to meet the princess. They hopped onto Appa. Zuko still was a bit disappointed as Kiyi was still missing but Maya had given him her word that nothing would happen to her. He reminded himself of her promise.

They reached just as they the celebration was about to start.

The nation was decorated like a newly wedded bride as it radiated off happiness. The trees were alive and fresh, the birds sang for their goddess as the subjects made gifts for her. The palace stood at the center in all its glory, shining brightly. The skies were sunny but it wasn't hot. Even the sun rays didn't feel harsh. Nature itself seemed to be celebrating Maya's birthday as it thrived making the goddess joyful.

They were welcomed into the palace where they saw many people dressed in rich silks and fabrics, their jewellery rested on their cloths as they talked with eachother.

Zuko saw a large table of food. He pointed it out to Sokka who didn't waste a second running to it. Katara seemed to be looking around with a weird expression, the same could be said for the airbender.


Maya sat in front of a mirror as the maids scrambled to get the necessary ornaments. Shiva kept screeching from outside to hurry up and not leave him alone with his weird cousin.

Maya bit her cheek trying to to laugh as one of the maids stuck her head out the door and shouted at the poor boy to shut his hole for sometime. Shiva mumbled something as Maya called him in. Shiva flopped onto the bed, not giving a shit about his priceless attire.

"You know how hard it is to have a smile on my face while making small talk with people who want me to marry their daughters?" Shiva huffed.

They heard banging on the door as a voice of a young girl shouted from outside. "Let me in! I want to do Shiva's make-up! His hair as well!"

Shiva looked at Maya horrified as she called out to the girl. "He's not here darling!"

They heard the girls footsteps going away as Shiva sighed in relief. "Good riddance."

Time skip

Zuko was talking to a few officials along with one of his ministers whom he had brought along. They were surprised to hear that he had been ruling the fire nation since he was 16.

They heard a conch being blown as one of the guards announced that Shiva and Maya had arrived.

The attention was immediately diverted to the stairs. The two walked out as the room seemed to have fallen victim to their splendor.

Maya wore a white and blue dress with silver jewellery. Diamonds and opals decorated her neck and fingers. It seemed as if the stars had left the sky and found their abode in her dark hair which flowed onto her shoulder. Her beauty seemed to be greater than a billion moons combined.

Next to her was Shiva, who wore brilliant shades of gold and orange. His amber eyes matched the glory of the sun. His curly hair slightly bounced at each step he took with the golden strand swaying slightly.

Shiva momentarily stopped as Maya grinned at him.


Shiva stumbled but was able to regain his balance. The others wouldn't be able to see him missing the last step but Maya saw it clearly. She grinned as Shiva hissed at her to not say anything.

The two were immediately bombarded with marriage offers. Maya politely rejected them all but Shiva wasn't doing so good. He had managed to turn down some but his patience was low. He announced that he would only marry the woman Maya would select.

The goddess's head snapped in the boys direction as she slightly furrowed her eyebrows in questioning. Shiva nodded in an assuring manner as Maya agreed.

The night passed as Zuko tried to meet Maya who was constantly being greeted by people from all over the world.

Zuko's minister, Roku who was named after the late Avatar was immediately enticed by the beautiful princess and even more by her nation.

He knew that the nation would never be his. But if he couldn't have it, no one could. Zuko saw the dark expression on his ministers face when he finally caught up with Maya.

The princess smiled at the Firelord who's problems seemed to have disappeared. Her eyes travelled to the minister, the second she locked eyes with him, they rolled back as she closed them.

Turning her face away from the man. Maya telepathically told Shiva to call her.

Zuko and Roku heard the boy calling for the princess as she excused herself.

Time skip

Zuko sat in the guest room alone when Roku walked in and bowed. "Your majesty."


"I want to ask you for a favor." He stated.

"What is it?"

"Firstly, promise me that you will fulfill it."

Zuko expected him to ask for money or land hence he told him to continue.

"I wish that you never question my decision."

"I am afraid I can't do that."

"I assure you Firelord Zuko. It will be for the betterment of the fire nation." Roku placed his hand on his chest. "If not. You can rip my heart out the next second."

Zuko tried to deny but Roku kept forcing the young Firelord, going as far as telling him to not act like his father.

The comment hit its mark as Zuko agreed and dismissed him.


Maya was meditating in the gardens when it started raining. She sat in the middle of two trees which moved to shelter the goddess as much as they could. Nightingales and other birds started to sit within the trees as they sang songs to please her.

Maya's spear was at her side glowing in the dark night sky. A small rabbit hopped onto Maya's lap as a smile made its way on her face.

Zuko saw Maya completely drenched while meditating. He couldn't find any umbrellas nearby as he went over to her.

He pulled his cape over her, sheltering her from the cold rain while staying in it himself.

Maya's eyes opened as she stood up. The princess turned to him, her eyes shining brighter than the stars above them causing him to slightly blush.

He sneezed as Maya ushered him inside.

He walked into his room to find clothes which he was sure weren't there a few minutes ago. The clothes were made by fine silks as he realised it was Maya's doing.

Changing into the given attire, he met Maya waiting for him outside. Her eyes widened is suprise as he seemed to have walked straight out of the heavens.

Zuko saw the look on Maya's face as he felt somewhat proud of himself.

His hair was wet as beads of water clung onto his strands.

"I am sure I had given a towel as well..." Maya walked inside and picked it up.

Zuko sat down with is back towards her. "What are you doing?" Maya asked.

"Dry my hair please." Zuko softly spoke.

Maya's eyes softened as she obliged.

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