Chapter 30: His Moon and Her Sun

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Chandra opened her eyes as she immediately left her position as the preserver and left for the abode of the demons.

The sages watched in suprise, the goddess who was free from any kind of attachment, rushing to save Surya.

The anger boiled up within the goddess' heart which was immediately felt by her husband kept in prison.

With the preserver's attention somewhere else, the balance of the universe started to tilt.

Frightened by what could happen, Akash and Bhudevi gave Surya the role of the balancer so he could temporarily take up the role of any of the of the trinity.

Surya ignored the searing pain of his wounds as he took Chandra's role, but by doing so, he couldn't see what chaos the preserver was creating.

The rage of the supreme goddess created multiple avatars which embodied her rage in different ways. She herself took the form of Mahakaali, the female and more aggressive aspect of Mahakaal.

All of existence shook in fear of the goddess' rampage as she brutally murdered each and everyone who tried to stop her.

She finally came to wreak havoc on the place where Surya was kept. The demigods pleaded to Surya to calm the goddess down.

The sun god heard their pleas as he waited for his goddess to arrive.

The heavy door exploded, causing the sharp wooden shards to pierce the demon guards next to him.

There she stood, the goddess of violence and victory, Mahakaali, her skin was as black as the night sky with red eyes filled with pure fury. Her long hear was tangled and she wore a garland of asura skulls which reached below her chest.

She held her spear in one hand and the head of a demon in another. She stormed over to the smiling god. She dropped the head as she cupped his face in her hand, immediately healing all his wounds.

Surya increased his body heat to the point the chains which held him down melted.

Chandra unblinkingly stared at Surya who  placed a hand on her head.

The god of peace calmed the angry goddess down who fell unconscious due to the forced change in her mind.

Surya teleported back to Swarga and laid her down before meeting the rest.

"Why did you wait for her to come to you? You could've just stopped her before." One of the sages asked him.

Surya smiled at the question. "Of course I could have. But do you see the amount of demons Swamini killed?"

Soon, Chandra regained consciousness as she apologized for frightening the demigods and the sages.

Durvasa, a determined devotee and sage asked Chandra, "Why were you in such a hurry to save your husband? Isn't it the job of the husband to protect his wife and not the other way around?"

"It is the duty of the wife to protect her husband and the duty of the husband to protect his wife." She explained. "Marriage is  not 50/50, both should give it their all for it to work."

"I don't understand."

"Surya is my husband. And as a wife, it is my duty to protect him from harm. And it is his duty to protect me as well. Wether one is the husband or the wife, they must provide and protect their spouse as much as they can."

"But how did you find him so easily?" Durvasa asked.

"What are you asking? She is a goddess, she knows where each and everyone is."

"That is true Indra. But that is not the reason." Chandra shook her head. "Surya is my soulmate, my eternal consort. He is the primary source of my power. He holds a special place which cannot be replaced by anyone. I have, and always will find him in the cosmic fog, no matter how far away he may be."

"That's so romantic." A woman sighed dreamily.

"It is." Vijay spoke. "Now we move onto the supreme couple. Lord Surya and Goddess Chandra."

"We'll begin with Chandra, the preserver of all existence and the goddess of protection, power, beauty and wealth."

She is often depicted as the moon goddess because she is the element of water."

"She is playful, protection, adaptive and loving."

"Her skin is the colour of white marble, her eyes are the colour of the great oceans and her hair, eyelashes and eyebrows are midnight black."

"She adapts to situations well, and takes different forms to protect everyone."


"There are many Avatars of Chandra. For instance, Mahakaali, this Avatar of Chandra protects us from demons. Her other Avatar, Lakshmi, grants us all kinds of wealth, both material and spiritual. There are multiple avatars of her and it would take us the whole day to learn about all of them."

"We'll move onto Surya."

"Not much is known about him, as he has left Chandra's side long before."

"Then what do you know about him?"

"Let's see..." Vijay flipping through the ancient book. "Lord Surya, the balance of the universe. He is the god of compassion, stability and peace."

"He is also depicted as the Sun god as he is the element of fire. He's passionate, determined, affectionate and selfless."

"His appearance isn't mentioned anywhere."

"Why not?"

"We all know the story of him giving up his body, well, he hasn't incarnated yet, well, atleast not that we know of."

"He is to reunite with Chandra soon." Zuko, who spoke without thinking, whispered.

"How do you know that?"

"I" Zuko mumbled.

Vijay brushed of the unfamiliar feeling as he continued. "Anyways, tomorrow we have a festival, we check up on the preparations.


Mahakaali- Mahakali is a fierce goddess associated with universal power, time, life and death

Lakshmi- Lakshmi, also spelled Lakṣmī, also called Shri, Hindu goddess of wealth and good fortune. The wife of Vishnu, she is said to have taken different forms in order to be with him in each of his incarnations.


Incase you were having trouble imagining Chandra, I made what I think she looks like.

Incase you were having trouble imagining Chandra, I made what I think she looks like

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