Chapter 9

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YoungJae POV 

What's the big fuss about? I'm sure she's fine, is not like doesn't have a common sense. The kid got here by herself , she should be able to get back on her own. She makes everyone worry about her... especially Daehyun. 

He's so hopeless, already falling at her feet. What does he see in this bitch? She hasn't been here for more than a week and already he's the second person falling for the witch.

HimChan hyung already hates her at first sight, we're the only ones that see's her real self. We have to be careful, what if she happens to be one those crazy fans? I don't want her to use my brothers and play with their feelings.

"Hey, you alright?" I felt a hand touch my shoulder, I turn my face to see Daehyun 

"Oh yeah, I'm okay...sorry about that" I rub my neck and blush a little

"Alright, let's go and practice then hit gym and we can chill later before the trouble makers come back," Daehyun said cheerfully

"Come on, let's get started" YongGuk came to join us and start the music.

Park In Hye POV *Still in school* 

I have never been lost then I am now...I don't understand what the teacher is saying, the only class I pass in is English and Art. I doze off and doodle on my book as I wait impatiently for the bell to ring, today has been so long. 

My free time was spent with Chan Yol, along with JongUp and Zelo when I am alone and not with Chan Yol which was extremely hard but gotten easier since he left half way through class for something. 

They asked me questions about how I met Chan Yol and if I was his girlfriend or something and it kept going with them warning me about him and crap. I got tired of listening to them and decided to go to the library and sleep. 

To be honest, I'm actually pretty tired since this morning, is only now that I'm feeling it. The bell finally rings, I grab my books and bag before running out and try to find my way to the library before my roommates catch up to me and investigate my friendship with Chan Yol. 

After 10 minutes of getting lost, I found the library, is the one I see in Korean dramas just wow. I look around and found a table at the very back of the room, with no one in sight I let go of my worries and slump down into the chair. 

I spread my book on the table and place my bag on my chair before I rest my head against the table. Just before I go to sleep, I switch my phone to silent and hope no one calls me. 

**********************************hours later**********************************

// shake on the shoulder // 

"wake up" another shake 

I groan and mentally cry, I don't want to wake up. The person keeps on doing the same thing until I was able to move my head up and half of the eyelids are open. I yawn and move my body about to get rid of the sleepiness. 

"oh hey zelo*yawns* what you doing here?" I rub my eyes and roll my head from side to side with a satisfied sounds of my neck crackling and rolled my shoulders to do the same exact thing. 

"that's just gross" he made a face 

"gross my ass is actually pretty relaxing and for your information, it is not gross" 

"whatever nuna, come one let's go already"

"and where are we going?" I pack up and put everything in my bag before slinging it on my shoulder. 

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