Chapter 3

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Park In Hye POV

I can’t believe I’m actually moving

Like right now

As in I’m sitting on a aeroplane and making my way to South Korean

Leaving my one and only friend

My best friend

The only person who understands me

 The only person who really knows me

 The only person who help me and protected me from bullies at school.

She didn’t care that I wasn’t popular or that I’m not the most prettiest girl in school , she like me for who I am and never once had judge me.

Air is a true friend with a kind heart, someone like her you can never find twice


Looking out the window of the airplane wondering what life will have in store for me next.

It was already 5 hours into the flight and my harabeoji was already deep into sleep, just like him to be asleep * eyes roll*

I might as well sleep since this is going to be one long flight… getting in a comfortable position I put the blanket that they handed out and cover myself with it, it was cold since the air conditioning was on.  

Trying hard not to think about it and clearing my mind, closing my eyes I drift into a deep sleep.


We both slowly pull away; oppa went down on his knees so that he was about my height, there were tears in his eyes as well but I can see that is trying to be strong.

‘hey now , don’t cry . Reminder we’ll see each other again in the future and as long as you have that necklace and the hair pin, you’ll always have me with you’.

Oppa use his thumb to dry my tears away and I try to be strong like oppa is.

‘and the same goes for you oppa’

*end of dream*

I woke up sweating and breathing hard, my hand was holding on the necklace with a death grip.

‘In Hye, what’s wrong’ my harabeoji voice snaps me out and took me back to reality.

‘oh umm…yeah I’m fine. I just had a dream’ I don’t remember my dream but it was sad and depressing.

….all I know is that it has something to do with this necklace…but why?

Or maybe I’m just overreacting?

‘are you sure? It looks like you were crying…something scary?’ his voice held worried.

‘harabeoji I’m fine and I don’t remember the dream but I’m positive that it wasn’t a scary dream, more like a sad one’

‘why would you say sad?’

My went blank

I don’t know

It just feel like….like I’m forgetting something or someone………

‘I don’t know harabeoji…it just feel really sad. But don’t worry I’m sure is nothing.’

Harabeoji told me to go back to sleep because we are landing in about five hours’ time, he went back to sleep and so did I. If I’m going to make it through this new change, I’m gonna need all of my energy.

**************sometime later***************

Park In Hye POV


Oh god why ?

Why the hell I'm I force to live on my own in this dorm with six more people that I don't even know ??? Is already bad enough that I've just moved half way across the world and then left my one and only friend. But this...This is the worst!

What’s my worst is that it was already decided by my harabeoji and his two close friends. I remember them when we were looking at photos of me and their grandson, but I don’t remember him…is weird and what’s more that his name is Kim HimChan. Like the singer from B.A.P, at frist I thought it was HimChan oppa from B.A.P but then these only happen in dramas.

There are a lot of people that has the same name as him and that is reality for you, so I made my hope small and just hope that the HimChan oppa that I will be staying with is nice. The part that I want to cry and break is that I’m going to marry him…

I don’t know why but the family and theirs had already made a promise to one another and this is the promise. I’m still young and I’m still planning my future and I don’t want this, this is my life and future, because of what my harabeoji promise to Mr and Mrs Kim I no longer have a say what I can do and they don’t even ask me if I want to marry their grandson, nobody cares how I feel about this whole thing.

Because they simple don’t care enough to ask me and see how this stupid promise is making my life more hell. I would rather go back to England and be bullied than stay here and get married. But I know I can’t, I can’t leave my one and only family member left, he did everything for me and I want to reply him back somehow…if this is what my harabeoji wants then I will obey it.

I was allowed to stay with my harabeoji and oppa HimChan grandparents for one week but after that they send me to live with HimChan oppa in a dorm with five other people. And that is why I am standing here in this dorm and unpacking my bags in my new room.

While unpacking I went through the photographs of me and oppa and somehow I remember him. Everything about him and how I feel about him, in some way I am happy that I will be with him but I’m not quite sure about the whole marriage thing.

I wonder if oppa HimChan knows about this marriage thing. I wonder how has he been over these past years, will he remember me? Or has he forgotten me.

What should I do or say when I see him?

And who are the other five people that also live with oppa?

I’ve already the manager with oppa grandparents and my harabeoji, I wonder why they oppa has a manager that looks after him? What does he work as?

And did he ask me if I’m a fan of B.A.P? I told I am a fan but not only for their music not because of their looks. I am a BABY but I don’t know or keep up with their lives just a normal fan that likes their music. Not like the BABY that tweets stuff about them or go crazy over them through the internet and get obsesses.

// sound of door opening and then closing //

// small talks are heard//

What’s that noise?

Are there here already?

I walk toward my closed door and put my ears against the wall to listen. I can hear the voices…it sounds like boys and a lot of them….no no no noooooooooo. You’re telling me I’m going to have to live with five strange boys and one soon to be husband.

This can’t be happening, this can’t be real.

As I listen for more voices I think I recognise some them…that’s strange…why do I know these voices?????

I open my door to see who the voices belong to, now I wish I hadn’t. I stood there shock covering my face, my eyes were wide and my heart made a stop.

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