Lie To Me

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Hey guys, new story here (well obviously) anywho i'm asking that you guys give it a fair chance. For those of you who read 'I'm Rare?!?!?!' then know that this was technically the first book. It's has a slowish start but trust me it gets really good. I'm abit nervous about posting it .. . oh well, here goes nothing:

Chapter 1

Trick or Treat.

It had been a long time since I had used that particular terminology. As I sat on my balcony that Halloween night I watched the little figures run from door to door collecting their personal stash of cavities. I had to admit that I missed going trick or treating but I guess I was too old for it now seeing as how I was sixteen. I sighed. Well atleast I would be alone tonight. My little sister Valerie was out trick or treating, mom was gone on a conference and well even though dad was still home he was really awkward when it came to teenage girls so we didn't make much contact these days so yeah I was basically alone.

"Jamie I'm headed down to the grocery store, will you be alright until I get back?" Dad called from the bottom of the staircase.

"Yeah sure." I called back. Even if I knew that I wouldn't be alright I would still have said yes because I was willing to jump at any chance of being left home alone. I waited until I heard the front door open then close and the car drive out of the drive way. When all that passed I gace a sigh of relief; alone atlast.

On a night like this i suppose any normal teenager would have gone next door to hang out with their neighbor but not me. I never got to develope a relationship with anyone since I moved her when i was seven because mom never wanted me outside. She said it was dangerous . . .

Oh well it didn't bother me very much I would simply spend my night thinking about the most gorgeous guy in the universe; Jonathon Wolksy. No one in my entire school could compare to him and the best part was that he was in my class. Though it kinda sucked that all the girls in my class wanted him too. There was just too much competition for my future husband.

As I leaned back in my chair that I had brought out onto the balcony, with my hot chocolate right at my feet, i thought about it. How handsome he looked right after gym with sweat dripping down his soaked shirt that clung to his amazing chest; the way he said my name; What he says when he doesn't understand something . . . too hot!

"Do you always make that silly face or were you thinking about someone special?"

My head shot in the direction that the velvety voice had come from and there, sitting quite leisurely on the railing of my balcony was this guy. How did he even get up here? I never heard him when he climbed up here and what did he mean by me making a face?!

"I was not making a face!" I said angrily, "And what are you even doing up here?" I asked, clearly annoyed that my silent thoughts of Jonathon had been interrupted. A smirk crawled onto his face and I watched as he stepped into the light. I nearly gasped. He was beautiful . . .

He had jet black hair that fell messily to his shoulders and these deep sapphire eyes that were almost hynotizing. I couldn't look away. Even his face had something that fascinated me. It had a sorta childish innocence to it. As I stared at him i found his head tilting slowly to one side as he stared back. After awhile I began feeling awkward so I averted my eyes.

"Well finally you've stopped looking at me; I must say I was beginning to feel uncomfortable." Say what? Wasn't he the one who wouldn't stop staring at me?! I had also detected a slightly british accent in his speech. Could this guy be anymore fake. What if he was one of those stalkers or something?!

"I was staring at you?!" I asked in disbelief. For some reason I couldn't bring myself to ask him to leave. There was just something about him . . .

Lie To MeWhere stories live. Discover now