Sheasta 3: Just when I started friendship

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"how about we go find a tap and Chestnut will wash my shirt while you two talk?" suggested mutton

"Chestnut?thats a f-unique n-"
I was gonna say funny well it is unique so yea and was cut by her screaming at Nathaniel

"Its Sheasta! Mutton!"

"bhahaha Mutton?thats a good one"
I said while laughing

Seriously! its amusing also very rare to see a girl hate him, call him horrible names and she meant it

I mean THIS I gotta see

"mutton?really? of all the names you could call me?"

This girl's amusing... calling me mutton? Haha I bet she's quite stupid
I hate mutton though

"yeah!why? Do you prefer other names?" she replied

"what happened to Nathan?"I asked

"buried in my brain!" holding her hand up in a gesture like shes about to shoot herself with a gun

"other names like what?" Marco wanted to know, amused

"like-like um...argh !"

I was angry at him laughing it was not funny at all so I kicked him

"Yo!Chestnut lets head to the tap!"


"hey!What are three you doing here? Come here this instant!"

Oh crap! I sense trouble

I looked around and saw a stonic looking teacher then met a familiar pair of mischievious eyes

Haha its on!Grinning, I grabed Chestnut's hand noticing she was frozen at her stand,we started running feeling free and that we dont care what happens later

Leaving the teacher screaming

"hey! You all stop running and come back here this instant! Or detention!"

Woah! That was embarrasing!!! l would never want to come across this ever again!

I felt like letting the ground swallow me whole!

But the good thing is I get to be close to him omg!

Ah!what am I even thinking?!

I just stained Mutton's shirt for lawds sake!!

Argh! I curse myself for being so clumsy!


We ran from a teacher!

Oh We are so in trouble!


We reached the tap panting...and laughing

That was fun! It feels good to break the rule and not listen to the teacher once in a while...

"That was Awsome! It was like, we were running from a zombie! a whole lot of them screaming 'detention'! haha"

"haha more like from an amplifier! did you hear her scream?haha"

I glanced at them suddenly laughing again

Its like we've been friends since childhood

Then I remembered why we all came here

"oh right your shirt!and you still have something to say right?"

"oh right! Almost forgot!"

He took it off and I tried my best to never look at his body or else I will ..... I dont know what will happen

"here" as he gave the shirt to me I took it and started washing

"hey, Chelsa right?" Marco asked breaking the silence

"no, call her chestnut!"

"shut up mutton!, its Sheasta"

"oh apologize for that its just that-"

"nah no need to apologize, I get that a lot-" as I glared at mutton and saw a great view of his abs and lean muscles

"like what you looking at?smirk*

That bloody monkey!

Caught me staring! crap!

"no~all I see are lumps of mutton and meat!"

While spraying water at him grinning

"oh no you just didnt!"

"oh yes I did!haha want somemore?"

SPLASH!*hahah you should have seen his face when hair were all over his face! Hilarious!

"You shall pay for this mess!haha"
As he grabed the hose nearby grinning

oh shit!

Splash* great now I got hair all over my face

"and you get wet too!"he insisted Marco

"bhahahhahahah! Get wet?" Splash!

"oh the game is on~"he got a bucket nearby and started filling it at full current and then splash*

"hahhaahahha"we were having fun when they suddenly stopped

"what happened?" I asked curious of why their faces suddenly turn red

Oh no ...please not THAT!!

I looked where they were looking and saw my shir-Shit!!!my shirt is see through!!!I covered them with my hands and shot them both a glare

"look away you perverted bastards!!"

They both turned around blushing

I would have found the situation amusing and laugh till my stomach aches if this wasn't related to me but it IS related to me

THEY SAW MY FLABS!!! My ugly flabs!!!ugh! As I looked around for something to cover my top

"here...wear this..."I looked up at blushing Marco holding a jacket

"thanks" as I took the jacket thankfully

my hair was dripping wet so I untied it after putting on the jacket

Too bad the fun stopped

"you can turn around now and dont ever bring up what just happened"

They were smiling

"what now?"

"hey nice color!"

"love the laces!"

They said while getting in a position to run


Then they suddenly took off laughing like idiots

Leaving me to process the information......

Hey guys I just realized I write so slow maybe its because I go into so much detail or I included alot of events happenings in a day not like my friend here but we hope it will be interesting for you guys! Anything just let us know! <3

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