Sheasta: 1

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Sheasta's P.O.V

*beep*beep* I groaned as I opened my eyes slowly at the annoying sound 7.59am ,

who put the freaking alarm here?!

Oh crap! Its exams!! Im late!! I realized as I shot up from my bed and went to the bath room

(and you know what you do every morning~ bath,shit,brush your teeth and hair)

I change into an outfit for school like lightning speed

oh and make up?sorry I dont know how to apply them, I know I suck.

I ran down stairs and screamed,

"mom Im late!!!"

when I reached the kitchen, my mom and older brother(Nate)

were having breakfast peacefully....

Somethings fishy~ I thought for a second and caught my bro smirk,

why that bastard!! he pranked me so I wont make him late!!

argh!!!son of a-wait he's my brother!argh!!! Im cursed!

I should repay him a favour next time... remind me!

I looked at the face of the clock, 7.30

(remember the alarm clock time was wrong at the beginning)

as I grumpily sat on my chair thinking of multiple ways to get back at my brother

which was hard for me to concentrate due to the aroma of good food going into my nose!

After eating I left the house with my brother at 7.45

I am gonna take the train

as I walked to the station and put on my blue headphones

and listened to a mixture of my favourites from English to Japanese to Korean songs for the ride to school..

I hate to be organized its a habit of mine so yeah I just randomly listen to my favourites

(to let u know I dont know the languages except english but I just like music and their instrumentals/beats)

oh and my brother?he got a ride from his gang so called 'mates'

We were supposed to leave the house and go to school together,

I think he's scared to be caught up in my revenge~

I had reached my station and got into the train,

there was a sit near the window so I occupied it

*sigh*The trees, bushes,blossoms were beautiful,

as I day dream and stare out of the window while listening to "let her go" by passenger...

The train stopped at my station, I woke up from my snooze...startled and quickly got off since I was late

well~I thought I was, let me check.. as I reached for my phone in my bag

while the train left making my hair fly all over my face that I couldnt see,

I quickly brushed them off while panick arises...

Crap!!! I cant find it!! I am sure I packed it unless my bro took a joke...

Oh! Dont tell me, I got it stolen?! Mom's gonna kill me!!!

I look at the station time 7.55

Crap!!!!. It's exams Im almost late!

I start running when I feel chills down my back.

I look around, is someone staring at me?

Or is it my imagination....

Meh!, Forget about it! I Gotta reach school before teacher catches and puts detention on me

(you know how they love doing that *students point of view#).

I reached school just before the bell rang.

I quickly stuff my things in my locker then rushed to my classroom

and uexpectedly bumping into my crush. What a great day!

"Oh, sorry!" I said out loud

"Oh, its fine, no prob." He winked.

"Ready for exams?"he asked

"a little nervous that I might forget what I studied,haha"

I replied nervously smiling while my heart jumping for joy

"well good luck then! See ya around"

"yeah you too"

I reach my desk and covered my face with my hands.

Oh My Gawd!Yesss! Haha! He talked to me.

I know I'm a wierdo but I cant help it! I am so happy.

Im smiling so wide when another playboy in my class

Nathaniel comes to me.

"Oi Chestnut!"

"Are you up for the challenge?" smirks*

"Its Sheasta, and what do you want, Nathan?"

"nothing...just gonna say that if you have any problems you can ask me you know....when I mean"

"no thankyou I'd rather leave blanks"

"I know you wanna~"

My ears just burst. He is just soo annoying. Can't he stop talking for at least once?

"Nathan, I need to prepare myself, so can you just get lost, please?"

"well see ya then! You can ask me anything, ok?" He wriggled his brows then winked and left.

Ha! He thinks im gonna ask him?go to hell! I would rather think or leave blanks than ask him!

I directed my attention towards to the person that is.... my crush ha~

He is quite popular,a bad boy/playboy, smart, talented,very handsome with good looks and tall, lean built body same with Nathaniel

but I wont compare because even though Nathan is the same

he cant beat Marco because of his annoying and show off personality

The supervisor came in and everyone settled down.

Im getting nervous.~

He gave out our papers and announced the exam protocals...(like no talking, cheating, signaling nor looking around) that I think only FEW of us follow

Then we were allowed to start when.......

Ow!something hit my head.

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