Alice New years Special.

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I shuddered as the cold wind hit my face on Thursday morning. I could feel my nose getting colder and colder as I walked on the pavement to the coffee shop.

It was a day before New Year's and I haven't figured out what to do. I don't wanna celebrate it with my parents (it's complicated....) because on the day of Christmas, I stayed at home and I got easily bored, staying in my room. I definitely don't wanna do that again since it would be too boring while hearing my mom and dad do that old style romance of theirs in the living room, right? I was thinking of contacting Tylor if he had any plans, but when I think about it, he probably has a girlfriend and he's the type who takes his time flirting with her and that make out thing. Plus, I wanna start fresh this New Year's.

I changed my clothes in the dressing room and got ready for work. Since it's this time of the day, people came from different corners and cracks to buy our drinks. I noticed that about 99 percent of these people were couples. I sighed. Lucky for them, they have partners unlike someone like me who's a loner of the year. *sigh*

"Look who's sighing a lot today," Tylor smiled as he spoke.

""Oh, shut it, will you?"

"OoOoOoh oKaY."

"I was just joking. But I'm still serious," I mumbled. I don't get myself. -_- "So, what are you doing for New Year's, eh?" I nudged his arm. He looked puzzled by what I said.

"Girlfriend? No! Well, I don't have one right now." After that sentence, everything went silent. Awkward......

"What about you?" He asked. I thought for a while and answered: "I don't know, really. I don't have a boyfriend so I definitely won't go out with someone. But I don't wanna stay at home either."

"Well, since you and I don't have anyone to go out with,how about we hang out together?"

I was shocked to hear this. Me and him? Whoa, stop right there!

"Ummm, okay, when?" I asked, putting on a poker face.

"When our shift closes, how about I take you home to get you a change of clothes and when you're done, you come out to meet me?"

"Sounds fine to me," I said as another load of customers came crashing in.

7:30 p.m.

Phew, finally finished with my load of work for today. My legs were tired from all the walking and I'm not even sure if I wanna go out with Tylor anymore....

I look around the almost empty shop. Only a few customers were left and a few of our staffs. Our boss hasn't been visiting his shop recently and I don't plan on seeing him either.Where's Tylor? That bastard promised he's going to pick me up.....

I look around and stopping at the kitchen entrance, stopping to see him speaking with.... Hannah? What's going on?

His face had a troubled look and Hannah, a staff of this shop looked like she was flirting with him, something I don't plan on knowing. Well, it's not like he'd tell me right? She's probably his new girlfriend....

I waited at the entrance when Tylor came out and greeted me, showing me his biggest smile. I smiled back and tried to forget what I saw.

"Hey, umm, I promised that we'd hang around somewhere, right? But the plan's changed, sorry. Hannah just informed me about a get together party for the whole shop. It'd probably be a little late before we can go out.... is that okay?"

"Oh sure!" I said without hesitating. He looked surprised, like as if he was expecting me to hesitate or something.

"Really? Cool!" He said.

"No problem."

The party was quite awesome, I would say, besides me, that is. Everybody was into the mood and drinking and dancing and whatever they did, while I was just sitting in a corner, self conscious about not doing anything.

The people that was invited consisted not only our staffs, but other people as well, so yeah, it was a very big crowd. I look around and I can't seem to find Tylor...

I couldn't count how many fruit punches I have drunk and just as I almost dozed off to sleep, a hand tapped on my shoulder.

"Hey, wanna ditch now while we have the chance?" Asked Tylor.

I blinked a few times before I took in what he said, "Okay."

He drove me home and told me to wear something he bought last time and that he'd wait for me in front of my house. Luckily, my parents weren't home that day so I took my time choosing my outfit.

From the large box that was delivered to my house last time, I chose a blue dress which came down to my knees and had a belt with a big ow tie in the front. I also wore a (not really) high heel that I bought from the money I saved up from working.

When I walked out of the house to meet Tylor, I noticed that his car was parked at the same place, except that he had changed his clothes into a suit-ish kind of thing. When he saw me walking towards him, he purposefully formed an o shaped mouth and covered it with his left hand.

"So you actually went home to change, huh?"

He ignored my question with a "you look awesome" face that made me smile.

"So, where do we go now?"

"Anywhere you want."

We came to a restaurant that he picked since I don't know where to go. After dinner, he parked his car along the coast we just walked along the seashore which was now coated with a white blanket from all the heavy snowing.

My hands and legs were freezing from all the snow falling around me and my nose could probably come off with just a slight flick of a finger. Suddenly, I felt a sneeze coming out of my nose and I could feel myself making a weird face just by looking at Tylor's face.

"What's so funny, huh!?" I shouted, knowing nobody is around to criticize on my rude behaviour.

"No, it's just that, you've got a bit of snot coming out, right over there," he laughed hard.

"Where!?" I tried to wipe it away with my hands and realized that he was lying. I was about to slap him with my boogered hand when he handed me his coat.

"Oh, thanks, but aren't you cold?" I asked.

"Well, yeah, but not as cold as you, who looks like she's frozen meat or something." He chuckled softly. I blushed a little at his comment.

"We should get going, it's getting really cold, even with the coat on."

The drive to my house felt like forever. It felt quiet along the way but it was anything but awkward. It was a nice kind of quiet. When we reached our destination, I opened the door of the car and got off.

"Thanks, it's not much to thank you but, wanna come in?"

"Nah, I'm fine."

"Okay, so, see ya later," I said and at the same time waved to him.

"Oh, and one more thing," Tylor said as he took out a small box. I gave him a questioned look but opened it. I gasped. Inside was a snow globe with little sprinkles and a Christmas tree in it.

I looked back at Tylor and he said:

"Happy New Year's." :-)

Hope you guys like it.... Yea this is crappy but I still wanna write it anyways. Anyways, enjoy!!! And merry Christmas and Happy New Year's everybody!! :-)

P.S. I finished this just a few minutes before twelve....:-) ;-) :-)

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