Nightmare(continue of tragedy)

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Aunt Jackie was rushed to the hospital, accompanied by me (crying my eyeballs) out and 3 first aid people, massively concentrating on aiding my aunt in an ambulance.

"Aunt Jackie! I-its gonna be alright! H-hang in there! You can't leave me yet!" I managed to speak out (whilst all the sobbing I've been doing),while running with the doctor and nurses, accompanying the stretcher carrying my aunt to a room until I was stopped by a nurse saying that I can't go in, so I waited (though unwillingly) outside...

Will she be okay? I know she just lost alot of blood. I mean she just stabbed herself with a kitchen knife at her stomach. Will everything be alright? Will I be alright? All alone in the same home but now seems different because aunt Jackie is not with me this time...

Thoughts swirled all over my head (that it hurts) which made me cry harder

Im so scared. So scared of losing my aunt, who was like a true friend, a sister and another mom to me. All this time I was always the one rambling about my problems and my life to her ,she listened so attentively but didn't complain. I now realized that I should have asked about her problems too. That way she wouldn't have done this.... was partially my fault! I have caused her to do this. I didn't help her out when I knew about her problem... I ignored her nightmare and continuous torture but have given her more things to worry aimless, boring life..

*yawn I guess I should sleep here tonight until she wakes up and recovers. All this thinking has got me exhausted.... As I drifted off into a deep slumber with swollen eyes

"Shh! Quiet down! Or you'll wake her up!"hushed voices could be heard few moments later. I woke up from to see Nate looking worried and mom looking stressed and crying. I groaned and rubbed my eyes. I massaged my neck since it was stiff from sleeping in a sitting position(seriously do not sleep like that when you are not used to it, it hurts like hell)

"hey mom, Nate when did you guys arrive? I don't remember calling you guys-" I was cut off by my mom when she hugged me and started ruffling my hair and rubbing my back

"oh honey! Everything will be okay! You still have us!" she said and blew her nose

"Old Mr. Bradley phoned home saying something serious has happened to aunt Jackie and here we are" Nate finally answered my queries

"Old Mr. Bradley?....who-"

"You forgot Mr. Bradley? How can you forget him? Remember the fence we used climb over together just to get his oranges? The two big dogs that was tied next to the tree? Remember? you were so scared! No wonder you forgot about him....."

"oh.....shh! they were scary! But remember it was a secret you promised me to keep from mom?" I smiled innocently at my comeback

"oh....shit...." he paused and winced

"So it was true that you guys were the ones stealing his oranges and disturbing him! Nate! You've got to apologize to him when you meet him!"

"but- but it was ages ago!"he wailed. He could be such a baby at times

"nope it was just 11 years ago, and its not too late to say sorry. Now go home to freshen up and think of a creative way to apologize to 'old' Mr. Bradley " wow her Maths is good

Its funny how mom also calls Mr. Bradley "old" whenever he's not around. I guess thats why I hardly discuss my problems with her, I mean... No one would want to change her care-free attitude once you get to know her... And I have stayed with her for as long as I can remember... I once told her about the bullying in school and she took it VERY seriously that she childishly scolded and made this boy cry... I mean....most parents would talk to other parents about it or maybe the teacher incharge... but... *sigh...

"uh- hey any updates on aunt jackie yet?"

"uh- yeah the doctor said that she's not in a very critical condition but needs time to recover."

"And thanks to the immediate phone call she didn't die of lose of blood...who does she think she is to go and stab herself like that?!"

"Nate.."mom gave him a warning

"Oh Thank gawd!!" I ignored him while feeling relieved about the news

"Oh honey, I think you should go home and rest. Look at you that is no for a girl!"

"But aunt-"

"Uh-uh You are going home. I'll stay with her, don't worry. Nate should go too. Think about how you are gonna apologize to Mr Bradley and thank him. We owe him lots anyways!"

"Argh...alright. Come on Sheas! Bye mom"

Before we reached home, we went to grab some burgers. Since I skipped lunch today I was starving! I finished my burger in one of Nate's friends ride which seems very familiar but probably because Nate has drove it before...still don't get how people can just let him borrow their car

I collapsed onto my bed after a great warm bath "hey Nate we'll visit Mr Bradley tomorrow!"

"What?!" I can hear him drop the shampoo and swore. I smiled and closed my eyes

The happenings of today when aunt Jackie stabbed herself replayed as nightmares. I never realized I was crying until I woke up. I kept on telling myself that it was just a dream but no avail I was still scared. I decided that I should take a stroll when I couldn't sleep anymore. I sneaked out after putting on a jacket as its pretty chilled outside.

The stroll to the park was nice and peaceful. The smell of the fresh cool breeze. The streetlights were still on as it was just about 5am. Thoughts about the nightmare returned and I tried to convince myself that aunt jackie is fine only to be interrupted by a guy

"What is a girl doing out here alone in the park I wonder?" I recognised this voice and turned, wide eyed to see a familiar portrait

And did something that I would have never thought I'd regret

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2016 ⏰

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