Alice: 5 ♥♀Saving the Damsel in Distress♂♥

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Alice's P.O.V

We stand in an awkward silence as I do my work while Tylor just stares at me, doing nothing..... seems he's amused, well I'm NOT! But anyways, it's okay since Im not the type who speaks out what's in their mind. I continue working, ignoring those sharp piercing stares.....

Tylor's P.O.V

I stare at her as she does her work. I notice that she feels uncomfortable as I keep staring at her. I am actually finding this kinda amusing! I stand up and walk towards her as I have an idea popped into my mind.

"Hey, I'm bored. How about we do something fun?" I smirk as I can see her face changing to a pale colour real quick. To be honest, I congratulate her for that.

"W-w-what kind of fun huh?" She replied, trying to sound tough but just failed so bad. To be honest, I really feel sorry for her. But I pushed these feelings of sympathy to the back of my mind.

"Let's see, how about you stand at that alley over there until it's 9:00p.m? That would be great fun right?" I chuckled to myself. What I didn't realise was that she could be scared and thought otherwise....

Her face suddenly went pale and her mouth gaping open, "You're unbelievable! And here I thought you were a nice guy!" She ran out of the shop and disappeared. She sounded like she was going to cry but that's not the case right?

I said goodbye to the manager(boss) as I finished work. Also, I had told the boss that Alice wasn't feeling well so she went home first so he wouldn't explode or anything of the sort.

I check my phone, 7:51p.m.. Hmm, did Alice go home? I called her but she didn't answer. Well! Someone's pissed! How about I visit her house and look for her myself? I congratulate myself for being so smart.

I ran to her house and kept thinking about how she would react when she sees me in front of her doorstep. She will surely be shocked! And I will take pictures of her shocked face! I smile crazily as I reach her front door, opening it to find her not at home.

I stood there shocked, too shocked to do anything, or even move. I let my brain process slowly and at last, realised that she must've followed my orders. What a stupid girl! Anyone would've just disobeyed! I feel a sense of guilt rush down my nerves..... This is all my fault, what if she bumped into a total stranger and.......... shit! I as I ran fullspeed to the alley next to the shop.

Upon arriving there, I heard a muffled scream cry sort of voice and at once, I knew it was Alice.

I ran towards the voice and found a man at the back of Alice, his hands on her mouth and holding her tightly. Suddenly, I felt anger and guilt deep inside me, wanting to burst out as I noticed Alice sobbing quietly.

With newfound strength, I ran to the pervert and tackled him over. He let go of her and was surprised, which then turned to disappointment.

"Come on, man. We can share this hottie, okay? So just chill, man!" Hearing these words just made me sick. I just got madder and threw punches at him but actually, I'm not good at defending, so yeah, it was a long fight but I finally beat him at the end.

"F*** you" I spat on the now unconscious old man, then turned my gaze onto the now sobbing Alice on the floor. She looked terrified and scared, with a mixture of shock. I hugged her real tight because I felt that's thething that she really needed right now. At first, she flinched but soon after, she burst into tears in my chest while pulling the sleeves of my shirt hard. I seriously don't know why people do that but I just let her be. Just this once.

After a long while, she let go and shifted away, still sniffling. "Thanks.....for saving me.." she whispered. After hearing those words of gratitude, I felt joy and was overwhelmingly proud of myself. "You're welcome!" I stated quickly but I knew that she wouldn't be harassed if it wasn't for me.

I was still concerned for her so I added, "Shall I drop you home?" She hesitated for a bit but agreed and nodded. I help her get up and cursed that old man before walking away with my Alice. Haha just joking..

We reached her house in just a matter of minutes and we had to part ways. Too bad. I ask her one more time if she was okay and she smiled while saying yes. Without hesitation, I hugged her one last time but she quickly pushed me away. Well, that was disappointing but can't help it if she doesn't want to.

I say goodbye and jogged home while fistpumping the air happily, until I reached home because when I did, my mom started shouting at me about coming late and stuff and I got so annoyed I just went into my room, putting an end to my day.

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