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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

Sereia went to the war room and closed the door behind her, she walked to the large table before with an angered scream she threw all the pieces on the table to the floor.

She was such a fool

She turned learning her back on the table as she put back in place strands of hair that had gotten loose in her anger.

She was stupid enough to believe that she could trust Daemon, for one moment she had considered opening something in her that had never been open, just for him. But she forgot everyone has her own agenda, and that includes Daemon Targaryen.

When Sereia heard the strong footsteps coming down the hall to this room, she glance to her side, a bowl of fruit was on a small table at the corner of the wall. A shiny knife in it. She grabbed it and walk to the heavy door that was opening.

As Daemon Targaryen entered the room where he was told his wife was he was harshly pushed to the door by an arm across his chest and something cold at his throat.

He looked down and saw her wife, fury in her eyes as she strongly held the knife against his throat.

"Let me be clear, Daemon" she started her voice as black as her eyes "I am not someone you can use on your stupid games, and I will not lower myself as your puppet for your fuck ups, I am meant for bigger things than that" the knife went deeper in his skin almost opening it "we need each other, but if you ever betray me like that again, I swear to the seven hells not even the gods will help you"

She took the knife away from his throat slowly but he quickly grabbed her by the jaw and slammed his lips on hers.

Sereia resisted the urge to give into him when his rongue brushed hers and instead slapped him. His head snapped to the side at the force of it.

"I have not betrayed you, we don't know if you don't already carry my child"

"It has passed mere days since we wed, we cannot know, I am your wife, not your whore , or a woman you can shake around, you have humiliated me and now you should fear me" she whispered to him before leaving the room, and leaving an ashamed Prince in it.

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They were called to Driftmark by her father, she heard that the King chose to marry Alicent Hightower, choosing her over her sister, she was mildly relieved that her sister wasn't chosen.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐑𝐔𝐈𝐓𝐒, d.tWhere stories live. Discover now