If one word could describe Narcissa Malfoy, that word would be Mother. Narcissa was, undoubtedly, an incredible mother, who did everything she could to keep Draco not only safe and sound, but loved, wanted and on top of her life, so differently from what happened to her back when her role in the world was just to be the perfect daughter.
She didn't even hesitate to lie for the Dark Lord, knowing all too well what would have happened if he discovered the falsehood that slipped from her lips. How skilled she had to be in that moment when she didn't even know if her son was still alive, having to check a supposedly dead body of the Potter boy, founding the answer to what was consuming her being. She was so grateful for the words Potter told her, she just wanted all of that to come to an ending. Then, taking the faster decision in her life, she put the poker face mask on, turned to the evil men concentring every single drop of magic on her occlumency, while saving a little big of coldness to keep the voice firm to preach those four letters, affirming what Voldemort was so desperate to hear. This act of pure love lead her family out of way to Azkaban when, finally, the "good" prevailed, letting the war turn into a merely bad memory.
But what came along with it was not that good, I mean Narcissa was very happy seen her son graduated from Hogwarts and getting a dream job at the Minestery, considering the Malfoy influence, even after the war. However she was not ready to letting him go to live his own life now.
Astoria was indeed a good girl, beautiful, polite and pureblood, but she also was the symbol of a new chapter in Draco's life, a chapter where Narcissa wouldn't fit in. The tradition among the sacred 28 was clear when it comes of weddings: the man was the mainly foundation of his family, protecting the wife and eventually kids, and being the momma's boy, like Draco used to be, was definitely out of question.
Cissa already has passed for something alike when Draco start his school life at Hogwarts. Merlin knows how she cried when her babyboy boarded in that train to make it months apart her. Well, not only Merlin, but Lucius heard all her desperate crying, getting so sad to see his precious wife acting like she lost a part of her heart, and made sure he was there to catch every single teardrop that leave her eyes, while watching her first heartbreak ever. In eleven years, she has never passed more than two days separate from her tiny little baby, and now he is gone for months, and she just got to see him in the holidays.
With time, Lucius could calm her a little bit and finding ways to became a more influent person on Hogwarts business just to cheat the rule that parents are not allowed to see their kids unless is extremely necessary in school time, bringing her in every unnecessary meeting he would call, only to make her happy. Not to mention the whole owlary he build for her to send all those letters and treats Narcissa could make everyday to her beloved son. Lucius would always do anything to put a smile on her perfect face.
But now it was different, Lucius could not cheat or create something to his family to keep in touch. Draco has his own family now, even if Astoria isn't pregnant yet, soon she will be, and there's nothing to do about it. Now he had to indeed see Narcissa suffer from her syndrome of the empty nest. And she was.
When Draco was at school she passed the whole day baking for him, she practically cooked every receipt that was cataloged in the books of the magic world -and secretly, muggle world too- what helped her to learn new things and discover other cultures whilst she dedicate her time for the most important person of her life. She would gardening as well, telling how beautiful would be the manor for the holidays. But now she didn't wanted to do anything, it's not like she could visit the new Malfoy generation everyday with pies and cakes, that was Astoria job now, and that thought made her so sad she could even make it out of her bed, not seeing any point to do so, since she has nothing to do at all.
FanficCHA•PE•RO•NE: (especially in the past) an older person, especially a woman, who stays with and takes care of a younger woman who is not married. Narcissa was bored and upset since her son was out of her life. Lucius did the best to keep her enterta...