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The door swung open, making you jolt awake. You sit up immediately and look up at who opened the door, trying your best to ignore your heavy heartbeat. It was the brown haired man, Ice, you recall his name being. He gives you the same look he gave you when he first met you. Disgust. "Lord Dio has requested you." he simply says. You blink once before nodding. 'That's his name' you think, almost numbly.

You slowly push yourself off the ground, wincing at your aching joints. You blinked once or twice again, your eyes felt swollen and burned after your breakdown before you fell asleep. As you followed Ice, you passed a window. Immediately, you try to peek outside. It's dark, and cold. 'It must be sometime at night' you silently observe. You arrive in front of the enormous wooden doors and Ice opens them for you. As you walk past him, you lock eyes for a second. His gaze showed nothing but disgust and hatred, and you quickly looked away. The door closed behind you, leaving you alone yet again with Dio.

"Did you sleep well?" A familiar voice questioned from the bed. You felt the hairs on your neck stand up. You nodded, before realising that he couldn't see you "Yes, I-"

"I saw you nod." he cuts you off. You wince slightly and mutter quietly "Sorry." Dio chuckles and gets up from his bed. He's wearing the same attire that you saw him in last. He begins to speak again "I apologize for this morning," he begins "They weren't meant to cause you any harm." You remember your throbbing cheek "It's fine, it doesn't hurt too much." you answer, barely muttering. There was an awkward silence before Dio speaks again "You must be confused and scared, I heard you crying." You hold your breath. Guilt began to creep into your consciousness. Dio continues speaking "I felt now would be a better time than anything to clear anything up for you, so, ask any question that you see fit."

You stay quiet for a minute, thinking of what you should ask first. "Will I go-"

"You're quite predictable. Unfortunately, no."

You let out a shuddery breath. Surely by now Steph would have called the police. They would be searching for you. You felt a cold sense of guilt, a different guilt to the one you'd felt moments ago. No one would ever know. "By bait, what did you mean?" you decide to ask another question. This actually made Dio stop and think, before answering you. "You and I have a mutual... acquaintance. That acquaintance is associated with several enemies of mine. Enemies I need eradicated. Seeing that you are so close to him, he will drag his little party over here, and I can kill them once and for all." he finishes. Your heart skips a beat. 'Polnareff knows this guy? He's the reason I'm here?'

Dio finishes his circle and stops in front of you. For the first time, you saw his face clearly, and the sight of it made you feel sick. Not because he was disfigured, but because you hated him. You looked away quickly, avoiding any and all eye contact with him. Dio observes you silently, you felt like prey being hunted. "Is that all you want to ask for now?" he confirms, his voice trying to sway you yet again. You nod and he sighs, walking back to his bed. "I've picked clothes out for you, you'll find them in your closet." He waves you away "Get changed into something more.. respectable. And clean." he adds. You turn around and reach your hand out to the door handle, before Dio speaks again "See me if you have any issues." You nod quickly and step out of the room, closing the door softly behind you. You quickly try to walk back to your room, hoping you don't run into anyone on your way there.

Thankfully, you make it back to your room without seeing a single soul. You close the door and let out a long exhale, immediately turning your attention to the wardrobe Dio had mentioned earlier. Feeling the first shred of joy you had felt in hours. Pulling the doors open, you marvelled at the wide variety of clothes there for you, ignoring the fact they had likely been removed from corpses that Dio had fed on. Filtering though them, you let out a dissatisfied grumble, most of the clothes were typical night-life clothes. Nothing at all suited your tastes.

You stood at the wardrobe for ages, trying to make a decision. Clearly, you'd been too long. You heard a rough knock on the door and tensed instinctively, a cold sweat beginning to rise to the surface of your skin. You stiffly turn your head to the door, awaiting the second dreadful knock. There it was. But after the knock, there was no pause for you to open the door, it just swung open, revealing the huge blonde vampire smirking at your doorway, amber eyes locked onto your petite frame. He hummed in satisfaction and walked over to you, one hand on his hip. You look up at him, feeling nothing but absolute terror. Every instinct in you was screaming at you to bolt, but you knew that if you so much as moved out of line, you would pay for it. Dearly.

"Having trouble picking something?" he coos, drinking in your fear. You swallow hard and nod slowly. He chuckles "Lucky I'm here then," he leans in, your faces centimetres away "I know exactly what would suit you." he adds, his tone getting more and more threatening with each word. You said nothing and watched him as he gracefully shifted through the clothes on the hangers, occasionally taking one down and holding it next you your frame before putting it back and continuing his search.

Finally, he brings something out and holds it up to your figure, smile growing as he'd decided that this would be it. You examined the dress, it was surprisingly modest. Black, knee length, flowy and yet, form fitting. It was very pretty. Dio breaks your train of thought "Do you need help dressing yourself too?" he teased, his smile widening as he indulged in your mixed fear and disgust. "Ah- no. I should be alright." you say quickly, taking the dress off of him. He gives you one last amused chuckle before making his way out of the room "I'll be back soon." the one thing you dreaded. You never wanted to see his face again.

You slipped the dress on, though lacking a mirror, something told you that it looked perfect on you. The door knocked again and you tensed up, feeling even more vulnerable now you were in clothing that was foreign to you. Again, Dio made his way into the room without waiting for your clearance. He stopped and examined you. You could see satisfaction grow every second in his hungry eyes, and you hated it. You were nothing but food to him, you knew that. He just had a chance to play with you more before killing you. He took slow, large strides towards you, still watching your body with a sickening grin. A cold shiver ran up your spine and dispersed in your scalp, you felt the hairs shift slightly.

"My, my..." he finally breaks the silence. You try to pull away from his approaching body as much as you can without being noticeable, though to no avail as this seemed to fuel whatever twisted feelings he had. He stopped in front of you, his eyes now resting on your facial features "Don't you just look stunning." he cooed in that sickening tone. You watched his eyes shift to your bruised cheek, and his expression change almost immediately "Such a shame.." his tone had somehow become more cold so quickly "That your pretty face has been ruined." Your pride had been stung, remembering how welted and purple your cheek probably was. Dio picked up on this, and you saw the vile satisfaction creep into his face again, shown by a soft smirk. He reached his hand up to caress your uninjured cheek, you instinctively flinched away, now feeling more on edge than ever.

This fuelled him even more. He hummed in delight and ran his cool fingertips down your face, finishing at your chin. You could feel his amber gaze boring into you. That familiar sick feeling returned as you desperately tried to avert his gaze, fearful of locking eyes with your captor. He chuckles, clearly enjoying your fluster and fear, letting it wash over him. You wondered if he got some sort of sick satisfaction out of seeing you scared for your life. Clearly wanting to indulge in this feeling more, he flashed his serrated fangs, naturally causing you to whimper and shy away from him further, your eyes widening as they watched his mouth desperately.

He chuckles and moves away from you, allowing your body to relax that slightest bit, though you're still terrified after his cruel scare. "I'll fetch you later for dinner." he says simply, almost dismissively. As if he was suddenly bored of you. This only solidified a morbid fear in your mind, a fear that you knew would never ever truly be absent from your mind again. If you were to fail to entertain him, he'd kill you without a second thought. You swallowed the hard lump in your throat as you watched him pull your door closed behind him, a cold sweat breaking out as you finally lock with his beady amber eyes. 

|| Chapter 4 - Bait ||

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