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Dinner was unbearable, almost two entire hours spent on a silence, the cause? Undeniable fear. Your eyes watched in terror as he took a sip from his goblet, whether the contents was blood or wine, you couldn't tell. Naturally, Dio had picked up on your fear, and your fearful gaze, and was savouring every second. You could feel his amber eyes silently coaxing you to give him more, you wanted to vomit up everything you'd just eaten.

Finally, the silence was broken by Dio, who had noticed your empty plate. "Did you enjoy it?" he probed, clearly trying to get a conversation going about something. You nodded, not wanting to breathe a word to him, mostly out of fear. You understood your place here, in the short hours you'd spent. And stepping out of that place, out of line, especially to the lord of the manor. You couldn't even fathom what he might do to you. Dio pulls you out of your train of thought "You're awfully quiet, my dear." You internally cringed at the pet name, like he owned you. You wanted to slap him in the face. Instead, you just nod. Dio grinned at your meek answer, drinking in the fear you were exhibiting. He speaks again "Is something weighing on your thoughts?" His voice was softer, you admit. It was pleasant. "No." you mutter, unsure weather to add anything on "Just... thinking."

This piqued Dio's interest tremendously. "Thinking? Would you be so kind as to enlighten me on those thoughts?" There it was again. That strangely calming tone. You almost gave into him. Almost. "It's... nothing important," you mutter. He chuckles, this was clearly entertaining. "I'd still like to know all the same. I might be able to give some insight." he purred.

Shut up.

You clench your jaw and force a small smile "No, it really is nothing. Just mindless observing, I guess." you say, trying desperately to mind your tone. The corners of Dios lips quirk up, he knows your upset. "Tell me," he begins, getting up from his seat and striding over to you "About Polnareff. How close are you two?" Your blood runs cold, you feel your whole body tense up. Stammering for an answer won't do anything. "W-we grew up together-" you begin. You feel Dio grin behind you "Oh? How interesting." he leans in until his lips are mere centimetres away from your ear. You swallow hard as he begins to whisper "What about his companions? Do you have any information on them?" It was getting harder and harder to resist his voice every time. His breath was cold against your neck. You hated the fact that a part of you enjoyed this. "No-" you shakily whisper, fearful that any louder might seal your fate. He releases a soft chuckle, causing a shiver to run through your entire body. He brings his hands up to hold your arms, you flinch at his touch.

He brings his head down to rest just beside your neck. You freeze. You know what he's planning. His slow, methodical breaths match the rhythm of your pulse. Bile rises up to the back of your throat again.

Please. I'm sorry. Don't kill me.

You quickly close your eyes, hoping that would make this less painful. Tears begin to sting the corners of your eyes. You're shaking. Dio doesn't move, he just continues to breathe, his breaths even accelerating at the same time as your heart beat. Finally, he breaks the silence "Calm down." He whispers "I've already told you I'm not going to kill you, not yet." You melt. His voice was so disgustingly charming. You couldn't tell if it was the way he spoke, the tone. It was just too bewitching. Slowly, your shaking begins to cease. You still keep your eyes tightly closed, for fear that tears would stream down your cheeks, only causing him more enjoyment.

"I will admit, its tempting." he murmurs into your neck. Your body screamed at you, panic, run, hide, scream. You couldn't though. His voice kept those instincts at bay. All you could do was sit there and listen to him. "Maybe you'll let me have a taste one day.".

I'd rather die, you prick.

His lips move closer to your neck, you desperately try to pull away, but his huge hands hold you in place. The bile moves higher. "Um-" you start, speaking loudly. He ignores you and keeps moving closer "I'm going to be sick-" you blurted. He let you go and you immediately ran from the dining room, trying to find the closest sink or bucket.

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You sat in the corner of your room, staring aimlessly at the ripped wallpaper. Fresh tear stains reflected the soft moonlight, though you had no perception of what time it was. "I wanna go home." you mutter to yourself. Bringing your hands up to your hair, a new lot of tears fall onto your dress. Sobbing as quietly as you could, you weren't going to forget yourself this time. "Why me?" you whisper into the cold night air. "Why?" you break into tears again, your breath hitching with every sob.

You're not sleeping tonight. You doubt even if you tried you'd be able to. But whatever happens, you pray to whatever god that Dio doesn't seek you out, not that you could stop him if he does. You just sit in silence, alternating between staring at nothing and bawling your eyes out, asking the same meaningless questions you'd never get an answer to. As you cry, you stand up and desperately remove the black dress, angrily throwing it to the other side of your tiny room while you cry. You stand, defeated, in your undergarments. Letting the cold desert wind caress your bare skin. Not that you cared if you froze to death in the foresaken shithole.


Your muscles tense, and you desperately hold your breath, a single tear falling to the floor. They stop just outside your room, you guessed. You snapped your eyes shut and began praying. Don't come in here. Please don't come in here. You desperately hoped that it was just Ice or someone like that. Someone that couldn't care less if you were crying in your room. Someone that didn't care about you. The footsteps begin again and disappear just a suddenly as they came, in the direction of Dio's bedroom. You let out your held breath, though it just turned into another fit of sobbing.

You looked up and gasped, taking a step back. You couldn't believe what you were looking at. Who you were looking at. There he stood. "H-how-"

You were silenced by his hard gaze alone. You could almost hear him thinking, though you had no guess as to what it could be about. He began to walk towards you, you stumbled back until your back hit the wall, all you could do was gaze up at him as his menacing eyes bore into your own. He says nothing, just wipes a tear from your uninjured cheek. His eyes didn't show the usual sick joy, but almost rather a sorrowful affection. You quickly denied the thought of a monster like him possessing the ability to feel that way, but all the same, it was nice.

|| Chapter 5 - Feed ||

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