☆𝓂𝓎 𝒽𝑒𝒶𝒹 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓂𝓎 𝒽𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓉☆

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You stepped out of the shower feeling cleaner than you had in weeks. And happier, you added as you wrapped the towel around your body. Luckily, Dio had kept his promise and gave you a towel and some clothes, though your hopes for said clothes being "modest" were low.

Surprisingly, when you went to put on the shirt, you discovered it was a flowy, white blouse with a high collar and only fitted around the wrists. The pants were simple black slacks and there was a black under bust corset along with this all. You wouldn't remember seeing any of this stuff in your wardrobe. It was an odd change of pace from the clothes you'd worn in the past week, but definitely welcome nonetheless. You quickly put the clothes on, and examine yourself in the large mirror.

You couldn't help but gasp a little, your eyes were droopy and red, dark bags had taken residence below your eyes. Your broken cheek was still just as bad as you'd suspected, with it not getting proper medical attention, it was likely that it was infected. Suddenly, that dreadful knock pulled you out of your thought. The door slid open and there was Dio, examining you with the clothes on. "You look very nice." He simply says. You feel your cheeks heat  up and you look away, trying to cover your face with your hair. He chuckles and strides over to you, extending his hand "Shall we head to dinner together?" he hums.

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You had to admit, the food you were given here was amazing. Freshly cooked meals every night, and there was always a variety too. As you began to look at the bigger picture, you started to think. About this place, the people in it. About Dio. You felt him watch you, eyes locked on to you like a hawk, analysing your every move, every breath. After a while, he breaks the silence "Good?" He asks. You nod gratefully. You blink and he's gone.

Fear chills your blood, your heart rate accelerates, you go stiff. You feel a soft breath hit the back of your neck. "What do you think of me..." he murmurs. Your mind races. Hatred? No. Distrust? No. "Really?" he asks, before chuckling. It was as if he read your mind. Of god you hoped he couldn't do that. "Don't think I haven't noticed the way your heart accelerates when you're with me. The way your cheeks flush." he continues. You almost choke. Even you weren't aware of this. No, of course that's not true. He's lying. He's trying to get you to love him. "You're madly in love with me." He muses, brushing your hair away from your neck. You snap your eyes closed. "So much so.. you can't even admit it." he brushes his fingers down your neck. No. Never. I'd never like you. Would I? You almost screamed at your indecisiveness. How could that even be a question? His voice, his touch, his breath. It was so heavenly. You could melt into him. No. No you couldn't. You wanted to tell him to keep talking, keep breathing. No, you wanted to run. What did you want?

"You keep resisting yourself." he whispers. It was so tempting to just let him win. It was sickening, what he was doing to you. It was like hypnosis. He continued to draw invisible patterns on your neck with his fingertips. You swallowed hard and he just chuckled into your neck. "I can almost hear you. You're at war with yourself..." he pauses to breathe in. You couldn't tell whether it was your scent, your fear or something else. He was definitely smelling something.

"...if you want my opinion, its futile. It's so clear that you want me it feels almost stupid for you to second guess yourself." his hand runs down your arm, soft cold fingertips leaving goose bumps in their trail. His head slowly moved to where his hand once was, you could lightly feel his lips on your neck. His delicate breathing put you at ease. Slightly. His breath was so cold, it was moreish. Your head and your heart were screaming the opposite things. Run. Stay. Fight him. Submit to him. You couldn't take it, you had to choose one. "Even if it's just tonight.." he whispers. His voice was so persuasive. That deep, soft, melodic tone. The way he spoke. You knew that there would be no 'just tonight'. If you let him win now, you'd just crave more and more. You'd be completely under his spell, but would that be such a bad thing?

"give in to those cravings." was all he murmurs into your ear.

It was enough. You'd decided. "Just tonight?" you whispered. He chuckles into your neck and his hands slide down your arms and find their way around your waist. "My offer from last week still stands." He murmurs. You wanted to respond. You would later, for now, you were just going to enjoy this moment. Enjoy it like it was your last. You felt him plant soft kisses on your neck, your heart rate accelerating was only teasing him, begging him to drink from you. Dio was feeling every inch of your waist, exploring further and further. You had shunned all logic and reason, all primal instincts to run away from him. You were his now, utterly and completely. He had you under his spell, and it'd take a lot to break it.

His fangs kept grazing at your neck, leaving small nicks. They hurt, admittedly, and every time it happened you winced. This fuelled his passion, oh god you'd never been with someone so passionate. He was asking for permission to drink from you now. He couldn't hold it in much longer. If he killed you tonight, you wouldn't care. If he drained you of everything you had, you wouldn't even bat an eye. You were here, with him. Probably the most dangerous man in the world. Yet you were here, in his arms. You weren't scared of him. Not now.

It was funny, how much of a gentleman he was. A gentleman but yet, still savage. He didn't do anything more until he had your permission to go. Finally, you let out a soft "Mhm." and immediately, you felt two daggers pierce into your artery. You wriggled a bit from the pain, but his hands held you, soothed you. You felt what you'd guessed to be a sort of venom released into your bloodstream. The effects were immediate. For the first time in probably 15 minutes, you opened your eyes. The lights sparkled in your eyes. Oh god the feeling was euphoric. You couldn't get enough. He continued to drink and drink, and you felt better and better. If you died like this, you'd be happy. As quickly as it happened, it ended. He slid his fangs out of your neck and pulled his head away. You felt him eyeing the two puncture wounds, as if inspecting his handiwork. You felt hot, thick liquid drip down your neck, staining your white blouse.

He was looking into your eyes, waiting for a response. You couldn't break your gaze from his, his eyes sparkled in the candlelight with a predatory danger that was so bewitching. Your eyes finally trailed down to his lips, stained red with your blood. Almost as if he read your mind, your lips met. You weren't even going to attempt to dominate this, you just let it happen. You felt his tongue slide into your mouth, mingling the taste of your food and your blood. It was disgusting, but you wouldn't dare leave, for fear of his disappointment and your own.

Finally, Dio pulls away. You could see he wanted to do more, but kept his patience. "That wasn't so hard, was it? It even looked like you enjoyed it." he purred. Oh, you did. As much as you would never admit it, you did. His fingers ran down your face, holding your chin delicately. His amber eyes glistened with... no. There was no way he actually cared for you, was there?

Part of you wanted to believe it.

|| Chapter 7 - My head and my heart ||

Passion | Dio Brando x Reader | Stardust CrusadersWhere stories live. Discover now