☆𝓉𝑒𝓁𝓁 𝓂𝑒 𝓁𝒾𝑒𝓈☆

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Something inexplicable changed in you that night. Not even you knew what changed or what out of that interaction caused it, but one thing was certain.

You were not the same person you were three nights ago.

You couldn't even tell if you were sane anymore, if you were even sane to begin with. There was only one certainty in your life now.

You loved Dio.

You had briefly considered that he was manipulating you again, pulling you under his control to use as a bargaining chip for the Crusaders again, but there was something different about him too.

His bitter, obsessive hate for the Joestars had been twisted into an obsessive love for you, and this time, it was genuine.

And so, you sit in his chambers once again, draped over his lap while he held you, whispering sweet nothings into your ear. Your hand was in his, his cool, dead skin a contrast to your own; bursting with life and warming his hand with a gentle heat.

"Mmm, my sweet love." Dio murmurs into your ear, clearly trying to start a conversation. The way he addressed you gave you butterflies, like a high schooler on a first date.

"Yes?" you answer, trying to keep your voice soft to somehow hide your excitement. He gives a low laugh at your attempt.

"Your attempt to hide your excitement is adorable, sweet thing, but I can assure you: there is nobody here to judge you." He drawls, his other hand combing through your hair. He takes a breath, before he continues with his original thought. "Anyhow. I have been meaning to ask, what shall you do when your precious friend arrives here?"

You pause for a moment, contemplating the scenario. You really didn't want to leave Dio, mostly because you didn't know how to live under normal civilisation anymore. Your whole world was Dio, and you were probably that twisted and fucked up now, that you would be just as bad as Dio.

You let your gaze wander to the closed door, picturing for a moment--

Polnareff and the rest of the Crusaders could bust in at any given moment, and how would you explain to them what you were doing? Laying in Dio's lap, letting his hands wander wherever he wished for them to. A part of you felt guilty for it-- knowing what Dio has done to you, and knowing what he wants to do to others.

But the rest of you doesn't care.

"I'm not sure." You finally answer softly, your voice still distant as you kept thinking of the possible 'what if's?'.

He laughs again. It was full of darkness, which was normal, but it held a warmth in it that you had only begun to hear the past few days. "No?" He begins. "If you were brought to the ultimatum, my love, which would you choose: Me, or them?"

More hard questions. You sigh. You knew exactly what the right answer was, and you couldn't pick whether Dio was in an honest mood or not.

"You. I would choose you." You settle on the answer, looking up at him. He smiles, the hand that was in your hair now tracing along your jaw gently, before holding your chin between his thumb and index nails.

"Such a good darling. You would be my first choice as well... do you know that?" He purrs. There was something in his eyes. Satisfaction, yes. Contentment, obviously, but there was something else there. Triumph. Genuine triumph.

The second thing he said was what caught your attention the most, though. You would be his first choice. Whether it was true or not was irrelevant.

He leans down, pressing a possessive kiss to your forehead. "Everything I do, Y/N, I do for you." He murmurs.

That night flashes into your head. The blood, the smell, the voices, the bodies.

It should have reminded you of what he was, but your survival instinct had been overthrown by your craving for simple affection. Your need to feel important to anyone.

That was what he would do for you. His quiet chuckle breaks you out of your train of thought, his head perched to the side in amusement.

"Reminiscing, are we?" He coos. It was so eerie how he always knew exactly what you were thinking about.

"You know I could give you an even grander gift. A whole town reduced to its most basic form. The streets running red..." he continues, his voice worming its way into your head again, weaving the images into your mind and somehow making the dark picture a perfect fantasy for you

He continues, now peppering you with kisses as he speaks. "Oh, I could give you that and more. Your own palace, my sweet. Power beyond your wildest dreams."

His amber eyes shine like a child's on Christmas morning, but his voice was not nearly as innocent.

"Perhaps one day, my sweet, you could join me in vampirism." He teases. Your eyes go wide, sparkling with awe and wonder. You could be with him... forever.

Dio smiles at your face, his fangs flashing ominously in the moonlight. The likelihood of actually gaining his trust enough to bestow you with vampirism was low. Bitterly low.

But all you wanted to do was be Dio's. He made you feel loved, needed, craved. Even if you knew that everything Dio said was a lie, you wouldn't change anything.

Now, you felt important, loved, craved. And maybe, just maybe, the lies would become truths.

"Maybe one day." You agree gently, sitting up so you are at eye level with Dio. His gaze never breaks from yours, drinking in every emotion, analysing your every move. Behind those amber eyes, you could see the cogs turning, he was thinking of something. Maybe more lies, maybe he was relishing at how easy it was to manipulate you.

"Dio." You finally break the silence.

He nods, giving you wordless permission to continue talking.

"Can you teach me how to charm someone?"

He smirks. "Charm someone into doing your bidding?" He clarifies, and you nod.

He laughs louder this time, his arms snaking around your waist and pulling you into him.

"Ah, has someone decided to take advantage of the beauty they possess, hmm? I'm proud of you, my dear. You're finally seizing the power you hold within."

The praise sounded genuine, and you couldn't help but gush like a child, a blush rising to your cheeks. Dio hums in contemplation, before nodding.

"Very well, I will teach you how to put your beauty to good use."

You couldn't work out if you were learning this for yourself, or to help Dio.

Maybe you were lying to yourself, and you didn't want to learn at all.

Love is a lie.

|| Chapter 16 - Tell Me Lies ||

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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