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A soft cold stroke was the only thing that pulled you out of your shallow sleep, though you vaguely remember Dio entering the room. You couldn't be sure if it was apart of your strange dreams.

"Did I wake you?" strangely softer for him, it was far sweeter than usual. You felt your cheeks heat up ever so slightly, and a small grin formed on your face. he chuckles in response and brings his hand up to delicately twirl your hair in his fingers. You roll over to face him, groggily blinking. He returned a soft smile, it was so unlike him. Unlike him but definitely not unwelcome.

His amber eyes glowed in the soft candlelight, gazing into your own softly. "Are you feeling okay?" he breaks the silence between the two. You blinked, the girls face returning to haunt you once more. You just nodded, earning yourself a scowl from Dio. "Don't lie to me." his tone was stern. You looked away from him, finding something on the floor to fix your gaze to. A blood stain. One of theirs. Screams, faces, they all came back at once.

His hand on yours made you jump "You need to talk to me." his voice was more what you were used to now. Cold, calculated. "I can make changes if you just tell me what's bothering you, my sweet."

Tears threatened to fall, stinging your eyes and distorting your vision. Their screams were so loud, their faces so real. Crying was weakness, or so you'd heard Dio say. You wouldn't dare do it in front of him. But their screams, their faces; they just persisted on, making it harder and harder to hold them in. Before you knew, the tears were rolling down your cheeks, dripping down your chin and onto Dio's cold, pale skin.

You looked up at him, utterly humiliated, and expected to see a disgusted glare. All you saw was sympathy. He cared, he actually cared. "Darling.." he whispers, bringing a hand up to wipe your tears away "is that what's upsetting you?" he asks. He knew exactly what it was now. You nodded, sobbing and leaning into his hand. Suddenly you were opening up to him like a book. "I can still hear them, and see them." you sob, barely keeping your composure. "Every time I close my eyes. I don't know how to stop it."

He pulls you into his chest, soothing you and stroking your back while you sobbed into his neck. "It's alright, It's alright. If you would prefer, I can stop them from running loose." he suggests, running his hand along your spine. You nod weakly into his neck "I will try to make the pain go away." He promises.

'He's lying to you.'

You winced at the harsh message to yourself. Why can't you just shut up and be happy. Be happy with what you have. You were so lucky to even be in Dio's presence, let alone have such an intimate relationship with him. It was what separated you from everyone else. It was made you special. After all, no one had come to look for you. No one cared that you were gone. Only Dio cared about you now, and you'd do anything for him to keep loving you.

He pulled back, moving your head to face him "Do you feel better now, dearest?" he asks softly. You nod slowly in response "I'm sorry.." you mutter. Dio shakes his head "Don't be. It's okay to cry."

He made exceptions for you.

You slowly laid back down into the silk bedding, gazing up at your lover in the dim light. You felt confident to call him your lover now, after all, you had grown far more intimate than a captive or bait. His hand traced light patterns along your jaw, his soft gaze washed over you. You felt your eyelids slowly weigh themselves down, the world growing dimmer and dimmer.

"Good night, Y/N."

-------- :+: --------

Dio closed the door softly behind him, the volume of his inner monologue growing almost too loud for him to bare. This person, this frail human, had caused him so much unnecessary confliction, caused him to reveal weakness. Usually, crying would be seen in his eyes as weakness, a disgusting attempt to sway the situation to your advantage. He just watched you cry in front of him, and what did he do? He comforted you. He spat in annoyance as he turned to the direction of his library. Surely Jonathan's body couldn't have such a ridiculous effect on him, but it would be something he would do.

'It's okay to cry.' How disgusting. How dare those words come from his mouth. This human was not deserving on any exceptions to his way of life, and yet, he found himself giving up even his most basic beliefs for their sake. For their happiness.

He sat down and crossed his legs, staring at nothing as he continued to think. He was so angry at himself, so disgusted. Disgusted that he bends his own rules for a measly human of all things, but also angry that he had let them become so traumatised. He still had them wrapped around his little finger, no doubt, and anything he would ask they would do without question.

But was he wrapped around their finger as well? Able to bend for them, changing his way of life for them. He ran his hands through his blonde hair as his brows furrowed. They were traumatised and he comforted them. Both things he would never do nor care about, even finding enjoyment in such a thing. What has become of him, the great Dio? This human was a distraction he had to eliminate, but he could never bring himself to even think of such a disturbing thought.

He was so conflicted and had no doubt that they were too. This had proven to me more troublesome than it was worth. Why could he simply not just kill them and get back to the way he was.

His claw like nails were digging into the leather of the couch, nearly puncturing it. What an unfortunate predicament he had found himself in. "Curse you." He spat to nothing in particular, getting up and making his way to the door.

He needed something to take his anger out on. Someone to take his anger out on.

|| Chapter 12 - Conflicted ||

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