☆𝒾𝓉'𝓈 𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝑔𝓇𝑒𝓎☆

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Your days were spent as Dio's little pet, eagerly craving his attention like a little puppy. The days were becoming your time to sleep, and occasionally to go into the sun. The night had taken the place of the daytime. After all, if Dio was unavailable, what would you do with your day?

It was almost insane for you to fathom your nights without him. Biting, kissing. You loved it all. His touch, his smell, his voice. Your dreams were just becoming replays of the nights you'd had. He had completely taken over.

"Y/N, darling." he calls. You scurry over to him eagerly "Yes, Dio?" you ask him. He doesn't look up at you, but waves his hand to the his side "Come, sit next to me." he says dismissively. You blush "Of course." you say, taking your place next to him. His arm snakes around your waist, pulling your small body towards him. This was perfect. He was perfect.

His long nails trace patterns along your clothes softly, causing you to relax in his arm. "I'll be feeding tonight." he says. You nod "Alright, I'll stay in my room then, tonight." you say. He stops "You don't have to, you can watch if you'd prefer."

An invitation to watch him feed.

"Sorry, I don't really like watching that stuff." you quickly get out, scanning his face for any form of disapproval. He stopped his reading and cast a glance your way, causing you to freeze in your spot. He looked slightly irritated by your response, but his voice didn't show it. "Alright." he says dismissively. You felt guilt begin to erode the centre of your stomach. "I'm sorry." you mutter. He stops "Don't be. Why would I be upset? You're entitled to your choice." he says. This causes you to feel even worse.


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Often, the nights that he fed went the same. He would completely bewitch a person, manipulate them into thinking he was in love with them, and drain them of all they had. It was wrong, and by all means you didn't like it.

But... he had to do it to survive. You'd do the same thing in that circumstance, wouldn't you?

Sometimes, they would manage to escape his chamber, running through the house panic ridden looking for anyone to help them. Of course, no one would lift a finger, including you. On even rarer occasions, they would run into your bedroom to hide, only to tell you facts you already knew. "He's a vampire!" some would cry "Run! He doesn't love you, you're food to him!" others would whimper.

You just stood there and watched them as they got dragged away by Dio, their cries and terrified expressions forever burned into your memory. Part of you wanted to help them, help them escape, to run away.

He needed this to survive, though.

You couldn't do that to him. You couldn't take the food out of his mouth, but sometimes the thought would come to your mind.

Today, of course, had to be one of those occurrences. Your door flung open, and a desperate looking girl ran into your room, half naked. She slammed the door behind her, fumbling to find a lock. "You have to help me!" she whimpers desperately. "He's going to kill me!"

You just look at her. She had two holes in her neck, slowly leaking blood. Her face was also slightly smeared in blood. She looked so scared, so desperate to live. "Can you not hear me?" she asks wildly. "He's a vampire! He's going to kill us!"

You just stared at her. He'd be here soon.

The door opened slowly, and the girl screamed, trying to get out of your window. Dio gave you a smirk "Ahh, was she bothering you, my pet?" he coos to you. The girl swings her head back, wildly looking at you. She was too stunned to speak. "I'll deal with her for you, don't fret." Dio says. The girl shakes her head in disbelief. "No... no please."

Dio grabs onto her ankles, her face fell even further, her eyes widening as he dragged her out of the room. "NO! NO! HELP ME, PLEASE!" she screams as Dio takes her thrashing body back to his own room to kill her.

The terror on her face will forever haunt your dreams, added with the others.

But Dio needed this to survive, right?

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Dinner was quiet. You didn't have much of an appetite, anyway. The girls screams still rang in your head, her face still burned onto the back of your eyes. "Something the matter?" Dio asks. You shake your head, but say nothing. "Can I be excused?" you mutter suddenly "I'm really tired tonight."

Dio narrows his eyes but hums an approval, and with that, you begin to make your way back to your own room. "Y/N." he calls, stopping you. You spin on your heels "Yes?" you ask. Dio looks at you "Go to my room, you can spend the night there." he says. That was the last thing you wanted to do, honestly, but he had the right idea.

You feel safe in his arms after all. He could make all the discomfort go away with a single kiss.

But there was a little voice in the back of your head, one you thought had died weeks ago. 'How long are you going to keep defending a monster?'

Preposterous. He wasn't a monster. He needed to do it to survive. There was a clear difference.

You trudge up to Dio's large room, the smell of blood burning your nose once again. You closed your eyes, trying to expel the visions of the girls face again. So many things were bombarding you at once, the sound was deafening.

The girl's screams, her horrified face.
That one thought swimming around and around.

You honestly didn't know what was right and what wasn't anymore. It was all just whatever Dio thought. Whatever Dio did was right, and whatever he despised was wrong. It was as plain as black and white, there was no clear grey area that you could fathom.

The voice whispered something again as you climbed under the covers.

'You're wrong. It's all grey.'

|| Chapter 11 - It's All Grey ||

Passion | Dio Brando x Reader | Stardust CrusadersWhere stories live. Discover now