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Day and night. The cycle kept repeating, and you hadn't spoken a word to Dio. You were bitter. Angry. Hurt.


Scared of Dio, scared of what he could do. Scared of what he had done. How he had warped you to be his little bitch. Dio had made attempts for you to talk to him, but he never apologised. He never apologised for destroying your only hope. He never apologised for the things you had to see. The horrors. The blood. The pain.

You were angry at yourself. Day and night, you made excuses for him. For his bloodlust and for his cruelty. It was excuse after excuse. 'He needs to feed to survive.' you had told yourself. 'This was necessary for him, just like we kill animals.' God- it was sickening. Absolutely vile.

And the worst part was, you were in love with him. You loved this creature and you knew damn well you were just a piece of meat for him. To be bait and then be discarded, just like the rest of the people that come here.

You just couldn't deny the way he had made you feel. Even if you knew your purpose and your place. He had made you feel loved, somehow. However, balancing these treacherous thoughts and your own horrible memories of the faces you had seen die before you... made for very sleepless nights and were a perfect recipe for self loathing.

Your door handle clicked open, and a familiar face popped into the room.

"Y/N." Vanilla Ice says curtly. You turn away before muttering an annoyed "..yes?"

"Lord Dio requests y-"

"Tell him I'm not well." You spit. Vanilla Ice doesn't show any emotion "His word is non-negotiable. Follow me." he says firmly. You sigh and get up, following Vanilla Ice along a path you had hoped you'd never have to take again. He stops and opens the door for you, and you anxiously shuffle in.

There he was. In all his sickening, horrible glory. Perched in a throne like he was the ruler of the earth. "Ah. I had fully expected you to refuse again." He spits. You don't want to say a word. Dio hisses in anger "Stop this behaviour. This is childish. This isn't the Y/N I know."

"You don't know me at all." you hiss. Dio is taken aback. This truly was the first thing you had said to him in weeks. A snicker fills the room, dark and sinister. "Oh? Then where is the person to begged me for my touch. Begged for my affection. Are they not you?" He asks.

You shake your head, eyes burning into him with hatred. He responds with another small laugh "Come now, Y/N. This tantrum has gone on long enough. Now I know you can speak to me... you will speak. Do you understand?" His words were slow and dangerous.

"You changed that night too." You say after a long pause. This earns an even larger laugh "I changed? Oh no, my dear. I realised how... delusional I was. I was letting you feed into your little fantasy, for reasons I'm yet to uncover." He doesn't move, but you can tell exactly how his face would be twisted just from the tone of his voice.

You look at him in disgust, though you don't say a word. Dio's chuckle was low and resonating through the walls, sending chills up your spine. "I understand your... frustration. I had made a promise to you that I wouldn't let you watch something like that again. And I do regret causing such a... strain on what we had. But know that no opinion of mine has changed about you. I have just decided to hone my focus towards my actual goal. That is all."

You scoff "You won't fool me twice." You hiss, but Dio just sighs "I never fooled you at all. Come, my darling." He beckons for you to come closer. This makes you even angrier. You shouldn't even have to consider a choice like this, and yet, you are? This was how twisted he had made you.

You have to stand your ground. Though it terrified you, you still had a feeling he would do you no harm. "No. No." You say firmly. Dio pauses, assumably from surprise, but then gives a wave. His body moved ever so slightly, and you could just see the amber tones in his eyes reflected from the candlelight.

"Fine then. We'll resume this tomorrow. I fully expect you to have finished with your childish tantrum, and you will speak to me. Do I make myself clear?" He presses. You nod, but he does not accept it. His eyes were so unnerving. The amber was all you could see. No whites and no face. Just two amber dots, floating in a void where a face would be, had the light permitted it to be so.

Staring straight at you.

You shuffle, averting your gaze from the unsettling sight "Y-yes. Lord Dio." You mutter. He huffs, before waving you away a second time. You take this as a sign to leave the room, turning quickly. As fast as you could, you make your way to the door, opening it and squeezing through the small opening you had left yourself, praying you wouldn't catch a glimpse of his eyes once more.

That image, the look in his eyes.

You shove the image out of your head with a shudder, quickly walking back to your drab bedroom. You stop at a stain of blood on the floor. Just outside of your bedroom. It was her blood. Her blood, and your fault.

You feel your throat tighten as you hurry back into your room, closing the door a little louder than you had wanted to. You scramble to a corner in your room, releasing a long, heavy sigh. A sigh that became drawn out sobs.

Why did it have to be this way? Her life and others. Why was nature so cruel to have this happen? To take mortal lives for the continued immortality of another. You shudder as the image of Steph's body in your arms weeds its way into your head, followed by those eyes.

You rest your head on your bruised knees, sobbing as the tears ran down your thighs, and onto the wood floor below.

|| Chapter 14 - Delusional ||

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