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His long muscular arms were draped around your shoulders, his seemingly cold face had softened. It was just you and him alone. You would have liked to reciprocate his embrace, but you weren't quite sure if it was the right thing to do. Honestly, he was quite unpredictable. So all you did was stare into his eyes. Those gorgeous, dangerous eyes. The moment was perfect. Perfectly quiet, perfectly still.

It was like you had stopped time.

You were beginning to grow tired, but you didn't care. There was no way you were leaving here. Leaving him. You desperately tried to keep your eyes open, but he had no doubt you were fighting sleep. He gives you a mischievous smirk and brings one hand up to brush your hair behind your ear. "Getting sleepy, are we?" he muses. You try to supress a yawn "No.." you murmur, your eyelids drooping with every cold, melodic breath kissing your neck. "I'll be fine, I can stay up..." You trail off.

Dio gives a chuckle "Humans are incredibly weak... I'd almost forgotten about sleep." he begins. "And yet.. they're always so quick to deny themselves what they need most. It really is curious." You just wanted to bury into him and listen to him talk all night. After all... it was just tonight, wasn't it?

Of course not. He had you wrapped around his finger entirely, you knew there wouldn't be 'just one night', no matter how much you tell yourself that's what it is. Your eyelids grew heavier and heavier with each soft stroke he made down your spine. You were determined to stay awake. Determined to not be left on your own again. "You're tired, even a fool could see it." he whispered. "Why don't you just fall asleep? Put all your trust in me. I won't do anything rash, I promise." he spoke softly, menacingly. He was also amused. Amused at how hard you'd fallen for him, probably. How much you refuse to let him go.

But, of course, you couldn't just deny what he says. "Okay..." you murmur, barely awake now. You let your head drop into his chest. It was strangely warm, for an undead creature especially. The slow rise and fall of his breath calmed you down completely, the soft beating of his heart was almost like a soft lullaby. It was weird. He didn't need to breathe, to circulate blood. And yet he did anyway. Part of you wondered if it was still automatic, or if he kept it that way.

He held you close to him, running his hand up and down your back soothingly. It wasn't long before you felt yourself begin to slip into the soft abyss of sleep. You wondered what he would do once you fell asleep, but you also didn't care. You trusted him, right? You trusted him. You heard him begin to speak again, but you couldn't comprehend what he was saying. Too tired for that. Just the sound of his voice would do.

Finally, you felt the world around you slip away, and your mind finally rest.

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Your eyes fluttered open. You had no sense of what time it was, nor of where you were. Strange. After a small stretch, it began to make sense. The sheets. The mattress. The smell. You were in Dio's room. In Dio's bed. It was so warm, so soft. The smell was comforting, even if part of that smell was old blood. The bed was ginormous, even from what you'd seen when being in his room. But now you were in the bed, you got a perspective of how large it really was. You were still in the same clothes you remember being in, though your neck was now dressed. How sweet.

Finally, you sit up to observe your surroundings. The room was empty, and your heart dropped slightly. Part of you was expecting him to be standing there, wearing nothing but pants, smirking at you as you woke up. No matter, you knew he wasn't far away. Surely. You pulled the soft silk sheets off of you and turned to step out of the bed. God, your legs didn't even touch the ground. You snickered to yourself. This room really did make you feel small.

Still, you climbed out of the bed, making it behind you. You didn't want to risk the appearance of laziness, and you didn't know how much tolerance he would have for it. You were still his captive after all, still nothing. Your words from last night echoed in your head as you walked around the mansion looking for Dio. Just one night. You scoffed at yourself. Dio would make sure that you craved him more. How, exactly, you didn't dare ponder.

Finally, you reached the library. You'd been in here once or twice with Dio, sitting there aimlessly while he occupied himself. Occasionally, you would study his form while he read. He really was beautiful, as if shaped by a god. Every little action was so divinely elegant, and he knew this too. He relished your gaze. You knocked on the door lightly, and awaited a response. "Enter." he dismissively stated. You open the door and shuffle in, closing it softly behind you.

Dio looked up from his book, you could see some slight annoyance in his gaze, but only for a moment. Once he saw your face, that annoyance was replaced with amusement. "Sleep well?" he asked, a smile slowly creeping onto his face. You nodded as you moved to stand before him. "One would hope so, you slept for around 19 hours." He chuckled before adding "Not sleeping won't do you any good, my dear." You felt butterflies dance in your stomach at the phrase 'my dear'. Once, you felt repulsed by him using terms of endearment towards you, now you craved it.

He closed his book and placed it onto the table beside him, before looking you up and down again. "Bow." He commanded. You were startled, hesitating for a moment. No, you needed to move quickly. You obeyed, bowing down before him. "My affections end here." His tone had dramatically changed "You said it yourself, just one night. You are to become my personal servant." This was a side of him you'd never seen, though you'd also never doubted he possessed. This was how he was going to do it. He was going to starve you of affection from him, while still keeping you as close to him as possible. It was cruel. "You will only refer to me as your lord or as your master from here on out, and you will obey every command I give you." His voice was like venom, however, still terrifyingly entrancing. "If you want me to reconsider my affections, you will beg me for it. Otherwise, you'll simply serve me until I grow bored of you." his voice was so cold, so dismissive.

He dropped some rags on the floor in front of you. "Change into these, then come back to me immediately." he waves you away. You grab the rags quickly and hurry out of the room, you suddenly doubted that this was simply to get you to long for him. Had you done something to upset him? Is this the fate he had mercifully given to you instead of death? You couldn't help but feel slightly betrayed. Only slightly, however. You always were, and always will be, nothing to him. No matter how much affection he gave you before.

Still, you changed into the rags, unsure of what to do with the old clothing. You decided to take them back to your room and lay them on your bed, the you quickly made your way back to the library to await your next instruction. You decided to give it two weeks. Two weeks until you'll ask him again. How hard could it be to supress your emotions for two weeks? You had a feeling that this sudden coldness would only draw you into him more.

Still, how hard could it be?

|| Chapter 8 - Beg ||

Passion | Dio Brando x Reader | Stardust CrusadersWhere stories live. Discover now