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TW: Angst, gore.

When you woke, you were still in his room, in his bed. You felt so much calmer and so much better. You smiled to yourself, he was so good to you, so good for you. You looked around the room, trying to find a glimpse of his luscious golden locks faintly sparkling in the candlelight amidst the darkness. To your disappointment, however, there was no sight of him.

You parted your lips slightly, just enough to let your sigh escape into the empty room. You didn't know what you were doing, maybe hoping he would some how appear from the noise of your sigh. Again, to no avail. A small part of you called you foolish to even believe he would be there, most times he never is.

"Maybe he's in his library." you mutter to yourself, swinging your legs out of the bed. While you made your way to the library, you were met with a face you hadn't seen in a while.

"Ah, if it isn't Mx Y/N." Hol Horse says, his teeth gritted slightly to keep the cigarette in his mouth. You still felt awkward around all of Dio's followers, even Hol Horse, who had been the nicest to you. "O-oh, hi." you say, averting your gaze. the both of you stood awkwardly in front of each other, before Hol Horse breaks the silence. "If you're.. er... looking for Lord Dio, I believe he left to do some.. uh.. hunting."

You nod in understanding "Okay.. uh.. thanks."

You scurry to the side awkwardly, still deciding to go to the library regardless. There was probably a good book there you could start.

-------- :+: --------

Dio scanned the city, glancing at all sorts of people. This indecisiveness was only making him angrier. Finally, his gaze settles on a brunette, looking to be the same age as Y/N. He gives a small grin before following her into the bar. After a while of sitting back and watching her, he decides to close in for the kill. Sneaking up behind her, he began conversation.

"All alone tonight?" he asks smoothly. The girl puts her head up, eyes widening slightly at Dio's appearance "Oh! Uh- yeah." she says meekly, looking away as if to hide something from him. Dio clicks his tongue "Well, that won't do. A pretty woman such as yourself shouldn't be all alone." he continues, swirling patterns on the table next to her with his finger. She seemed stunned, maybe flustered? "Well, if you're offering to take me out, I suppose I won't refuse you." she says with some confidence. Dio smirks "Excellent. We can go back to my place." he says.

The girl nods, now completely bewitched by his presence. She was clinging onto his arm tightly, which he had to hold himself from ripping her apart then and there. Instead he forced a smile "Come then, my dear, there's a taxi outside for us." He says into her ear. She nods, almost like she was in a trance, following Dio into the back of the vehicle.

Once the taxi was moving, he took the opportunity to sway the woman more. Ever so gently, he'd slide his cold fingers down her face, gently holding her chin and turning her head towards him. The brunette gasped as he softly made the close between their lips, melting into his kiss almost immediately. Oddly enough, a part of Dio felt the smallest bit of guilt. For kissing this woman behind his darlings back. No, not his darling. His captive. His prisoner.

☆                                                                   ...                                                                 ☆

The taxi pulled to a stop and the two of them got out, the woman was practically begging for Dio now. Not that he was planning to even give her that pleasure. "This way." he tells the woman, entering his house. As Dio entered the house, he looked around, noticing his library doors were closed, and a candle was burning. 'They must be awake.' He observes silently. He turns to the woman, placing a teasing kiss on her neck "Come now, sweet. We shouldn't delay any further."

-------- :+: --------

You thought you heard his footsteps, and someone else's too. Closing your eyes and shutting the book, you knew what was going to come next. You inspected the cover further, memories started to come back in flashes of his previous victims. This one you just needed to not be around. Get to your room quickly. Lock the door. That's all.

You quickly rose from your seat, making your way to the doors of the library and placing a now sweaty hand on one handle. Taking a deep breath, you push the door open, and right on cue, there was an ear-piercing shriek that came from Dio's bedroom. Quickly, you stepped into the hallway, closing the door quietly behind you. Your room was just down the hall, you would make it before-

Something had run into you from behind, leaving you both to fall to the floor roughly. You knew exactly what was to come next "Oh my god. He's keeping you here too." the woman says frantically. You look away, not wanting to look at her face, nor say anything. Though, something didn't feel right. "Are you not going to say anything? We need to get out of here!" her tone was quickly escalating. There was something weird about her.

She turned you around to face her, and you were forced to look at her face. Her terror turned into shock, then happiness. "I- oh my god." she says quietly, trying to grasp who you were. You were too stunned to speak yourself. "S-Steph..?" you croak.

She cries out and pulls you into her "You're alive! Oh my god, you're alive. Do you know how long it's been?" she asks. You hesitantly shake your head, before a footstep brings you back to the reality the two of you were in "You need to get out of here." you say in a low voice. She looks at you, hurt. "You're not coming?" she asks softly. You hold your breath, it felt like a dagger of guilt was driven into you "I can't." you say. "But- But he-" she tries to object. You shush her "He won't do anything to me, that much I know for sure, but you need to leave." you whisper.

She whimpers before nodding. You softly place a hand on top of hers "It'll be okay. I'll be fine. You'll be fine." you reassure. She nods again, pulling you into a hug. Suddenly, there was a force that drove her into you, and a strange wet spot pooling at your stomachs. You pulled her away, to inspect the area, before a shuddered scream leaves your lips.

There was a large hole driven through Steph's abdomen. She collapses into your arms, spluttering and gasping, and just as you'd thought, Dio was standing above the both of you, licking the blood from his right hand. "Thank you for keeping her there for me, love." he chimes, reaching down to grab her body.

You defensively lean over it, trying to keep her with you. Dio frowns "Come now, you've never been this way before." he muses. You look up at him, tears streaming down your cheeks. He hisses at your tears "What are you crying for now? Surely that wench wasn't someone special to you."

You glare at him, not wanting to say a word as you held Steph's drying body in your arms. Her shallow gasps got quicker and quicker, before falling still completely, as bright red blood bubbled from her mouth and trailed down her chin. "There." he snaps "She's dead now."

You're not going to look at him.


You're not going to answer to him.

"Y/N, talk to me."

You're not even going to acknowledge him. Dio's hand roughly pulled your head in the direction of him, forcing you to meet his cold amber glare. "Do not play these childish games with me. Remember who is in control here." he hisses. You pull away "You're not in control of me, no one is." you snap. This angers him even more "Rethink that, pet. I am in control. I am your Lord, and when I say answer me, YOU WILL." he roars. You flinch back, staring up at him with a mixture of fear and disgust.

His eyes scan your body, before he turns away "Fine then, we don't need to talk. I just need to keep you alive before the Joestars get here, and then I'll kill you myself. Right in front of your little friend." he hisses, striding away from you.

|| Chapter 13 - Undone ||

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