☆𝓅𝒶𝒾𝓃 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓅𝓁𝑒𝒶𝓈𝓊𝓇𝑒☆

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Your lips met. Warm. Passionate. Trying to dominate anything he did was futile. If you got adventurous you might try to, one day. His hands ran up the side of your torso wildly as you kissed, you didn't ever want this moment to end. You were in a flurry of emotions. You wanted him. You needed Dio. Whatever he did, whatever he said, you'd made the promise of a lifetime. Only death could separate you now.

Dio pulled away, his face still close to yours as he let his breath brush past your cheek. You could never fully pinpoint a smell. What created that smell. To you it was just Dio. It was peculiar, but sweet. Sweet and attractively dangerous. You let your eyes flutter open slowly, almost gasping at the beauty of his chiselled face in the moonlight. He was everything you wanted. Everything you needed. His amber eyes drew you in. You couldn't help yourself. You leaned in, selfishly stealing another kiss from him.

To your relief, he gladly accepted it, though still quickly dominating the situation. He pulled away from your mouth, kissing across your cheek and jaw and down to your neck. You knew what was coming. His fangs pricked at your neck, teasing you. His warm tongue licking at the small wounds made. You knew he didn't have to drink blood this way, most of the time he did it just through his fingers, you'd guessed he only used his mouth for intimacy. He didn't wait for your permission this time, though you didn't care. His fangs sank through your skin, that familiar sting returning a second time. Venom, then euphoria. You let a small squeak escape your lips as he drank.

The moon was dancing in the sky above him, his scent his smothering everything, the stars just blended and danced in the sky with the moon, it was like everything had been replaced with crystals. You ran your hands up Dio's back, feeling every rise and fall of his muscles, feeling every part of him. He sank his fangs deeper, causing you to gasp. Now it was starting to hurt a bit, but you still loved it. The pain was always a price to pay for the pleasure. Sliding his fangs out of your neck, you winced, the relaxed and let your eyes fall, and apparently your body as well.

You felt his firm grim on you, firm yet gentle. The blood dripped down your neck, but Dio caught them with his bottom lip. "So delicious," he whispers into your neck. Oh, that voice. You almost wanted to beg him to speak again. You yearned to hear him say your name.  "Why have you done this to me?" he questions into your neck as you stare at the moon in dazed lust and ecstasy. Your hands ran up higher and higher, running over his shoulders.

He almost seemed to lean into your touch, yearning for you as much as you yearned for him. "I don't know..." You start, dropping your head to stare at his well defined chest. You envied him, him and his perfect body. He really was a godly being. "maybe I'm just what you needed." you finish, not even thinking about what you're saying. He lets out a chuckle and leaves a few more kisses on your neck before speaking again, between soft breaths "Oh believe me, my dear, you are."

He brought his head back to your eye level, gently holding your chin and moving your own head up to meet him. Oh lord, this man. You could never get enough of him. You wanted to kiss him again, you wanted to do more than that. No, you had to keep your dignity at least. The corners of his lips grew wider and perked up. He knew exactly how much you wanted him. "I respect that. Putting your dignity before your own primal desires. It takes strength to resist such a lust." he leans in. Yes. Kiss me. He whispers into your mouth "Shall I kiss you a third time? Or is there more you want me to do." he teases. He knew exactly how to bend you to his will, though you wanted to try that too. You held strong "Lets just dance." You reply. You see a flash of annoyance in his eyes. No, it wasn't annoyance. Frustration.

He said nothing, but began to dance again, not waiting for you to prepare yourself. He was rougher now, seemingly frustrated at your teasing. You couldn't help but giggle, and he looked down "Amusing, is it?" he said snarkily, though there was a smile on his face. He instantly picked up the pace, dancing at a rate that was almost inhuman. Your amusement had quickly turned into terror. You laughed and begged for him to stop, but he just kept going. It didn't take long for you to feel dizzy, between giggles you tried to get him to stop, though more firmer than the last.

He was enjoying every second of this. At last, he slowed his pace, letting you regain your composure. "Do you still think it's funny?" He wryly asked. You couldn't answer, just tried to regain your breath. He looked down at you, chuckling "Oh, did that exhaust you?" he sarcastically asked, though through more amusement rather than annoyance. You sigh. You still wanted him more than ever. Without warning, he grabbed your head and held it up, to face him. You were all sweaty and red, it wasn't how you wanted him to see you at all. But still, he leaned in, the third kiss being far more aggressive that the first and second. Oh, he really did want you. At least, he gave that impression to you.

He pulled away, breathing heavily into your mouth. "The night is young," he whispers, softly brushing his cheek with yours as he moved to your ear. "We have all night to do this, there's no need to rush." Rush? You weren't rushing, were you? Hah, as if. Almost immediately after, you let out a large yawn. Dio chuckled into your neck again, biting a bit of the flesh. "Oh, I see. Human weakness is keeping you from me." he jokes. You felt a pang of guilt rip into your stomach. You felt bad that you couldn't stay up.

Like somehow it was your fault.

You cast your eyes down to the worn bricks below, slowing your sway and even pulling away from him a bit. "Something wrong?" he cooed, almost as if he knew you felt bad. You shook your head and he chuckles, bringing his hand up to guide your gaze back to him. His eyes showed a cruel amusement, but you were too tired to give it any mind. He brought his face close to yours, lips just grazing your own bottom lip.

His teeth latched onto your bottom lip, small beads of blood surfacing where his fangs made contact. You stood completely helpless as he licked the blood from your mouth, occasionally taking some with his tongue and smearing it across the surrounding skin.

"Red suits you."

"Does it?"

"Would I say so if it didn't?"

Your lips met again. The taste of blood was the most prominent again, but after a while, you began to enjoy it more and more.

Anything he enjoyed, you found yourself to as well.

|| Chapter 10 - Pain and Pleasure ||

Passion | Dio Brando x Reader | Stardust CrusadersWhere stories live. Discover now