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⚠Smut warning⚠

3rd pov:

Eddie walks around his trailer nervously while trying clean up the place as nicely as he could. He had a visitor coming soon and he wanted everything to be perfect. Who was his visitor? Why no other than king Steve Harrington himself. Now Eddie's been struggling with some of his classes and he had asked the boy if he could help him out to which he agreed.  He really needed as much help he can get to be able to pass his senior year. His attention quickly goes to the door when a knock was heard. Eddie calms himself down before answering the door, "Steve! I'm glad you were able to come over" he said happily and let's Steve come into the trailer.
"No problem, I had the day off from work anyways. So what subjects are you struggling with? " asked Steve, looking at his friend.
Eddie leads Steve to the kitchen table, placing his hand on a stack of books, "All of them".
"Munson are you serious? What have you've been doing all this time?" scolded Steve, placing his hands on his hips.
"Listen princess, I didn't asked you to come over to get onto me. Just help me please" Eddie replied, taking a seat.
Steve takes a seat beside the other boy then takes a look at what needed to be done, "Well language arts, history, and science are easy but we may struggle a bit with math. I barely passed my math classes"
Eddie chuckled, "barely passing is better than not passing at all"
Once the two settled down, Steve began to help Eddie with the subjects he knew best. It was hard to keep Eddie focused since he would easily get distracted. Steve would lightly smack him on the head whenever Eddie started to doodle on his paper rather than doing his work.
"Ok, time for a break" said Steve, sighing.
Eddie stretches his arms, "Finally"
"Oh I wasn't talking about you. Only I'm taking a break. You still have lots of work to do" said Steve, going to grab a snack.
Eddie groaned, letting his face fall onto one of his books.
Steve munches on a couple of chips while trying to think of a way to help the other to focus. Soon a idea popped into his mind. He walks over behind Eddie, leaning on top of him while moving his hands to the book that laid in front of him. Eddie felt his face heat up, feeling Steve's chest against the back of his head.
"S-steve? What are you doing?" questioned Eddie, trying to remain clam.
"Focus Eds~ I'm gonna read the passage and you'll  listen while answering the questions" said Steve then began to read out loud.
Eddie's hand shook nervously as he wrote down answers. It was hard to focus when Steve's breath is on his neck.
"Can you hear alright? I can move closer" said Steve with a smirk.
Eddie opens his mouth to respond but Steve quickly moved to sit on his lap. His face turned red, looking at the other in shock.
Steve acted like it was nothing, continuing to read as he makes himself comfortable.
'This man is gonna be the death of me' Eddie thought to himself, trying to focus on his work. His free hand started to snake around Steve's waist, not being able to resist to touch him.
"No touching" said Steve, smacking his hand away.
"But Steve" whined Eddie.
Steve looks back at the other boy, "maybe if you get your work done, I'll give you a reward~"
Just hearing those words motivated Eddie into trying to complete all his work right away. Steve still helped him and decided to tease the boy by grinding his hips against him. Eddie bites his lip, trying not to lose focus despite how difficult it was to not touch the other.
Steve gasped when he felt a tent forming underneath him.
"Ok, I'm done" said Eddie, feeling relieved.
Steve turns himself around to face Eddie, sitting on his lap still while wrapping his arms around the others neck.
"See, that wasn't so hard" teased Steve, cupping Eddie's face with his hands then leans in for a kiss.
Eddie felt himself melt into the kiss, his hands run from Steve's thighs up to underneath his shirt. The other shuddered from the coldess of metal rings touching his skin.
Steve then palms Eddie's crotch with his hand, he slowly pulls away from the kiss. He continues teasing the other, listening to the sounds he made.
"Steve...ah shit~ You fucking tease" Eddie groaned.
"How about we take this somewhere else~" Steve whispered.
Then suddenly without warning, Eddie picks Steve up by his thighs. He quickly rushes to his bedroom before roughly pinning Steve down onto his bed.
"You're driving me nuts~ If you tease me anymore, you won't be able to walk in the morning" growled Eddie.
Steve decides to test him, lifting his knee up to rub against Eddie's crotch.
Eddie snaps as he starts to strip Steve and himself til they were only in their boxers.
Steve blushes when his hands get pinned down above his head. Then moans softly when Eddie starts attacking his neck with kisses and small bites. His hands start to tangle into Eddie's hair, slightly tugging onto the hair to only hear low groans in return.
Eddie pulls away and slides his own boxers, he chuckles at Steve's reaction when he revealed himself.
"Look what you've done, it's only fair for you to help me out~" said Eddie, laying down.
Steve gulped nervously, crawling between Eddie's legs. His stares at him with lust in his eyes.
"Go on, suck it" commanded Eddie to which Steve almost immediately obeyed as he takes him into his mouth. Eddie leans his head back, groaning from how well he was doing. He looks back to make eye contact, enjoying the sight in front him. The Steve fucking Harrington was giving him a blow job. What a beautiful sight to see.
Steve bobs his head further down while quickening his pace.
"Ah shit~ I'm getting close princess" Eddie warned, moaning from the pleasing feeling.
Steve continues til he felt Eddie shoot his load into his mouth. He pulls away, coughing a bit.
"Sorry, I should've pulled out" said Eddie, getting worried that he messed up.
"Don't be sorry, I just didn't prepared myself well enough" Steve replied as he slips his boxers off.
Eddie moves to where he was on top of Steve, "Do you want to go onto the next step?" he asked.
Steve nods, "Yes...do you have lube?"
Eddie reaches over to his nightstand, he pulls out a bottle of lube from the drawer. Then pours a good amount on his fingers to prep Steve. He slides one finger into his entrance.
"Fuck~" muttered Steve, adjusting to the feeling.
Eddie thrusts his finger in and out, he soon adds another.
Steve arches his back while moaning, "Hurry up Eds! I can't take this any longer" he wined.
Eddie chuckled, "Look who's being teased now"
After a while, Eddie lines himself to Steve's entrance and began to slowly make his way inside.
Steve grips onto the seats, "Too big~ I feel so full already"
Eddie gives the other kisses, waiting for him to get comfortable before being able to start moving. He lifts Steve's legs over his shoulders. Steve let's him know he was ready as Eddie began thrusting into him slowly.
"Don't hold back Munson~ Go faster~" moaned Steve.
Eddie nods, picking up his pace and even going rougher than before. He looks down to see what a mess that Steve's become underneath him. This only made him more riled up. Steve cups Eddie's face with his hands, pulling him down for a kiss. Then starts leaving hickey's on his neck.
Eddie groans in response, slamming himself into Steve harder causing him to moan louder than ever. Looks like he found the perfect spot to abuse with each thrust. Steve screams in pleasure, arching his back home.
He felt his limit was getting close, "Fuck~ I'm getting close to my limit~"
"So am I" Eddie said with a grunt, still going as fast as he can.
Steve let's out one final loud moan when Eddie slams into him as they both released at the same time. The two looked at each other, trying to catch their breaths. Eddie waits for a moment before pulling out and collapsing beside Steve.
"Man, if this is the reward I'll get every time I get work done, I'll be passing every class in no time" said Eddie once he catched his breath.
"Oh shut up Munson" said Steve, throwing a pillow at Eddie's face.
The two spent the rest of the evening in bed together, enjoying each others company til they both fell asleep in each others arms.

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