Let me protect you too

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A/N: changing the scenes when Nancy and the others go after Steve when he's dragged underwater and gets attacked by the demo bats)

3rd pov:

"STEVE!!" shouted Nancy as the jock gets dragged under water.
Robin panics then looks over, noticing Eddie standing up, "Wait Eddie!" she yelled but the boy jumped in without a second thought.
Secretly, Steve and Eddie used to be close friends but separated due to popularity along with other problems. However after seeing each other again, the two became close over time thanks to Dustin. So seeing his friend/crush in danger made him react quickly. Eddie didn't want to lose Steve again, he quickly swims down and sees a weird hole at the bottom. He was hesitant until he heard a familiar voice yelling in pain, pushing his fear aside and Mame's his way through. Finding himself in a odd place he's never seen before. He sees a oar laying around and runs to grab then follows Steve's voice. Only to find him getting viciously attacked by demo bats.
"Hey! Get away from him!" shouted Eddie, getting the bats attention. He runs at them while whacking each of them repeatedly.
"Eddie?! What are you doing!? Get out of here!!" shouted Steve, struggling to get up.
Eddie ignores him,"Jesus christ Steve! Stop trying to sacrifice yourself! Do you think no one will care if you die!? Well think again dumbass! Robin needs you! Dustin needs you! Everyone needs you! Even I need you!! Let me protect you too!!"
Soon Robin and Nancy came running over too, helping Eddie get rid of the bats.
Steve stayed on the ground, not taking his eyes off the metalhead.
Everything went silent once the bats were taken care off.
"Steve are you ok??" Nancy asked, rushing over to the guy.
"Just lost a pound of flesh, no big deal" said Steve, blood dripping from his mouth.
"Let's hide before more of those freaky bats come" Said Robin as they all help Steve get up and they eventually find a cave to hide in.
Steve sits down on the ground, leaning back on the cave wall.
Meanwhile Nancy rips her shirt to wrap the fabric around Steve's wound for the time being. Robin kneels down beside him, panicking but trying to comfort her friend instead.
Eddie looks away, not wanting to stare while trying to process where they were. Then hears the other three talking about how to escape. Nancy tells them about how she had guns in her room that they could use. Steve slowly stands up, getting startled when Eddie tossed his jacket at him.
"For your modesty dude" said Eddie.
The group walks into the woods and split up into two groups between guys and gals.
Steve and Eddie walked in silence before the jock spoke up, "Thanks for helping me back there Eds"
Eddie sighs, "No problem, I couldn't just stand by and let something bad happen to you. Wish I could've done the same for Chrissy but that was different"
"Hey, you didn't knew what was going on. Don't beat yourself over it" said Steve.
"Hey can you do me a favor?" asked Eddie.
Steve shrugs, "Sure I guess. What is it?"
Eddie looks at him, "Don't run off and make hasty decisions. I know you've been dealing with this longer than I have but you don't always have to tough it out to be the hero. We barely started talking and hanging out again, I can't lose you again for good. I'm here and will have your back just like how Robin and Nancy came running to help you too. Please Steve, I need you alive. I can't lose you too"
"Eddie...you will never lose me. I know I can be a dumbass sometimes but I'm not leaving any time soon. I promise" replied Steve.
They both looked at each other, Steve starring at the other boys pretty features. His wild fluffy hair, those dark brown eyes, his kissable lips. It was like he was in a trance.
"My eyes are up here Stevie" Eddie teased, seeing Steve starring at his lips.
"Has anyone ever told you how pretty you are?" Steve asked.
Eddie looks at him surprised, "Ok, I think the blood loss is getting to your head"
Steve pins the metalhead against a tree, looking at him seriously, "I'm completely fine"
"Steve, what are you doing?" Eddie asked, laughing nervously.
"You have no idea how much I've missed you. How much I hated myself for letting you go. I hanged out with the wrong crowd and tried becoming someone that wasn't me. I'm sorry Eddie, I hurt you...I hurt the person I love" Steve confessed.
Eddie stayed quiet, processing everything.
"I tried forgetting you by hooking up with girls but none could replace you. Not even Nancy could compare. You're one of a kind" Steve continues, lifting Eddie's chin up as he stares at him.
"Does me being a freak not bother you at all?" Eddie asked.
"You're not a freak Eds, and if you are then I'm a freak too" Steve replied, leaning in close.
Eddie leans in too, closing the gap between them as their lips touched. Feeling Steve holding him close by his waist. They kissed until they heard Robin calling for them.
Eddie slowly pulls away, "We're gonna get caught if we keep this up"
Steve pouts, "But I wanna kiss you still" he whined while kissing Eddie's neck.
"You're making this very difficult" Eddie whispered, squirming a bit from the kisses. Although he had to admit, he did liked seeing the jock like this. But to be able to free himself, he gives what Steve wants and kisses him again. Then walks off as he watches Steve quickly hurries after him.
Robin sighs in relief when she sees the two,
"Hurry up guys! We still have to get to Nancy's house!" she shouts.
"We're coming, Harrington just needed a minute to collect himself!" Eddie replied as he helped Steve walk over to the girls. They walked a little slower as the girls walked ahead of them.
Robin glances back at them seeing how they were acting somewhat different.
"Did you guy's fucked?" she asked.
Nancy looks over at the guys surprised.
"No, we made out" Eddie answered calmly.
Robin gasps, "Steve what the fuck!? How did you kiss a guy before I even get to kiss a girl!? That's so unfair!"
Eddie laughs, listening to Steve and Robin having a small silly argument. Things may be crazy but at least they can still have fun moments like this.

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