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⚠Smut warning⚠
Au back in 1984, Steve's senior year in Hawkins High. With no vecna activity)

3rd pov:

Steve sighs, putting on his basketball uniform to get ready for a game. He had no clue about what was gonna happen later at the game today. His secret crush, Eddie Munson is gonna give him a huge surprise. Eddie also had a crush on Steve, the two would flirt with each other whenever they got the chance. But neither of them were bold enough to ask the other out. The metalhead finally had enough and decided to shoot his shot. But he wanted to tease the jock and show off to everyone at how well he has the other male fallen for him. Everyone needs to see who Steve will soon belong to. Thankfully, Chrissy and Robin had his back and gave him an amazing idea. It takes a while before the game starts, people began to arrive and took their seats on the bleachers. Steve walks out the lockers with his teammates, walking with them to the court. The cheerleaders came out, there was more commotion happening than usual.
Curious, the jock looks over to see what was going on. His eyes widen, jaw dropping in shocked. No way. Eddie was with the cheerleaders, wearing their uniform. He looks around then spots Robin and Chrissy, giving them a 'what the heck is going on' look. The two shrugged, trying to act like they didn't knew what was going on. Steve sighs, doing his best to pay attention to the game as it starts. But kept getting distracted whenever Eddie started dancing with the cheerleaders, doing cheers for his team. Why was he doing this? Did he lose a bet? Not that he was complaining, Eddie looked amazing in a skirt. Every movement he made was hypnotizing.
"Hey Steve! What are you doing man!? Get your head out of the clouds!" shouted Jason when the other team scored.
Steve snaps back to reality.
Eddie smirks, hearing the jock get scolded at.
"Steve is definetly checking you out. He can't even focus on the game" whispered Chrissy.
"Looks like my charm is working" said Eddie.
Chrissy laughs, seeing how much fun he was having.
The jock had enough, excusing himself to take a seat at the bench.
Eddie took this chance to talk, making his way over to the male. "Hey"
"Hey" replied Steve.
"You seem like you were struggling out there. Something wrong?" asked Eddie.
Steve scoffs, "Don't play dumb Munson. You know what you're doing"
"What? You don't like my outfit?" teased Eddie.
"I do like it but I hate that everyone can see you wearing it" answered Steve.
"Don't act like I belong to you big boy~ Although I can if you want me to" Eddie whispered seductively.
Steve smiles, "Oh yeah?"
Eddie backs away, "On one condition"
"Like what?" asked Steve.
"Win the game for me" said Eddie before walking away.
With that said, Steve chugged down a bottle of water before heading back to the court. He was determined and began scoring points for the team one after another.
"Wow, he's really focused now. What did you say to him Eddie?" asked Chrissy.
Eddie smiles "Just some words of encouragement"
At the end of the game, Hawkins won. Everyone cheered while the band played stands tunes.
Chrissy and Eddie cheered while watching Robin play on her trumpet.
After everyone was done celebrating, people began to leave the gym.
"Bye Eddie, I'm gonna go take Robin home now" said Chrissy, grabbing her bag.
"Have fun with Steeeeeeve" teased Robin before leaving with the other girl.
Eddie sticks his tongue out playfully.
Steve came running over to the metalhead once he got away from his teammates. Then swiftly picks him up bridal style.
Eddie gasps, "Steve, what if your jock friends see us?! I don't wanna ruin your reputation"
"They can fuck off, they're all assholes anyways" responded Steve, walking to the boys locker room then goes inside to give them privacy. Eddie stares at him with want and desire in his eyes.
"I did what you said, I won the game just for you" said Steve, putting Eddie down then pins him against the lockers.
"Then shut your mouth and claim your prize big boy~" whispered Eddie, leaning in close as so does the other male. The kiss started out sweet but soon became passionate. Hands tangled in each others hair and touching wherever they could reach. Steve slowly pulls away only to attack Eddie's neck with kisses and small bites. Enjoying the sounds escaping from the other male's mouth. Eddie moans softly, lifting his knee up to grind against the jock's crotch. Only to hear low groans. His hand trails down and palms against Steve's clothed hard dick.
"Need some help there Steve?" questioned Eddie.
Steve nods, his hips grinding against the others hand to gain more friction. He then gets pushed back to the other side of lockers.
Watching as Eddie gets down on his knees who looks up at him for consent before tugging both his shorts and boxers down.
"Look at you, getting all excited for me~" Eddie purred, wrapping his hand around Steve's dick. Slowly stroking it to tease him. He licks the tip before taking the whole thing into his mouth without gagging. Then makes sure to keep eye contact with Steve while bobbing his head.
"Fuck~ You look so pretty right now~" moaned out Steve, tilting his head back.
Eddie hums softly, soon quickening his pace. His messy bun falling apart, letting his hair go down.
"I'm getting c-close~" Steve warned, his hand pushing Eddie's head down. A few moments passed before he came into the others mouth.
Eddie waits a second before pulling away, making sure to swallow everything he could.  He slowly stands up while getting some help.
"Get your ass on the bench now" growled Steve, taking his shirt off.
With no hesitation, Eddie quickly sits on the bench and waits for further instructions.
"Should I undress too?" he asked.
"No, you look so cute in that outfit" said Steve, making his way over then positions the other male on his hands and knees.
"W-wait, someone might walk in on us" stuttered Eddie, blushing brightly.
"I doubt anyone would still be around. Usually they all go out to party after a game" Steve assured, lifting Eddie's skirt up and pulling his boxers down. Making the other gasp as he gets exposed.
"I um...don't need any prep" Eddie mumbled.
"Oh? Were you thinking of me when you touched yourself?~" teased Steve, grabbing a bottle of lube out of his bag. Opening the bottle and pours a fair amount on his hand to cover his dick. Then rubs his tip against Eddie's entrance to tease him.
"Just do it alre-Aaaah~" Eddie gets interpreted as he felt Steve unexpectedly thrusted inside of him.
"Watch your tone Eds" Steve said sternly, already starting to move his hips at a fast pace. Enjoying the sinful sounds the metalhead made. Each one making him want to speed up. Eddie let's out screams of pleasure, enjoying the roughness. His arms and legs began to shake, the pleasure was overstimulating him.
"Enjoying yourself?~" asked Steve.
Eddie tries to respond but no words made sense and kept interrupting himself with loud moans. To which Steve felt proud of as he was the one who was making Eddie like this. He comes to a stop and pulls out, causing the other to whine from the lost of touch.
"Why did you stop?" Eddie whined.
"I wanna see your face" Steve responded, standing up and helps Eddie get on his feet as his legs wobbled. 
"Here" said Steve, picking up Eddie by his thighs and presses him against the lockers.
Eddie wraps his legs around the others waist, "Better?"
Steve nods, "Better, I'm gonna put it back in. Ok?"
Eddie nods, moaning loudly as Steve thrusted back into his entrance. Going even faster than before and even found his prostrate. Making sure each thrust targeted that spot over and over again.
"Too much~ I-I'm gonna"
"Go ahead darling, I'm close too~" whispered Steve, leaving trails of kisses from Eddie's chest up to his jawline.
Eddie tilts his head back, his nails dug down into the skin on Steve's back as they left scratch marks.
"C-coming!~" he warned, cumming onto both of their stomachs while staining the skirt as well.
"I'm almost there~" Steve groaned out, then slams into Eddie's prostrate one more time before releasing his load. He waits a moment before pulling out, trying to catch his breath. Eddie's head falls onto his shoulder, too exhausted to keep his head up.
Steve gets worried and starts to ramble, "You ok Eddie? I'm sorry if I went too overboard. Want me to get you something? I'm so sorry"
Eddie let's out a tired laugh, "I'm fine Steve, really. Just tired, I mean you practically fucked my brains out"
Steve sighs, taking Eddie over to the bench and sits him down gently. He goes to his locker to get spare clothes out for them to change in. "Here, get changed. I'll drive you home"
Once the two got dressed, they left the locker room then made their way out of the building.
"What do you think about going on a date later?" asked Steve.
"A date after being fucked? Isn't suppose to go the other way around?" teased Eddie.
Steve rolls his eyes, taking the others hand in his. "Yes or no?"
"Yes, I would love to go on a date with you" answered Eddie, walking with Steve to his car.
Who would have guessed that the two got together by Eddie wearing a cheerleader uniform.

Sorry for the late update! There was a two part story that was originally supposed to be posted before this. But that story is long gone because it was rushed so bad and the plot made no sense. So this story took a while to finished. Sorry again for the long wait! Thank you for reading, I really appreciate it. More stories will be comming soon hopefully)

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