Eddie I want you to marry me

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A/N: next few stories will be fluff or angst, just to take a small break from smut for a bit)

3rd pov:

Steve hums softly to himself as he drove to the highschool to pick up Eddie from his hellfire club campaign. Usually the metalhead would drive himself but Wayne had to borrow his van for a few days. Which Steve didn't mind to give his boyfriend rides since he gets to spend more time with him. Today Steve has a date planned out once Eddie finishes, he wants to take him to skull rock for a nice picnic. Then when it gets dark, they'll view the stars together. It sounded simple but for them, it was enough. Steve snaps out of his thoughts when the passenger door opens. He looks over and smiles as his lover gets inside, sitting down before closing the door.
"Hi" said Eddie with a smile.
"Hey" replied Steve, leaning over to kiss his boyfriend.
Eddie hums, kissing back while pulling Steve closer by his shirt's collar. They both got interrupted when someone suddenly slams their hands onto the hood of the car. Making the two look over to see who it was. Dustin.
"Get a room you two!" shouted the young boy before running off laughing.
Eddie rolls down the window before sticking his head out, "Henderson you butthead!" he shouted.
Steve laughs, shaking his head then pulls Eddie back inside, "Get in, I have a date planned for us"
"Oh? What's the special occasion?" asked Eddie, buckling himself.
Steve starts the car then drives away from the school, "Nothing really. I just want to have you to myself for a while"
Eddie smirks, "You just can't get enough of me huh Stevie~"
"I blame you for being irresistible" replied Steve, keeping his eyes on the road.
Eddie then turns on the radio as it played a mixtape of songs that he and Steve enjoyed. He listens as each song played, starring out the window. Sometimes singing along to a song that he liked. Steve would join every once in a while if he was familiar with the song.
"No way, since when did you started listening to Dio?" questioned Eddie as Rainbow in the Dark played in the background.
Steve shrugs, "I may or may not have been trying to listen to some of your favorite bands. It's silly but I always enjoy hearing you ramble about stuff you like. But I feel a little guilty when it's something I don't understand"
Eddie smiles, "So does this mean you'll give DND a try?"
"Well the kids tried getting me into it before but I just couldn't keep up with everything" replied Steve.
They both continue chatting about their interests and how thier day has been going.
Once they arrived to their location, Steve parks the car then gets out. Eddie does the same and looks around curiously. He feels his boyfriend's hand grabbing his before getting tugged into the woods. Not knowing what was going on but soon figured where they were going. Skull rock. When they got there, a nice picnic waited for them.
"Very romantic Stevie" teased Eddie.
There was a blanket on the floor with a basket filled with food and drinks.
"I just wanted to do something nice for you" answered Steve, taking a seat on the blanket as the metalhead joins him. They eat almost everything that Steve packed for them but has to save room for desert. Eddie walks around, gathering sticks and dry leaves then places them into a pile. He takes out a lighter to make a small fire so they could roast marshmallows. Steve grabs the marshmallows, graham crackers, and chocolates out of the basket.
"Watch how the master does it" said Eddie, putting his marshmallow on a stick and holds it above the fire. Only for it catch on fire and burn to a crisp.
Steve laughs, "Very impressive"
Eddie watches the jock as he perfectly toasts his marshmallow and pouts, "Show off"
"Want me to make you one too?" asked Steve.
"No, it adds more flavor when it's burnt" replied Eddie, building his s'more.
As time went on, the sky became dark but the stars shined. The couple laid on the blanket beside each other, starring up at the sky. Pointing out constellations or make up shapes of their own.
"You know, I hope we can have more moments like this in the future" said Eddie.
Steve looks at his lover, "Eddie I want you to marry me"
The metalhead looks back at the jock surprised while blushing, "But Steve...it's illegal for us to get married"
Steve sits up, "We'll wait a few years"
Eddie looks away nervously, being a little scared of the possibilities.
"I don't mean to frighten you, I just wanna be clear" Steve says softly, making Eddie look back at him and leans down.
Eddie smiles then kisses his boyfriend. They take a moment before pulling away and stare at each other lovingly.
"What if we just stay stuck as fiances forever?" asked Eddie.
Steve smiles,"I don't mind as long we are together. Fiances or husbands, whichever it'll be is alright for me. I just want you Eddie Munson by my side as we grow old together. I want to wake up every morning to you by my side. I'll do anything to make that happen"
Eddie looks at his hand as he takes one of his rings off. Then places it onto Steve's finger, "Hmm..Eddie Harrington, I like the sound of that"
Steve nods, "It suits you"
They shared another kiss then for the rest of the night, they talked about ideas for their possible wedding in the future. Both getting excited and nervous about the future. Whatever happens, they both know they'll always have each other.

A/N: Just wanted to point out that the three lines that Steve says, "Eddie I want you to marry me", "We'll wait a few years", and "I don't mean to frighten you, I just wanna be clear" are from a song called Acolyte by Slaughter beach, dog.
I swear when I first heard the song, it said Eddie instead of Annie. But no, it was just my imagination. Anyways, thanks for reading! More stories will be published once they're finished

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