Can it be fixed?

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Angst story where Steve and Eddie knew each other since kids. Don't worry there's a bittersweet ending)

Eddie pov (kindergarten flashback) :

I hate school, no one ever wants to play with me and I don't know why. Everyone is always so mean to me for no reason. I haven't done anything wrong. Whenever it's recess time, I always sit underneath a tree by myself and watch my classmates play together. I don't bother to ask to join anymore or they'll just be mean to me again. My eyes start to water, it hurts to be alone.
"Hi, what's your name?" asked a boy as he walked over and kneeled down in front of me.
I looked at him surprised then looked away, "Leave me alone" I mumbled.
"But I wanna play with you" replied the boy.
"Yeah right, no one ever wants to play with me" I snapped at him.
"Why?" he asked.
"Because they think I'm a freak" I responded, tears starting to fall from my eyes.
"Well I don't think your a freak" the boy argued back, taking a seat next to me. "So what's your name?"
I wipe my tears away and smile at him, "Edward but I like to go by Eddie"
The boy smiled and laughed,"Nice to meet you, my name is Steve"
Ever since then, me and Steve played together every day. We became close best friends.

Time skip to middle school flashback:

I waited for Steve at our hangout spot at a abandoned park. We always meet up here everyday after school. The two of us even started secretly dating behind our parents backs. I took a seat on one of the swings and got startled when Steve hugged me from behind.
"Steve! Don't do that, you almost scared me to death!" I shouted, playfully pushing him away.
"Sorry, it was tempting since your guard was down" said Steve, laughing.
He takes a seat on the swing next to me.
"So what took you so long to come here?" I asked, swinging my feet.
Steve sighed, "My dad was being a asshole again, it took me a while to escape from one of his stupid lectures"
He looks over at me with a smile to assure that he was ok, his father always scares me. Steve gets up, grabbing my hands to help me up.
"Come on it's getting late, I'll walk you home" said Steve.
We both walked together through our secret trail that to led to the trailer park while holding hands. When we arrived to my house, Steve helped me sneak into my room through my bedroom window. Once the coast was clear, I leaned down on the window to look down at Steve.
"I'll see you tomorrow" Steve whispered then gets on his tippy toes to give me a kiss before he left. I watched him walk away til he was out of sight then closed my window. I hope we can be together forever, Steve's the only guy that ever cared for me.

Time skip to Freshman high school year:

Me and Steve didn't really got to hang out much during the summer, I hope everything is ok. But hey, at least I'll get to see him more during school even though we must stay distant. I walked around the hallways and spotted a familiar face. It was Steve, I was gonna walk over to him but stopped as he was with the popular kids. Maybe I'll wait till their done talking then stood by from a distance, looking at the papers on a bulletin board. I tried not to eavesdrop on their conversation until my name was mentioned.
"Oh my god, have you seen that kid Eddie Munson?"
"Oh yeah, that dude looks like a freak"
"His taste in clothes and music are so weird"
"Not to mention his hair, like get a haircut man"
I felt my heart drop when Steve spoke up, "Yeah he's a total weirdo"
His friends soon left once they were all done gossiping and trash talking. Steve frozed when he saw me not too far away. We both stared at each other, I couldn't handle it anymore and ran off. I tried holding back my tears while going into a empty classroom. Steve managed to catch up with me, closing the door behind him.
"Leave me alone!" I shouted, turning away from him.
"Eddie please, let me explain" Steve begged.
"Explain what? I heard you trash talking about me with your stupid friends. There's nothing to explain" I snapped at him, turning to look at him with tears in my eyes.
He walks closer to me and tries to touch my face but I smacked his hand away, "Don't fucking touch me"
"Eddie I-"
"We're threw"
"We're breaking up!" I shouted, pushing him out of my way leaving him alone in the room. That fucking jerk, I fucking hate him.

Time skip to the present where Eddie is found in the boat house by the gang:

Well shit, here we are now. Me pinning Steve to a wall while holding a broken bottle up to his neck. We stared at each other with mixed feelings. I hate his pretty face, I want to hurt him for what he did but I can't. Dustin and his friends calmed me down as I stepped away from him.
"Hey guy's, can you give us a moment?" asked Steve.
Dustin, Robin, and Max all looked at each other confused after what happened but walked out to give us space. Steve walks over to me but I backed away.
"Don't" I said, my voice tightening.
"Eddie, I never wanted to hurt you" Steve said softly, looking at me.
"But you did" I replied, wiping my tears away.
Steve took a step forward to see how I reacted but I didn't moved. He then brings me in for a hug, I wanted to resist but I couldn't. It felt good to have his arms around me again yet also painful.
"Stop" I mumbled.
Steve shakes his head, "No, I want fix things. Fix us"
I look at him, "it's pointless"
"Not to me, not if it's you" said Steve, placing his hands on my face.
"God I hate you" I said, smiling a bit.
Steve chuckles, "Yeah I hate me too but I'm working on it. Things changed but not in a way that I wanted it to happened"
"How so?" I asked, leaning in close.
Steve does the same as our lips almost touched, "I lost you along the way and I don't plan on losing you again"
I moved away right when he was gonna kiss me. Steve looks at me surprised, giving me a small whine.
"Not so fast big boy, you have to earn that privilege back" I teased then walked away to join the others outside. Steve grabs my wrist, pulling me back to him and kisses me. He pulls away and smiles, walking away afterwards.
I stood there shock, "You butthead, that wasn't fair!" I shouted, running after him. Maybe things can be fixed after all.

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