Untitled Part 1

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You awoke to the sound of your mother knocking on your door.

"Honey wake up! We have to go to Hogwarts and get you transferred today."

You groan as you get out of bed and dig some clothes out of a box since you hadn't even had time to start unpacking yet. You grab a black V-neck, throw on some jeans, and a pair of boots, you also put on some eyeliner and mascara before brushing your hair, throwing on your Horned Serpent sweater, and head downstairs.

You grab a muffin and head to the car with your mother to head to Hogwarts. You weren't excited at all to say the least. You are in your 6th year, one more year until you graduate, and your father's job caused you guys to move to another country, you begged to stay but, there was nothing they could do. You were understanding but, upset nonetheless. You didn't want to come to another school and have to start all over again when you were so close to being finished, but you're thankful you get to go being a Muggleborn.

When you and your mother arrive at the castle you walk in and are directed by the ghosts on where to go to speak to the headmaster. The two of you arrive you sit in the office and wait for him to arrive, you look around, marveling at everything in the room, including the phoenix sitting above his desk, the room is stunning. The door opens and you and your mother rise and are greeted by a tall man with long white hair and a long white beard to match, his little half-moon glasses right almost at the tip of his nose, and in a long blue robe, his voice was kind and inviting.

"Welcome, please have a seat." He said shaking both your hands and walking over to sit at his desk.

"Thank you for meeting with us Headmaster." You mother says.

"Please call me Albus." He smiles at the two of you.

"What all do we need to do today to get Y/N enrolled?"

"Well, we will need to get her sorted into her house, and I'll need her transcripts from Ilvermorny."

"Oh, I have those in my bag." You mother says, shuffling through her bag and pulling out a manila envelope.

Dumbledore turns his attention over to you noticing your sweater, "Horned Serpent?"

"Yes sir." You respond.

"Funny thing isn't it?"


"Well, looking at the name of your house, one would assume you would be in Slytherin, correct?"

"I guess so."

Your mother is smiling, watching the back and forth between the two of you.

"Both are snakes; it would only make sense right?"

"Also the fact that Isolt, the founder, was a direct descendant of Salazar Slytherin." You respond.

Dumbledore's eyes light up at that response, "You know your history."

"I try my best to stay educated."

"Well, Slytherin is for the cunning and ambitious, what is Horned Serpent for?"

"The mind, it favors scholars."

"Exactly," Dumbledore begins, pointing at you "which is why your Hogwarts house will be Ravenclaw, for the wise."

He smiles at you before reaching out and getting the envelope from your mother, he scans the pages, murmuring and muttering to himself as he thumbs through the pages.

"Your grades are outstanding."

"Thank you sir."

"I will get everything settled, an owl will deliver your schedule, for now the two of you need to go to Diagon Alley and get everything on this list." He extends out a piece of paper.

"Thank you." Your mother says, reaching for the paper.

"Y/N will need to return after she gets everything she needs and we will get her settled into her common room and ready for her first day tomorrow, robes and uniforms will be provided."

Dumbledore walks over and open the door for the two of you. You and your mother head to the car and head for Diagon Alley to get all the supplies you need.

You get to Diagon Alley and get your books, that is the only thing you need considering you have a pet, trunk, cauldron, and wand already. Once you get the books you need, you and your mother head back to the castle.

"I love you sweetie, be sure to write." You mother says as you pull back in to the castle and load everything onto a trolley to get it inside.

Mr. Filch shows you to your common room and tells you that you can find your room from there. You feel very nervous walking in to the common, everyone stares at you and it makes you feel very much like an outsider until a girl with pale hair, skin, and eyes with a sweet voice approaches you.

"Hello, you're new here."

"Hello, yes I am I am just looking for my bed."

"I like your voice, where are you from?"

"Oh, thank you, I'm from the United States."

"I've always wanted to go there, let me take you to your bed, I think you're with me," she begins, walking you towards a room, helping you with your things "how rude of me, I'm Luna."

"That's a beautiful name, I'm Y/N, nice to meet you."

"Thank you, my parents picked it out, I think we could be great friends."

"I hope so." You smile as you begin unpacking all your things and getting settled into bed. You see your uniform and robes and lay them on the dresser for tomorrow. I hope this continues to be this easy.

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