Untitled Part 4

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You walk into Snape's office, it's empty so you sit down in the chair across from his desk in a chair and begin reading to pass time, hoping he shows up soon so you aren't late to your next class.

You hear the door open and close your book, carefully marking your page and putting it into your bag before turning around.

You turn to see Snape, unimpressed, walking over to his desk and sitting down.

"Miss Y/L/N, your report in my class was not due until Friday."

"I know, but I wanted to go ahead and turn it in since I was finished."

"Are you unable to follow basic instructions? Or do you like being a know-it-all?"

You feel anger rising in you as you try your best to calm down before speaking, "Neither, you never said we couldn't turn it in early you said it was due Friday, and furthermore, I do not consider myself a know-it-all, it's not my fault no one else puts their work as a priority."

Snape looks at you with shock on his face and you feel worry building in your stomach.

"I thought you would be the right girl for the job."

"Job sir?"

"I have some Slytherin students who need tutoring in my class and not just anyone can put up with them, I wanted to be sure you could handle yourself before asking."

"Oh." You let out a small giggle.

"On Friday after lunch I need you in my classroom ready to help them, tell them anything you think will help, pointers, notes, those sorts of things." Snape speaks very articulate and very slow, it makes you sleepy in class and this is worse somehow.

"Okay, I won't be able to stay late I have Quidditch in the evenings before dinner."

"Very well," he begins walking towards the door and opening it for you "carry on."

You give him a small smile before walking out the door and heading to your next class, Transfiguration.

You arrive to class everyone is seated and writing quietly at their desks, no teacher yet just a tabby cat sitting on the desk. You walk up to the cat, place your old Transfiguration transcript on the desk, give the cat a gentle pat on the head and turn to walk back to your desk when you notice everyone staring at you, a couple people even giggling.

You are very confused as to why until you feel a tap on your shoulder and turn to see the professor. She is a little older, hair up in a tight bun under her hat, sweet face, in a black dress. You look at the desk behind her and the cat is gone and that's when it hits you. The cat WAS the professor.

You quickly walk back to your seat and sit down, sinking down into your seat as much as possible, hoping you can make yourself disappear then, someone sits down beside you.

"Well, it could've been worse." They say as you look over and see Hermione.

"How is that?"

"I don't know," she lets out a small giggle "I was trying to be helpful."

You both laugh as class begins. The professor introduces herself as Professor Mcgonagall. The class begins changing things gradually, changing the color, the size, etc. You and Hermione excel at it and begin talking.

"Hermione, I have a couple questions if that's okay."

"Yes, go ahead."

"Are you muggleborn?"

"Yes.." she replies, seeming confused.

"Me too! And, uh, who called you THAT. You know, what we talked about yesterday, if you don't mind me asking."

"Oh, Malfoy, it hurt me then but now I don't care what anyone thinks because regardless I'm here as well and make great grades."

"Do you strive for good grades because you feel lucky to be here and want to learn all you can because it seems like a fairytale?" you say, looking down at the desk.

Hermione looks over to you with a caring expression and smiles, "Yes."

You smile at her and the bell rings so you head outside to Quidditch practice, it goes well, everyone on the team seems to like you pretty good and they're amazed at how good you are, even if you have an older model broom.

After practice you head to the hall for dinner and sit with Luna like you usually do, the two of you talk about classes and she asks you about Quidditch, she doesn't know much about it but she is sweet and always enjoys you talking about something you're passionate about.

"I'm heading up early Y/N, I have a paper due, enjoy the rest of you evening." Luna says in her sweet soft voice.

"Goodnight Luna."

You leave the table and head to the library to find something to read for the week and write your parents a letter, once you finish the letter you send it out via your owl and sit in the library to read. You were reading a book on the history of Hogwarts when you came across something about 'Moaning Myrtle' and decide to go to the bathroom to see if she was actually there, you figured she was, but wanted to check nonetheless.

When you enter the bathroom you hear two people talking, a boy and a girl. You know you should leave but your curiosity gets the best of you and you sneak further in to see Myrtle speaking to.... Draco? His voice is shaky and upset, you can't make out what he is saying but you can tell by the tone, and Myrtle sounds comforting. You can't understand why he would be in here talking to a ghost with his popularity status. Then you realize its quiet in there now. Too quiet.

"You know its rude to eavesdrop." You hear a squeaky voice from behind you say in your ear causing you to jump and scream. Maniacal laughter and realize, it was Myrtle behind you.

"I-I wasn't meaning to intrude, I just hadn't met you yet. I'm Y/N."

"Well I'm sure you know who I am, it's nice to meet you." She smiles before floating around and disappearing into a toilet.

You realize in all that ruckus, Draco has left.

Why was he in there? What were they talking about? Why did he sound so upset?

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