Untitled Part 5

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You get to your common room, get showered and brush your teeth and head to bed, mind still buzzing about what you saw.

It's finally Friday and you are anxious about tutoring because you have no idea what you're getting yourself into. The morning seems to fly by and before you know it, it's time for lunch.

You're sitting and chatting with Luna when Snape comes over to your table, placing his hand on your shoulder.

"Time to go." He says in a solemn tone.

"I'll see you at dinner Luna." You say, getting up from the table and following Snape down the hall.

"Go ahead in and the students will be in shortly for help."

"How many students will there be?"

"Supposed to be 5, doesn't mean they will all show up." Snape says, walking down the hall as you enter the classroom.

You sit at a desk in the front row and wait for students to start showing up. A couple students walk in and you begin helping them with the worksheets Snape gave out. Students come and go at different times, probably working around their other classes.

You're sitting, reading a book, when another student walks in for help. It's Draco, the two of you lock eyes for a moment and he rolls his.

"What are you doing in here? I thought you had some of the highest grades in the class."

"I do." You respond shortly.

"Then why, oh great, you're the tutor then?"

"Very good Draco but, stating the obvious isn't the point in here." You let out a small giggle and the corner of Draco's mouth almost pulls into a smile before he rolls his eyes.

You sit next to him and begin helping him with his worksheet but, catch yourself staring at him. He is beautiful, more beautiful than everyone had said, his skin is pale and looks soft, his blonde hair slicked back, and those beautiful blue eyes so focused on his work. But you catch yourself wondering about him in the bathroom with Myrtle again when you realize, he's looking right at you.

"I have a question for you Draco."


"Why were you in the bathroom talking to Myrtle?"

He looks shocked and almost embarrassed when you ask.

"Never mind, it's none of my business anyway, you just sounded upset and I was wondering if everything was okay." You add.

"Yeah, I'm okay, I go in there sometimes and talk to her when I need a breather."

A breather? What could he possibly be needing a breather for?

"Oh well, I'm glad you're okay then." You smile at him and he shoots half a smile back, looking into your eyes deep when you think to yourself, is he getting closer? The thought barely makes its way across your mind when his lips crash into yours, causing a shock in your body and mind. The bell rings and he quickly pulls away and grabs his things, running out the door, leaving you confused.

You go to Quidditch and try to keep your mind right but, it's hard considering someone who was unnecessarily mean to you just kissed you.

After practice you go to the library instead of to dinner, you needed some quiet time to think and try to figure out what the hell just happened.

As you're sitting reading you see Luna walk in, looking around.

"Luna." You yell quietly, she sees you and walks over with a small make shift baggie in her hand.

"I noticed you weren't at dinner so, I brought you a little bit of food." She says, laying the bag down on the table.

You reach in and pull out a dinner roll, a piece of chicken, and a pastry.

"Thank you Luna, I appreciate it."

"I figured you would be hungry after Quidditch and when I didn't see you I figured you were here." She says with a smile before getting up to walk away.

"Where are you going?"

"I can tell you need to be alone and are too polite to say so, I'll see you tomorrow." She waves before walking towards the door and out of the library.

You snack around on the food Luna brought you and read 'The Tales of Beedle the Bard' since you'd heard a lot of people talking about it and had never heard of it. It's a children's book but, you felt the need to read it so you would understand when it was brought up.

On your way back to the common room you stop by the prefect's bathroom to talk to Myrtle, you were intrigued by her and her story. The two of you are sitting and chatting when you hear footsteps, you look over and see Draco, you feel your heart beating in your throat.

He looks shocked to see you in there talking to Myrtle and turns to leave.

"Draco, wait."

He stops and turns to look at you.

"Can we talk?"

"We don't have anything to talk about."

At this point, Myrtle has already left and it's just the two of you.

"We don't?"


"Why are you acting like this?"

"I'm not acting like anything."

"Draco you kissed me today, then just left and I feel like you've avoided me all evening and I just wanted to know why."

"I don't know alright? I just felt like I needed to I guess."

"Felt like you needed to kiss me or ignore me?"

"Kiss you."

Draco hasn't looked up from his feet since you started talking about it, "Draco look at me."

He looks at you, eyes locking into yours, he looks, sad, lost, those blue eyes must be like an ocean with all the secrets they hold.

"Why did you feel the need to kiss me?"

"It just felt right, okay?"

"I just don't understand." You look at him, puzzled expression across your face.

Draco steps closer to you; you feel your heart pounding.

"No one, not a single person, has ever wanted to be sure I was okay before. You barely knew me, I was mean to you even, and you still checked if I was okay."

"I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, you can't be as bad as you make yourself seem." You smile up at him.

"It's getting late, we should go before we get in trouble." Draco says, stepping closer to you.

"Y-yeah we.. we should go." You barely seem to stutter out because he is just inches away. You look down and grab your bag and Draco places his index finger and thumb on your chin, pulling your face up to look at him. You look into his eyes, heart pounding, breaths shaky.

He leans himself down and plants a soft, sweet kiss on your lips. You breath him in, he smells good, like Mahogany apples and leather, his lips are so soft on yours, like pillows. He pulls away and puts s single index finger on your lips.

"Shhh." He says before pulling his finger away. "Goodnight Y/N."

"Goodnight Draco." You say as he walks out of the bathroom.

You get back to your common room and get ready and get in bed and lay there and wonder to yourself, is this really happening?

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