Untitled Part 6

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Warning: Slight sexual content 

You wake the next morning, still confused but, relieved you don't have class since it's Saturday, and your first Quidditch game isn't for a couple more weeks. This weekend you decide to go to Hogsmeade to check it out and see what all the buzz is about. You go alone, you like some solitary time to yourself every once in a while.

You decide to wear jeans, a Green Day t-shirt, your boots, and a flannel overtop since its getting chilly, you throw your hair into a ponytail and put on some mascara before heading out the door and walking to Hogsmeade.

When you arrive you decide to go to the Three Broomsticks for a butterbeer and a pastry to warm yourself up before exploring anymore, you order your food and sit in a dark, corner booth alone. Once your butterbeer and pastry arrive, you begin eating and drinking while reading a book you had in your bag.

You see Draco walk in, he's wearing black slacks and a Slytherin sweater with black boots. You catch his eye, he shoots you a quick smile before going up to order and walking towards you, before he turns back from ordering you quickly look down at your book and begin reading again. Draco places his hand on your table, you look up at him.

"Is this seat taken?" he says with a smug smile.

"I'm not sure, I think a pompous rich boy was going to sit here with me." You say with a giggle.

Draco laughs and sits with you, after his food arrives he begins talking to you.

"Do you really think I'm a pompous rich boy?"

"Doesn't everyone?" you both laugh as Draco scoots close to you, nearly touching his leg on yours, you feel yourself get hot from the inside out.

"Y/N, do I make you nervous?" he asks, placing his hand on your thigh.

Fuck yes you make me nervous, you think, but you wouldn't dare say that.

"No, why would you?"

"I see how you look at me." He says with a smirk.

"Don't ALL girls look at you Draco?" you say, not breaking the eye contact.

"Not the same way you do." He leans close to you, you almost can't contain the smile that cones across your face.

"How do you mean?"

"The other girls, they just look at me."

"Obviously." You giggle.

"You, you look into me. You see me, they don't."

Draco runs his right hand up the side of your face, into the hair behind your ear, before pulling you over for a kiss. This kiss isn't like the other two, there's more. He runs his hands through your hair, left hand trailing up your thigh, tongue slipping between your lips. You run your hand up his chest and place your other up the back of his neck into his hair before he pulls away, you feel a pout come across your face when he does.

"You want to get out of here?" he asks.


The two of you walk out of the Three Broomsticks and Draco takes your hand and leads you down a dark alleyway. Not wasting any time Draco gently places you against the wall lips finding their way to yours, tongues playing tag in each other's mouths, Draco places himself right up against you, you put both hands on the back of his head, running them through his hair, your nails causing chills to run down his body. You lips have not parted, Draco places a hand on your hip and another finds its way to your throat, Draco gives a gentle squeeze on the sides, causing a moan of pleasure to come from your lips into his mouth.

Draco pulls away, leaving both of you breathless.

"We should head back to school." Draco states.

"Yeah, it's getting late." You respond as you go to walk away.

"Hey." You hear from behind you.

"Yeah?" you say turning around.

"I figured I could walk with you, just two students walking back."

For some reason, that statement hurt your feelings, "Okay, come on slowpoke." You smile.

The two of you begin walking back to Hogwarts, laughing, joking, and even nudging each other the whole way. It's nice to see this side of him, the real side.

As you two arrive at school it's dinner time, you go your separate ways to sit at your house sorted tables to eat.

"Hey Y/N," Luna begins as you sit down "how was Hogsmeade?"

"Oh it was good, any suggested places you like?"

"No, I find it best to explore yourself and find things you like." Luna says softly.

"That's a good point." You smile back.

"So did you and Draco go together?" Cho chimes in.

You nearly choke on your drink hearing those words come from her lips.

"What do you mean?"

"I just saw you two walking back together is all." Cho replies.

"Oh, we just happened to leave at the same time I guess and caught up with each other." You responded, hoping it wasn't suspicious.

"Oh okay." Cho responded as everyone began eating.

Once everyone finished you and the girls head to the common room to get ready for bed.

The three of you get Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans and try them to see who gets which flavors, some of them are so good but, some of them are so disgusting, causing retching and gagging but, also laughter. You're thankful to have made friends like Luna and Cho. You consider Hermione a friend as well considering you two have similar backgrounds. It's a lot nicer than you expected it to be.

Once you girls finish the box of beans you talk a little bit about class and the girls bring up the Yule Ball coming up in the next few months, everyone discusses what they would want to wear. Before long you all get tired and lay down, it doesn't take long to drift off to sleep.

Sunday morning you wake up and go to the library while everyone else heads to Hogsmeade, you have some reading on Magical Creatures you'd like to do before the week begins. As you're reading you can't help but sit and think about yesterday with Draco because, what IS happening, what are you two, what is going on with you and him? The thoughts are buzzing around your head like a Golden Snitch, making it extremely difficult to focus on anything.

You decide to go talk to Myrtle to try and clear your head, sometimes she can be helpful. When you get to the bathroom, she isn't there so, you sit in the floor and read your book, your mind is a lot more calm in there for some reason. Once you finish reading what you need to read you walk out and see Draco and his friends standing in the hall, laughing and talking you smile at Draco and he looks away and laughs with his friends. You storm off, feeling embarrassed. Why would he be that way with you alone and act like this in public? You weren't sure of the answer but, you didn't care because you were not going to be treated this way. At all.

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