Untitled Part 9

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WARNING: Sexually explicit content ahead

The rest of the day, Draco goes out of his way to meet you in between classes, you notice people staring and whispering today, Draco tells you not to pay no mind to them, he already sent his parents a letter and he is ready to do what it takes to be with you.

Draco walks you to lunch with his arm around you, kissing the side of your head before you part ways to go to your house tables to eat. You sit beside Luna per usual.

"How are you feeling Y/N?"

"Much better, thank you guys for checking on me." You respond, looking over to Cho as well, she smiles at you.

"I have to ask." Cho says, looking at you.


"Are you and Draco, dating?"

"Oh," you laugh "I don't think we have a label right now."

"I was just wondering, I've been seeing you two together a lot and everyone is talking about it, especially the Slytherin students."

"Oh yeah? What's everyone saying?"

"Just how lucky you are, some are wondering how you put up with him...." She trails off.



"Cho, it's not going to bother me I'm sure I already know what else."


"Yeah like how a mudblood from America ended up with him."

Cho looks down, seeming embarrassed.

"Cho, I'm not upset, I know how some people think, it's okay." you smile at her to reassure her you're okay.

The rest of lunch you three chat about the Yule ball and dresses, the girls tell you the best places to go and look for a dress for it, you begin to wonder if Draco is going to ask you or if you are just going together.

By dinner the whispers in the halls have mostly stopped, the stares however, have no. They don't bother you nor do they bother him.

Draco kisses your head sweetly after you sit beside Luna before walking over to his table. A few owls fly over the tables delivering some late mail and you notice your owl. She drops you a single black rose with a note attached it reads:

Yule? Meet me in the prefects bathroom after dinner.

Xoxo- D

You look over to Draco who has been staring awaiting your response which was a smile and you felt your cheeks begin to warm. You are too distracted during dinner to eat or think, all you can think about is meeting him in the bathroom to tell him of course you'll go to the ball with him.

Once dinner is over you look over to the Slytherin table and Draco is already gone. Damn he is quick.

When you arrive to the bathroom Myrtle is nowhere to be found ad you hear someone calling you from over where the bathrub is.

You walk over and see Draco.

"Hey princess."

"Hello." You shyly smile up at him.

"So, what do you think about the ball?"

"I'd have to be mad to say no to you, you beautiful boy."

Draco's eyes darken at that statement, you cups your face in his hands and begins kissing you passionately. He pulls back leaving you both breathless.

"You better watch saying things like that, you'll drive me mad." He says, lips inches away from yours.

"Maybe I want to." You whisper into his mouth.

"Oh yeah? You sure you want to deal with that?" he says with a smile, hands gripping your hips.



"You are beautiful."

With that Draco backs you against the wall, lips crashing into yours, hand going up your thigh and into your skirt, you gasp as he rubs your heat outside your underwear.

"You're already soaked, look at you, so wet for me." He smiles, speaking those hot words right into your mouth before slipping his tongue between your teeth.

You moan out when his fingers find their way into your underwear, slipping inside you so carefully.

You tilt your head back in pleasure feeling him so intricately move his finger inside you.

"Draco, I need to feel you." You barely get to say due to your lips never parting from his.

He pulls back and looks into your eyes, you nod permission before he unbuckles his belt exposing himself to you, and pulling a condom from his pocket and sliding it on gently.

He gets back up against you, pulling your underwear to the side before sliding himself on your folds before toying at your entrance to make himself lubricated. As you feel him fill you up you yell out, Draco quickly covers your mouth.

"Shh princess, we don't need anyone to find us like this." He whispers, kissing down your neck, you tilt your head to allow more access as he nibbles gently, careful not to leave a mark though the both of you would love nothing more.

He takes his free hand and begins playing with your sensitive bud wile thrusting into you, for better access, Draco picks you up, still deep inside, and carries you over to a sink to place you atop it. You put both hands on the back of his head, running your fingers through his hair as he toys with your bud, thrusts increasing in speed and force.

"Draco, I'm-I'm cumming!" you shout.

He quickly covers your mouth, knowing if he doesn't your climax will cause much more noise. You feel your walls closing around him, throbbing and sending him over the edge.

He lets out a muffled groan into your neck before slowing his rhythm to a stop. Draco helps you down from the sink and walks into a stall to clean himself and rid himself of his condom.

As the two of you leave the bathroom, Draco walks you to your common room, you are caught by Professor Snape.

"What are you two doing out so late. Alone?"

"Y/N wasn't feeling well so I waited outside the girls room to walk her to class." Draco quickly responds, you hold your ribs and look at Snape.

"Mr. Malfoy, return to the Slytherin common room I will accompany Miss Y/L/N to hers."

"Yes sir." Draco says, you look at him behind Snape and he shoots you a wink.

Snape walks you to the Ravenclaw common room and tells you to rest and you'd feel better, you're lucky you two didn't get in trouble.

You lay in bed and fall asleep with the smell of Draco lingering all over your body.

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