Untitled Part 7

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The next day you get ready for class, feelings still a little sore from yesterday. You walk to Defense Against the Dark Arts with Cho, you two chat walking down the hall and sit beside each other in class. Class seems to breeze by today, probably because you and Cho were having so much fun in it today. When it's time for Divination you wave goodbye to Cho and head towards Divination when you're pulled into another hallway.

When you looked you realized it was Draco who pulled you to the side.

"What do you want?" you say, coldly.

"I wanted to talk to you."

"Draco stop, if you're only going to talk to me and kiss me when no one is around or looking I don't even want to speak to you."

"Listen, it's.. it's complicated."

"I don't care Draco, I'm not doing this." You say, going to walk away from him.

"You don't understand how my family is. My father, our line, its different."

"I don't care, if you meant ANYTHING you said to me, any of it at all, you'd figure something out. But, I'm not going to sit around and be played with."

"Y/N wait." Draco pleads as you walk away, tears welling up in your eyes but, you're quick to dry them up before Divination.

After class, which you spent mostly in a haze, you go to lunch and find Luna and sit down with her.

"What's the matter Y/N?"

You look over at her, confused.

"You seem sad, if you were a color right now you'd be a deep blue." Luna replies.

You sigh, trying to think of what to say to her.

"You don't have to tell me, I just hope it passes soon and, it will." Luna says with a smile.

You smile back and her and sit reading your book during lunch, you couldn't bring yourself to eat.

Herbology is spent learning about fungi and how to and not to use them and what they're used for. It went by fairly quickly and you are beyond ready for Quidditch practice.

When you get changed and out to the Arena only your captain is there.

"Hey, what's going on?"

"Practice is cancelled today, a couple players are hurt and we are going to wait until tomorrow when they get healed up better."

You are unsure of what to do during this entire period you have free so, you go up to the tower where the owls are and send out a letter to your parents you had written so they know how everything is going. Once your owl leaves, you stay in the tower, petting the owls and being alone, you feel that is best when you're upset.

You realize it about time for dinner and go to leave the tower, on your way down the stairs, Draco meets you.

"Draco leave me alone."

"Will you just listen to me?"

"No, I heard you this morning and I don't care. You know how I feel about it so, there ya go." You go to walk past him and he puts his arm on the wall, blocking your way.

"Y/N, please."

"No." you say in a firm tone, ducking under his arm and heading to the hall for dinner.

Once you get inside you realize you don't want to go to the hall so, you head to your room to get ready for bed, today has been completely exhausting.

The next few days are spent avoiding Draco but, you can't do that anymore considering its Friday and you have to tutor this evening and you know he will be there.

After lunch you walk to Snape's room and begin helping students with their worksheets Snape has given them for the week. They come and go like they did last week, making time during classes to come in for help with their extra credit sheets and any other work they may have that they needed help on.

It's getting towards the end of the period and Draco comes in. You have set in your head you're helping him with work, not talking about the two of you, and you're okay, even when you're not.

Draco looks upset, sad even when he sits down next to you, pulling out his work he needs help on. You can tell while you're helping he has a million things to say, you can see it in his eyes. It's hard for you to not say anything as well.

When the bell rings the two of you get up to leave and head to the hall, before you go your separate ways you hear Draco slightly yell.

"I'm sorry Y/N."

You turn to him and give him a slight smile and head to Quidditch practice. Quidditch goes well, you have a game tomorrow against Gryffindor and you think you guys have a chance of winning.

You get to dinner and eat and chat with Luna, it's nice Luna is very excited for your first game, she is the sweetest person you have ever met. When you get to your common you go shower and get ready for bed, when you come out you notice everyone standing at your bed, whispering, when they see you coming they part like the red sea, allowing you to see a package on your bed. It's a long box, black with a silver ribbon. You open it and see a brand new broom, it was gorgeous, sleek and black with your name engraved on the end of it. There's a card and a single blue rose in the box as well. The card reads: Forgive me? –D

You are shocked, blown away even, you don't want to accept this gift, you don't even understand why he would send it in the first place. You can't send it back considering it has your name on it but, you're not using it in the game until after you talk to Draco about it.

The next morning you wake and go down to breakfast with Luna, everyone is excited and talking about the upcoming Quidditch game. While everyone is eating the mail comes, you get a letter from your parents wishing you luck on the upcoming game and talking about how proud they are of you, when another owl comes with a huge bouquet of blue and silver roses, they are gorgeous.

All the girls, wide eyed are asking who they are from, so excited for you to open the card and see who sent them, your parents you're assuming.

You open the card and it reads: Good luck today. –D

You look around the hall and Draco is nowhere to be found. What is going on?

When it's finally time for the game you are flying around, waving to your friends and then you look and see, no way.

In the Ravenclaw side you see Draco, black slacks, Ravenclaw sweater, waving at you. Everyone and I mean EVERYONE is looking at him, what on earth could make Draco Malfoy, basically Slytherin royalty be in Ravenclaw colors. You. 

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