Untitled Part 3

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The next day your first class is Ancient Runes, you walk in and low and behold, there he is, sitting at the table right across from the only empty seat in the room. Fantastic.

You reluctantly sit at the table next to him, trying your best not to look over at him. The teacher comes to the front of the class, she has long dark red hair, dressed in a dark red dress, and a witch's hat.

"Welcome to Ancient Runes, I am Professor Babbling, many of you know but I see new faces so I felt an introduction was in order. Today I will be pairing you up to work on a worksheet, you will be filling it out to the best of your ability to test your knowledge on the runes, to see if you've bene paying attention, or need some help. For any new students, do not fret this is not a grade, just an experiment. I will be calling you up one by one to draw a name from this cauldron to see who your partner will be."

Students are being called and walking up one by one, pulling names from the cauldron, before you know it, it is your turn. You reach into the cauldron and read aloud the name you got, which, you're not familiar with.

"Draco Malfoy."

You look up. No, it can't be, not HIM. You think to yourself as the blonde boy, you now know as Draco, rises from his seat and walks up to you smugly. The two of you get your papers from the Professor and walk over to your table and sit down.

"Just couldn't resist me could you?" he asks with arrogance.

"Don't flatter yourself, I didn't choose your name on purpose." You say, rolling your eyes.

"That's what I'd say too, I know how you girls feel about me." He says with a smirk, popping the collar of his robes.

He had a point, you did hear a lot of talk about Draco but had never seen him, the girls were right he is beautiful but, that attitude is killing all that beauty for you.

"Well I'm not like the other girls now, can you please focus on your work Mr. Malfoy?" you say, looking down to your paper and beginning to write on it.

You glance up from your paper to see Draco staring directly at you.

"Can I help you with something?" you ask, annoyed.

"Well," he begins "you can call me Mr. Malfoy again." He smiles.

"I mean with the work." You huff out.

"Oh, no I've got it." He says as he begins writing on his paper, so you shift your focus back to yours.

The bell finally rings, you give your paper to the teacher and head out the door where you are greeted by Draco and his goons, you try to walk by but they block your way.

"So, where did you come here from?" Draco asks, walking next to you down the hall.

"Ilvermorny if you must know, now, will you go away?"

"You know you like me here giving you my attention."

You finally lose your temper with him which, you try not to do, "Why exactly would I want a pompous, wanna-be bad boy bothering me?'

You seem to have struck a nerve, you can see it in his eyes when he steps in front of you, stopping you in your tracks, "Listen mudblood, you better watch who you're talking to."

That comment should've hurt, but it didn't.

"Why? You going tell your daddy on me?" you say, pushing your way past him.

He scoffs and walks away from you so you head to your next class, hoping he leaves you alone.

By lunch you're ready for the day to be over, that mudblood comment was staring to bother you, instead of eating you go to the library, sit in an isle and breakdown slightly when you hear approaching footsteps. You quickly stand up and wipe your eyes.

"Hey, are you okay?" you hear a girl ask you.

You look over to see a girl with crazy, curly brown hair in Gryffindor robes.

"Oh, yeah. Rough day is all." You respond, sniffling your nose.

"I'm Hermione, Hermione Granger."

"I'm Y/N Y/L/N. It's nice to meet you."

"Are you sure you're okay? Last time I was in here crying someone called me a name." she says.

"What did they say?"

"Well, it doesn't bother me anymore, but third year a boy called me a Mudblood."

You look down and back up to her "I got called that today too." You say, sitting back down on the floor.

Hermione comes over and sits next to you "Don't listen to them, you're special, so special that being a wizard chose you."

You look over at her and smile when you see Luna coming around the corner.

"Hey Y/N, oh, hello Hermione,"

"Hey Luna." You say as Hermione gives her a wave.

"I've been looking for you; you're needed in Snape's office."

"Okay." You say, mildly confused, rising from the floor with Hermione.

"See you around Y/N." Hermione says, you wave as you leave the library and head to Snape's office.

What on earth would he want?

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