Untitled Part 8

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The game is going well; your team is winning by a few points when you get hit by a beater. That's all you remember before waking up in the hospital wing. You peek open your eyes and see candle light, it's nighttime, your head is pounding, you reach your hand up and feel a bandage, wrapped all the way around your head, it hurts, mostly the back, you can't tell through the bandaging but you're almost certain you have stitches. You can't really remember what happened at the game but, you figure in the morning someone will be able to tell you what happened and, of course, how the game went. You look around the wing to see if anyone else is there when you catch a shadow in a chair beside your bed.

"Lumos." You whisper quietly into your wand that you got off the night stand beside you.

It lightly illuminates and you see Draco, all slumped over asleep in the chair beside your bed, still wearing the Ravenclaw sweater from the game. He looks so sweet sitting there asleep but, you know there is no way its comfortable. You hear footsteps approaching, "Nox." You whisper, sitting your wand back where you found it and laying down and closing your eyes.

You hear Dumbledore speaking to the nurse, "How bad was her injury?"

"Nothing too serious, slight concussion and a few broken ribs, she will need to stay here a few days to be monitored."

"Okay, and Malfoy?"

"He hasn't left since she got here, he refuses."

"I'll speak with him and try to get him to go to bed."

You hear the nurse walking away and Dumbledore speaking softly to Draco.

"Draco, you need to get up and go to your room."

"There's no class tomorrow headmaster, can I just stay in here with her, just in case she wakes and needs something?"

"I appreciate your concern Mr. Malfoy but the nurse has everything under control."

"What if she wakes up and no one is in here?"

"She will be fine, you can come in the morning after breakfast."

"Fine." You hear Draco say in an annoyed voice before stomping out of the hospital wing.

You feel yourself drift back off to sleep. When you wake your nightstand has a Horned Serpent plush and a dozen blue roses on it. You feel a smile creeping up on your face when you hear,

"Good morning sleepy head."

You look over and see Draco sitting in the chair.

"Good morning, why are you here?"

"I needed to make sure you were okay."

"Did you get all this?" you ask, gesturing to the collection on your nightstand.

"What makes you say that?"

"Just a hunch." You laugh as pain shoots through your ribs, causing you to clutch your right side.

"Are you okay?" Draco says, worry shooting across his face as he stands up and comes closer to the bed.

"Yeah, just hurt a little is all."

Draco sits on the side of your bed, taking your hand in his.


"Yes?" he responds, rubbing his thumb across the top of your hand.

"Why did you get me a new broom?"

"Why didn't you use it?"

"Because it was expensive and unnecessary."

"I figured you'd like it."

"Because its expensive?"

"Well, I'm sure that helped." He let out a chuckle.

"Draco, you know I don't care about money, right?"

He looks almost confused at what you've just said.

"I never cared about your status or money, I cared about you, and you really hurt me."

"I know, I've been trying to apologize and you've ignored me so I thought that may get your attention."

"Do you know what go my attention?" you begin.


"The roses, the note, but most of all, you being at my game in my colors, cheering for me despite being a Slytherin. You being here, now, making sure I'm okay. I don't care about material objects, that doesn't do anything for me."

"Oh." He sounded confused again.

"So tell me, what was the big issue with me anyways?"

"It wasn't you, Y/N. It's hard to explain."

"Try. Please?"

"My family are purebloods, my father wants me with a pureblood and if he found out about you I just know it wouldn't be good. But, I like you and I'm going to talk to them about you."

"Draco you don't have to do that."

"I want to, I want you. You're the only person who cared about me, really cared about me. Not my money, not my status, just, me."

You smile at Draco, "You let me know and either way I'll be okay. It's understandable them not wanting you with someone like me."

"It's not. I used to agree, I used to think that way until I met you. Your bloodline doesn't mean anything to me."

The rest of the day is spent with Draco, he leaves at lunch to go grab you something to eat and Luna, Cho, and Hermione come in to check on you.

"How are you feeling?" Hermione asks.

"Sore, but other than that I'm okay."

"You played so well until you got knocked out." Luna said, Cho nodding in agreement.

"Did we win?" you ask.

"We won by 5 points." Cho says with a smile.

"I hate I won my first game and only played half and can hardly remember it." You laugh, clutching your ribs in pain.

"You need to rest, we just wanted to check on you." Hermione says as the girls begin to walk away, they pass Draco, who is walking in with your lunch. They all turn and watch him come over, kiss your forehead softly, and hand you your food, a look of shock on their faces, you smile at them as they smile and walk out of the hospital wing.

By dinner Snape comes in and tells Draco he needs to return to his room and get rest for the following day, Draco is reluctant, but listens and leaves.

Snape turns his gaze to you.

"I'm glad to see you're healing well." He says slowly.

"Thank you."

Snape turns and walks out of the wing, leaving you there alone.

The next morning you head to the common room during breakfast to get your things for class and are met by Draco in the hall, holding you a muffin.

"Thank you." You smile at him.

"I'm going to be helping you carry your things to class for a couple days."

"Draco some of our classes aren't even close to each other, I'm okay you don't have to."

"Fine, I'm at least doing it this morning." He says, kissing you on the forehead.

Students walking by stop and stare, shocked expressions on their faces.

You grab your things and Draco carries them, walking you to class so you can eat your muffin.

Walking the halls you look up at Draco, carrying all your books, smiling and talking to you as you go to class. You wish people knew this side, you wish he didn't seem so cold on the outside, he's just as beautiful on the inside as he is on the outside. Just as soft, sweet, and beautiful. You feel lucky to have gotten to see this side of him.

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