Untitled Part 2

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The next morning you wake up, schedule on your nightstand and get ready for class. You put on a white button up, sweater vest, knee high black socks, skirt, and your boots, you throw on some eyeliner and mascara before putting your robe on, grabbing your things, and heading out the door, carefully looking at your schedule to know where you're going.

You walk down the hall and find the Defense Against the Dark Arts room and walk in, grabbing the only empty seat next to Cho Chang, a fellow Ravenclaw. You sit down, smile at Cho who, smiles back at you, and get out some parchment to be ready to take notes whenever the professor arrives. The door flies open and in walks a man dressed in all black, with a long black robe on, he has shoulder length black hair, and a slightly large nose. He walks up to the front of the class.

"Good morning, welcome to Defense Against the Dark Arts, I am Professor Snape. I am only giving introductions because there is a new student today and we need to make her feel welcome." He says in an almost sarcastic and cold tone.

Everyone turns and looks at you, you feel yourself get flushed with embarrassment. You raise up your hand in a half-hearted wave.

"Now, I would like everyone to turn in their books to page 672, I will be expecting a full report, 300 words, by Friday."

The entire class groans in frustration but, quickly silence themselves when Snape sharply turns around. You turn in your book and begin reading and taking notes so you have a baseline for what you'll do your report on. You get an entire page outline before the bell rings for you to go to another class.

You walk into your next class, Divination, and you are very excited for it, it was one of your best subjects at Ilvermorny. The teacher is already in there sitting at her desk, big bottle glasses, crazy curly hair pulled from her face with a scarf waiting for everyone to sit down.

"Hello, welcome." She says to the students as they find their seats, you sit alone at a table.

"Okay class," she begins in a soft, shaky tone, "this is Divination and I am Professor Trewlaney, we have a new student to welcome today."

Not this again.

"Child if you would please stand and introduce yourself and tell us what made you chose Hogwarts?" she says, looking directly at you.

Reluctantly you stand, everyone looks at you. In a shaky voice you begin.

"I'm Y/N, I transferred here from Ilvermorny due to my dad changing jobs." You say then sit back down.

You spend the rest of the class taking notes about reading a crystal ball, you're really big on taking notes and paying attention considering you're muggleborn and didn't even know this existed really until you were sent a letter.

After Divinations is lunch, you are amazed by the feast presented at your table, you sit beside Luna who was gesturing for you to come sit beside her the moment you walked through the doors.

"How was your first day so far?" she asks with a smile.

"Not too bad, the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher was pretty intense." You say with a chuckle.

Luna lets out a small laugh, "Yeah Snape is head of Slytherin, he can be scary but I think it's all an act and I bet he's actually nice."

"I hope so, how was your day Luna?"

"It was good my head was feeling fuzzy but, it was probably the Wrackspurts." She says, looking down to her plate and beginning to eat.

"Oh you mean those little things that fly into your ears?"

Luna looks up at you, almost with stars in her eyes "You know what they are?"

"Yes I did a report on them back home in Care of Magical Creatures, my teacher tried to give me a bad grade but it was overruled because my report was so well done."

Luna smiles at you and the two of you eat your lunch before the bell rings for you next class.

Your evening classes included Care of Magical Creatures until they pulled you and put you in Herbology instead, you had enough credits for Care of Magical Creatures and didn't need it so they placed you elsewhere. In Herbology you were learning the basics since you hadn't taken it before.

Your last class before dinner was Quidditch practice, unlike your other classes which changed during the week, Quidditch was constant. You were a chaser, practice mostly consisted of you getting a uniform and getting taught the ropes of how they play, even though it was basically the same as back home. You enjoyed it, it helped calm you and killed your nerves, you were good at it too so that helped.

After Quidditch was dinner, you once again sat beside Luna. The two of you were chatting about school and animals and wrackspurts when you felt as though someone was standing behind you. You turn and see a blonde haired, blue eyed boy hovering over you.

"Can I help you with something?" you say, glaring at him.

He gives you a smirk and turns and looks at each of his 'stooges' before looking back at you.

"I heard we had some fresh meat, but I didn't know it had a mouth on it."

"What do you want?"

"Well I was coming to introduce myself and my friends so you would know who to hang around while you were here but, I see it's too late for that." He says, glancing over to Luna.

"Listen," you begin as you stand, you didn't realize how tall he was until you stood but it didn't matter, "I don't know who you think you are but you will not speak about my friends that way in front of me."

He locks eyes with you, you can't help but be slightly mesmerized by the beautiful shade of blue they were against his porcelain skin. "You'll know who I am soon enough, don't worry." He laughs before walking over to the Slytherin table and sitting down.

"Luna are you okay?" you ask sitting back down next to her.

"Oh I'm fine, I'm used to people being rude to me because I'm different, but I appreciate you standing up for me." She smiles.

"That's what friends are for Luna, you've been warm and welcoming, I appreciate that."

Luna smiles at you, "I'm heading to the common room, I'll see you later." She says, getting up and waving at you before heading out and to the common room.

You aren't far behind, heading up to shower and get ready for bed but a thought stays buzzing around in your head. Who was that?

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