Untitled Part 11

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When you walk into Snape's room, Draco is already there sitting in a desk. How did he beat me? You think to yourself when you see Snape walking towards you from his desk.

"Miss Y/L/N."

"I'm sorry I'm late Professor I lost track of time."

"Mhm. Did you also lose track of how to properly dress yourself?"

You panic and think of what could be wrong you have everything on and properly.


"Aren't you a Ravenclaw?"

"Yes?" you say, confused.

"Then a Slytherin tie would not be a proper part of your uniform then, correct?"

Slytherin tie? You think as you look down and realize, you have Draco's tie on.

"Um, I, sir..." You barely stammer out as he walks away, smacking Draco in the head with the book he was holding in his hand on his way by, silencing Draco snickers. Snape leaves the room and you go over to Draco.

"Draco!" you yell in a whisper as he pulls your tie from his pocket.

"I was trying to stop you and you ran out, then I took a shortcut to beat you and met Snape and had to walk in with him."

"Maybe he didn't notice."

"First thing he asked me was where my tie was." Draco let out a little chuckle.

"Fantastic." You huff.

"Listen, I have something for you." Draco says, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small, green velvet box.

"Draco I told you, you don't have to buy me gifts."

"Just, please?" he asks with those big, blue eyes.

"Okay." You extend your hand for the box.

"Close your eyes."

You giggle and close your eyes, Draco walks behind you and puts something around your neck.


You open them and look down, holding the necklace in your hand, it's a locket, silver, shaped like a raven with a sapphire eye. You look at Draco, smile stretching across your face.

"Open it."

You try and try to open it with no luck, and look at him confused.

"A spell princess."

"Alohomora." You whisper into the locket, springing it open. Inside there is a photo of you and Draco looking into each other's eyes, smiles stretching across your faces.

You lean over and kiss Draco sweetly, "Thank you so much."

"Anything for you." He smiles before you realize it's time for quidditch.

"See you at dinner!"

"Can't wait."

Quidditch practice goes fairly well and is short due to the ball being tomorrow night. After practice you are greeted by Draco, out on the edge of the field, waiting for you with a big smile.

"You did great out there."

"You watched? I thought you had class."

"I may have skipped." Draco says with a mischievous smile.

"Shame on you." You laugh running yourself into Draco who, wraps his arm around your shoulder, walking you to dinner.

"You ready for tomorrow night?" he asks.

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