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Connor Pov (The Present)

"Hey! Con!" Ricky opened the door and took me in for a hug. "Come on in"

As I walked in, I saw everybody was already here.

There was Kian, JC, Joseph, Trevor, Jack, Jenn, Lauren, Andrew and Rebecca.

I greeted each one of them and We all sat around with our drinks, having all kinds of casual conversations.

Light background music was playing from Ricky's freshly installed speakers in the living room. All of a sudden, Help me lose my mind started to play and it reminded me of Troye. He used to listen to it every time of everyday when he last came here.

He'll be back tomorrow but I wish I could see him. Literally, right now, at this very second, I want to be with him. But I know it's not possible. I wish it was.

Arghh! Where is Alexa?

OMG! I need another drink!
I got up and went to pour myself another drink.

Alexa Losey is one of my best friends. She's the one I need right now. Talking to her calms me down. She's the only one -

"Connor Franta" A voice behind me managed to burst my bubble of thoughts.

"Ricky P Dillon" I turned around and saw him standing there with an empty glass.

"How have you been, Con? It's been so long" he said refilling the glass.

"I've been great. You tell me?"

"Good.. So, I was wondering, about that Tyler situation, ummm, did you talk to him?"

Nobody knew what actually happened between me and Tyler. Everybody had there ideas, but no one was certain.

I could very easily replay in my mind, the 'Tyler situation' Ricky was talking about..

"Con, it's Ricky.. you sure you don't want to take this? It's the third call" Troye waved my phone so that I'd pay attention to it, but I stayed the same. Frozen.

To be honest, I just wanted to get under a warm cozy blanket and never come out, never talk to anybody and eventually die. ALONE.

Tyler and I are friends since so many years and how could he just end everything like this? In just a few seconds?
Just. Like. That.
Like, it was nothing. Like, he never really cared.

"Connor?" Troye said in a bit louder tone so that I'd pay attention.

He still held my phone which was still ringing.
I could see he was upset too, even he lost a friend but I know he's hiding it to be strong for me.

"You talk to him, pease?" I told him.

He just nodded and received his call.

I don't think I can really talk to anyone after what just happened. I am glad Troye and I decided to come back without having anything to eat. I had suddenly lost my appetite and just wanted to head back home, I know Troye wanted the same too.


I looked up at Troye who was eyeing me with big shocked eyes while talking to Ricky.

"How many?" He spoke into the phone, without loosing the eye contact with me. And here I got a feeling that yet again, something serious had taken place.

Why can't anything be normal for more than just a minute?

"What can you see?"
"Hmm, okay"
"Yeah, he's here, but he's kinda out of the zone right now,"
"Yeah, coz of...yeah"
"Thanks Ricky"
"Sure, I'll tell him"
"Thanks, bye.."

With All My Heart, TronnorDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora