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Troye Pov

With Adele on repeat, my eyes shut and head fallen over the pillows, I was laying on my bed. It had been a long day and it felt so good to finally be back in my own bed after months of being away. With being able to see, both dad and Tyde perfectly fine and back home, I could finally layback and relax. All the stress resulted in me having the worst flight ever and the lack of sleep from the night before mixing up with the jet lag made me unable to move even an inch from my bed. My eyelids heavy and exhaustion taking over the best of me, I gave in and decided to sleep through the remainder of the day, thinking about my last night spent in LA..

"Sorry.." I heard Tyler say and the continuously moving hand in my hair stopped.

I was laying with my head in Connor's lap, half awake, back in Tyler's apartment. My eyes too tired to open which led to the both of them thinking I was asleep.

"..I know I overreacted, I shouldn't have been so mad at you for telling me the truth. I can clearly see why it took you so long" he continued.

"Tyler.." Connor started before getting cut off by Tyler.

"No, it's my fault. I was just crushing real hard, but you were practically in love with him, but I guess I always knew that. I mean, I knew what Troye wanted and.." he sighed and I could practically feel his eyes on me "..that wasn't me."

Hearing what Tyler said made my heart race and I was afraid Connor was gonna find out about me being awake. I knew eavesdropping wasn't the best idea, it wasn't even my intension but I was too tired to do something about it and it was already too late.

Connor's lack of answer was taken by Tyler as a cue to keep talking.

"I was too afraid to ask about how you felt. I thought it would make you address your feelings for him and it would surely be a thing even though it wasn't because I sure as hell knew how Troye felt about you"

Was I that obvious back then?

"But that doesn't change the fact that I lied to you. I should've told you from the beginning. I'm sorry.." Connor said after long consideration.

"You know, if I'm being honest, it wouldn't have made any difference if you'd told me any sooner. I'm me, and I get mad at stupid things" he snickered "let's just move past it, okay. I miss you both, so let's just forget it and try and take things back to normal. I mean, I know it's not possible for it to be like it was with us three, but we can atleast give it a try and maybe if we give it some time, it'll be okay?"

"I think I'd like that..." I could practically hear a smile "And oh, for the record, I wasn't in love with him then"

I could feel my cheeks getting warmer and I was constantly praying to god that it wouldn't blow my cover.

"Keep telling yourself that" Tyler laughed it off.


"Okay, okay" he said defeated "but you're now, right?" Tyler asked with a seriousness in his voice that I'd never heard before.

Connor seemed like taking his time to consider Tyler's question. He let out a breath and resumed playing with my curls.

"Yeah," he said "a little too much" and I could practically hear him smiling.

Hearing those words, I felt my heart physically swell.

"That's good" Tyler too sounded genuinely happy "You're so good with each other"

With All My Heart, TronnorDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora