Chapter 17

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Wei Wuxian watched his classmates and the rest of the students leave with heavy heart. He knew he should not, but he was a little jealous of them for being able to run from this place just that one minute, one second sooner. He was praying that Madame Yu would come to pick him up quickly, he was not sure how long he would be able to stay here and not go mad.

The sun was becoming very hot, unbearable even and he had the urge to take off his jacket. Though he of course did not dare to as he was still being watched and taking off his uniform would only result in him getting punished again for improper appearance. He would have to now wash his uniform in the evening or it would get very gross tomorrow.

It was only then that he remembered Lan Qiren's ominous words: 'Be sure to wear a proper uniform, or you will be walking around naked'. He immediately chased the thought away, too terrified of even imagining such an outcome. At this point, he could only hope Madame Yu had gotten him a proper uniform.

Wei Wuxian had no idea for how long he and the teacher on duty – unfortunately for him it was Jin Guangyao again – were waiting already. All other students had been picked up and it was just the two of them under the scorching afternoon sun. Wei Wuxian's uniform was not the summer one and he was starting to feel really hot and lightheaded. Jin Guangyao also looked uncomfortable if his scowl and falling fake smile had anything to say about the matter.

After another five minutes or so, he marched over to Wei Wuxian and asked him, voice sharp and unpleasant to listen to, especially when one had a headache: "999002, when is your guardian coming?"

Wei Wuxian marvelled at the question. Why was the teacher asking him? He had no idea how the school worked and until he was standing in the gathering field, he had not even known at what time it would be over for the day. It was Madame Yu who had dragged him here, she should have been aware of the time when she was supposed to come for him.

The teacher's hard eyes were on him and it was making Wei Wuxian feel even more uneasy. His head was spinning dangerously now, he had not drunk anything but one cup of watery tea at lunch today, more water than tea actually. He was tired, thirsty, aching all over and still confused and shocked from how quickly his life was changing. He was not the one the teacher had to ask for answers.

"I do not know..." he blabbered in the end, just to say something and not have Jin Guangyao punish him for not answering when he was asked a question.

It was a wrong choice apparently. The teacher's face went furious for a second and then his signature saccharine smile was back, all for Wei Wuxian. It was not a pleasant sight. This was bad, really bad. Wei Wuxian shivered despite his best efforts; he suspected what was coming.

And he was not wrong.

"Well, that is most unfortunate, it is not, Young Master 999002. But it cannot be helped I suppose. Please hold up your hands so your guardian will be able to find you once she comes. I have some other assignments to finish and cannot wait here with you. I will be keeping an eye on the situation and coming to check on you from time to time, so do not slack off. Please inform your guardian that she should wait for me after she arrives, I need to speak to her in order to avoid any similar misunderstandings and time management issues in the future."

Only half consciously, Wei Wuxian did as he was told. He lifted both his hands high above his head. He was so terrified of the teacher's dimpled smile that he did not even let go of his backpack before doing so. The pose was uncomfortable and the backpack full of books was heavy, but he refrained from grimacing. He did not want to anger Jin Guangyao any more. He did not want to imagine what other punishments would be there in store for him if he did.

"Good, I see you are finally learning the necessary obedience, although there is still much that we should work on." Jin Guangyao nodded to himself and reminded him before going back inside the school building: "Once your guardian comes, please send her to the teachers' lounge to find me. I am looking forward to talking to her."

Wei Wuxian could only swallow the dread he was feeling and nod his head to show he understood. He wondered if Madame Yu was late on purpose. His hands were already starting to hurt from the strain of keeping them high above his head before the teacher even went out of sight. He had to tighten his grip on his backpack in order not to drop it directly onto his head. He hoped that Madame Yu would come soon.

All the while however, he was not looking forward to going home all that much. It was already late in the afternoon, way later than his former school was letting up. Jiang Cheng would for sure be home already, and Jiang Yanli as well. How was he supposed to face them after today? He did not feel he could smile at them and assure them that everything was fine, that he was enjoying his new school or even having fun here. Nothing felt like normal anymore, the whole world had shifted degrees around him. If he would not get a hold of himself, they would for sure see right through him and worry endlessly.

That would not do. This was Wei Wuxian's problem, he should not burden his siblings and his adoptive parents. He had to keep all of this to himself and hope that Madame Yu would read his report card in private and not go flaunting it around at dinner table as she used to. Every single time she was dissatisfied with something Wei Wuxian had done, she would not be silent about it, especially if she could complain to her husband about what a terrible child he had brought into their home.

Wei Wuxian shivered in dread. Judging by Madame Yu's behaviour this morning, he could not say with confidence that she would spare him this afternoon. On the contrary, she would most likely be happy to have him squirm uncomfortably in front of the whole family.

Wei Wuxian's hands fell a little as he hunched into himself. He was so not looking forward to this part. However, at the same time, he really wanted to go home after all. A vision of the teacher's smile and his threatening promise that he would keep an eye on him made him straighten his back the next second and wish for Madame Yu to hurry up.

Wei Wuxian was laughing at himself now, he was going nuts. He felt like he was kept between two mill stones and could not run if he tried. Then again, there was no doubt in his mind over which place was worse. He still wanted to go home and crawl into the privacy of his bed where he would be able to conveniently pretend that he was just tired and not on a verge of a breakdown. 

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