Chapter 25

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Wei Wuxian straightened his spine and looked directly at the bullies. He was not going to give them the satisfaction to already see him cower before them when they had done literally nothing but stand up and come towards him. Or, it would look like that to any outside observer. However, Wei Wuxian had enough experience to be able to feel the confrontation which was almost palpable in the air. They were out for his blood and humiliation.

And they were not waiting for anything before Wen Chao struck: "Well, good morning, transfer student..." The boy's voice was dripping with mocking and bad intentions and the students which were until now watching the scene with curiosity and waiting for the confrontation perked up, ready for the spectacle.

Wen Chao turned towards Jin Zixun and lazily asked him: "What was his name again? I already forgot."

The boy with a calculating expression and cruel glint in his eyes dutifully replied: "If I remember correctly, he introduced himself as Potty Princess." He never broke the eye contact with Wei Wuxian as he turned his head slightly towards the other students, asking them over his shoulder for show: "Right?"

Half of the class burst out into a loud laughter and the others were sneering at Wei Wuxian. If there were any – like Mo Xuanyu hopefully – who were not amused by his new nickname, he could not see them. Wen Chao, Jin Zixun and Xue Yang were apparently playing a game for the audience and they were successful in getting them engaged.

A few of the students even shouted from their places in between their laughter and sneering: "Good morning, Potty Princess!"

Wei Wuxian could not help himself but to remember the terribly humiliating punishment from the day before and the girly potty which would now probably be forever burned into his mind. He felt his cheeks becoming hot, he was suddenly very ashamed for no apparent reason. It was not as if he had asked the teacher to humiliate him in such a way. So why was he feeling as if it had been his fault that he had ended up in that unenviable position?

He could not recall if he had felt this humiliated ever before. True, most of Madame Yu's remarks hurt, but not in this way. She had never made it a point, at least not especially as far as he could tell, to attack him in a similar way. Her hands and whip were always ready and there was no shortage of accusations and derogatory statements, but never such a clear intention to publicly humiliate him.

He saw that Wen Chao and all the others paused, very clearly waiting for his reaction. That helped him to forget all about his humiliation and shame and focus on the present moment. It was much easier. The class was now silent as well, as if everyone was holding their breaths and waiting excitedly together with the bullies for what he would do about the insult.

Wei Wuxian saw red. He could not let this slide. If he did not stop the nickname right now, it would definitely spread around the whole school. If someone had not yet heard about him, being the new transfer student and everything, they would for sure know him now. And not in a good light, everyone would definitely learn about the incident with Jin Guangyao and his punishment. That was, if it was not too late to stop it already.

Even worse, what if a word of this actually got out of the school and other people heard it? His family and friends, would they still be able to look at him in the same way? It was bad enough that he was an orphan and that Madame Yu had always made it a point to complain about him being a troublemaker and an unsufferable child wherever she could. But something like this, would he even still have any friends after finishing this hellish high school? Would he be able to find a respectable job where people would not have heard about his nickname? Rumours travelled fast; he had already experienced it more than a few times.

Wei Wuxian squeezed his hands into firsts, ready to protect his honour and his good name. He was not about to let himself be called 'Potty Princess' by a single student, much less by the whole school. He was determined to show everyone what would happen to the person who called him like that ever again.

"Oh, are we ready for a fight?"

This time it was Xue Yang who came closer to him, a wide sneer on his face seemingly childish and angelic face. He looked like he was having so much fun, and he was probably already excited for a physical confrontation. His lean body was for sure agile and Wei Wuxian could not tell if he would actually be able to beat him. The boy had for sure several dirty tricks up his sleeve. Moreover, he was not alone, there were three of them against Wei Wuxian alone.

Not that Wei Wuxian cared about the power difference. He could not think straight at the moment. He was still bothered by the new nickname and the memories that haunted him at any mention of the word 'potty'. He was not thinking about consequences, he simply wanted to shut the mouths of those three bullies and consequently, with a little luck, of anyone who would ever want to utter that hateful nickname again.

He was still holding himself back, just barely though. There was something in Xue Yang's eyes which was stopping him from attacking. There was a chill running down his back. Xue Yang was dangerous.

In more than one sense too as he proved with his next mocking words: "What are you waiting for, Potty Princess? Afraid of a teacher coming inside? Is Potty Princess perhaps scared of breaking the rules and being spanked like a baby?"

That was it. Wei Wuxian could not hold himself back anymore. All the frustration which had accumulated in his chest ever since yesterday morning was boiling with rage, ready to burst out like an angry volcano. He needed an outlet and he could not imagine a better one that the teen with the big mouth who was standing right in front of him. He raised his first and launched forward. 

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