Chapter 34

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Wei Wuxian did not even take three steps towards the school building when there was another voice calling him from behind his back. He was so numb and trying so hard to ignore all the other voices that it took him a while to stop and turn around to look at that person. Though, he already knew who it must have been, there was ever only one boy who called him by his full birth name.

Forgetting all about Wen Ruohan and possible repercussions for his behaviour, he spun on his heel and looked at the student standing behind him. Just as he had already thought, the boy was wearing the pristine white uniform of the Cloud Recesses High School, there did not seem to be even one speck of dust on it. In the same way, his hair was perfectly combed and neatly falling in rich stands around his face. But the most striking were the eyes; perfect golden of early sunset, sincere and worried at the same time.

And a little surprised too. Wei Wuxian could not believe who was standing before him and only managed to stutter out: "Lan Zhan?"

"Wei Ying," called him Lan Wangji again and confirmed thus his suspicion.

It indeed was Lan Wangji, his oldest childhood friend whom Wei Wuxian had not seen for almost ten years now, or more specifically, ever since starting the elementary school. How could he ever forget him? He would recognize those eyes anywhere in the whole world.

Once upon the time, Lan Wangji had lived with his parents and big brother in the house next doors. It had felt like so long ago; back then, Wei Wuxian's parents had still been alive. He could barely remember them by now, but he had never forgotten the quiet boy with whom he had used to play all the time. They had even gone to the same kindergarten and their parents had used to laugh at how inseparable they had been. All the photos in Wei Wuxian's childhood album, one of the very few treasures which he had been able to take with him to the orphanage, had also Lan Wangji on them.

Unfortunately, when Lan Wangji's parents had died, he and his brother had been left alone, way too young to be able to take care of themselves. On the day of the funeral, a mysterious uncle whom they had only seen a few times before had appeared out of nowhere and had taken them to live far away. For a while after that, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji had managed to keep in touch by writing letters to each other. Lan Wangji's older brother, Lan Xichen, had been helping him and Wei Wuxian's parents had been there for their son as well since they had both been way too young to have learned how to write properly.

It had all ended with the death of Wei Wuxian's parents. Wei Wuxian had been sent to an orphanage, then to another one, until Uncle Jiang and Madame Yu had adopted him over a year later. There had been no one to help Wei Wuxian write letters at the orphanage and Lan Wangji had not known his new address so their communication had been cut off entirely. Once adopted, Wei Wuxian had cried bitter tears because he could no longer remember the correct address. He had not seen Lan Wangji since.

Until today. Here he was, standing right in front of Wei Wuxian.

"Wei Ying?" Lan Wangji now sounded just as incredulous as Wei Wuxian was feeling.

It was a little funny really, and also very endearing and encouraging. Wei Wuxian found himself forgetting all about his terribly day, he was simply happy that he could see his childhood friend again after such a long time. He had so many questions, and he also had so much to tell the other, so much time together that they missed and needed to catch up on now.

He did not even open his mouth when the teacher decided to ruin this small reunion. Wen Ruohan must have noticed that Wei Wuxian had separated from the group he was leading and came back to get him. He did not look happy about being delayed even more, but for some reason, he was not scowling as much as before. It almost seemed like he was holding back.

The reason for this restrained behaviour turned out to be Lan Wangji. Wen Ruohan bowed his head slightly which the teenager returned with a sharp nod. It was clear that Lan Wangji was the one being treated as the one with a higher social status. Wei Wuxian was confused, the age difference was huge and even if it was not, they were still a teacher and a student. It was clear who should have been showed more respect.

"Second Young Master Lan, please forgive my imprudence, but this student has somewhere else to be right now. He is participating in a special class right now, so if you will excuse us."

'Second Young Master'? Wei Wuxian's eyebrows shot up shy high. He had no idea what was going on, only that Lan Wangji was now some kind of a young master? Could his uncle had been a celebrity or something?

In the hindsight, he should have been embarrassed because of how long it took him to figure out the true reason. Lan Wangji shared the last name with the chairman, and if Wen Ruohan's forced and contained respect had anything to say, the two must be related. Was Lan Qiren really Lan Wangji's uncle? Wei Wuxian would need a little longer to digest this discovery.

Lan Wangji only shot one look at the teacher and he continued fixing Wei Wuxian with his eyes. They were not unkind, on the contrary. He had long learned how to read them and they had not changed one bit. It was the first time in two days that Wei Wuxian saw softness and undiluted concern directed at himself. His chest immediately started feeling warmer. It seemed like some things always stayed and would stay the same, he was so relieved he could cry.

Instead of replying to the teacher, Lan Wangji's next words were directed at Wei Wuxian: "Wei Ying, are you alright?"

Such a simple question. It could have been asked in a million of different situations, like a greeting after a long time of not being able to see each other. However, Wei Wuxian suspected that it was not the true reason for Lan Wangji's inquiry. His cheeks started burning again and he could no longer bear looking at his childhood friend. He was suddenly very aware of the state he was currently in. He had not even thought about properly wiping the tear marks from his face or soothing his eyes so they would not be puffy and red!

Panic enveloped his whole being and despite his deep desire the reconnect with Lan Wangji, he wanted to get away from him at the same time. How much had Lan Wangji seen? How much from Lan Qiren's little speech had he heard? And if he had seen and heard everything, was he now thinking of him as a delinquent and a criminal just like all the other students?

Wei Wuxian could have made himself bear the judgment of the others, but he could not when it came to Lan Wangji. He wanted to explain what had happened, wanted to assure his childhood friend that even if he had indeed had the intention, it had not been unwarranted by the other party. He feared disgust and betrayal appearing in those golden orbs.

This time, he was actually grateful to Wen Ruohan for stepping in again before he could try and explain himself, he was not ready right now.

"Second Young Master Lan, please do not be unreasonable. I have to do my job here, and the students have too. If you want to talk to him," he did not even refer to Wei Wuxian by his actual name, but apparently was not in a position to use his number either, "you can perhaps come on Monday before classes? That way, your visit will not interfere with anyone's school schedule."

Wei Wuxian dared to shoot a quick glance at Lan Wangji in order to judge his reaction to the suggestion. The other boy did not look too happy and continued staring at him, as if he was prompting him to say something. Wei Wuxian quickly averted his eyes again. Next time, he would for sure be better prepared for the kind of conversation this would require, he had the whole weekend after all.

Left alone against both Wei Wuxian and Wen Ruohan, Lan Wangji finally gave up and promised: "Mn, I will see you on Monday."

Wen Ruohan seemed pleased and he went back to the front of the small row of students he had been leading previously. Without another word being said, they all resumed their walk towards the school building. Wei Wuxian only turned his head back once to get one last glance at Lan Wangji. He wanted to smile at least a little to dissuade the other's suspicion, but he could simply not find it in himself. He was too preoccupied with his upcoming detention and the conversation which was now postponed to Monday's morning.

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