Chapter 74

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Wei Wuxian was sitting on a kitchen chair and was watching Lan Wangji cook. He was still completely covered in the fluffy blanket and he loved it. It made him feel save and cosy. Relaxing music was playing and making him pleasantly sleepy, he had not felt too rested after his wild night. His eyes were still all red and puffy from crying and he felt ashamed of making such a scene. Lan Wangji had assured him that it was no trouble and that he could cry as much as he needed to, but it was still weird.

How come he had become such a cry-baby lately? He had never used to be this way. However, it was undeniable that letting go had helped. Pretending to be fine, even for a short while had left him feeling empty and anguished. He had feared that Lan Wangji would see right through his lies and forced fake smiles. Right now, he was not scared anymore since he had already shown to his childhood friend all the depth of his despair and pain.

If Lan Wangji had not chased him out of the house yet, it must have meant that he really did not mind, right? Wei Wuxian was still unsure of lot of things, but there was one truth he could believe. It was that Lan Wangji would not lie to him. If he said he wanted to help him and protect him, that was what he truly meant.

There was also another reason why Wei Wuxian felt utterly relieved. After he had finished crying, Lan Wangji explained to him again everything that had happened while he had been asleep in the school infirmary. The Delinquent High was truly being shut down. All the teachers involved in abuse of the students had been detained and a trial would start in just a few short days.

Mo Xuanyu's testimony had also helped to uncover how vile Wen Chao, Jin Zixun and Xue Yang were. They would face disciplinary actions for all the bullying. Apparently, before Wei Wuxian had transferred to the Delinquent High, the trio had had many unfortunate victims before him. It has not been decided yet what exactly their punishment would be, but it was already clear that Wei Wuxian would never have to see them again. It was almost too good to be true.

Deep in his thoughts, Wei Wuxian had not realized that Lan Wangji had finished preparing their breakfast and was now standing right in front of him. Only when his shadow was cast upon his scrunched form did he flinch away. And looked up, suddenly panicked.

He had not meant to, it was more on instinct than anything else. Rationally, he knew that there was no one else but Lan Wangji and him in the house and that his childhood friend would not hurt him in any way. However, his agitated mind was making everything seem scarier and more dangerous. Everything could be a threat.

He immediately felt guilty about overreacting. It was just Lan Zhan, the one and only person who would not hurt him. Why was he behaving like this? He could not explain it, the reaction was simply there and it was impossible to turn off. No amount of silent berating or shame would make it go away.

Wei Wuxian opened his mouth to apologize, but Lan Wangji was faster. He took a step back as if nothing had happened and presented Wei Wuxian with a heavenly smelling meal.

"Pancakes," he announced and held the plate closer so that Wei Wuxian could easily reach for it.

It took several embarrassingly long seconds for Wei Wuxian to actually convince himself to free one of his hands from the protective blanket cocoon and accept the plate. He shifted his position to sit properly and not with his knees under his chin and put the plate into his lap.

Lan Wangji sat on the other side of the couch with a bowl of rice porridge. It was a little funny because Wei Wuxian would never guess his childhood friend could be this improper. Sitting on the couch to eat breakfast? That was definitely weird, there was a dining table just a few steps away from them. He appreciated the gesture nevertheless. It was nice to be able to remain snuggled cosily on the couch and not to have to get up. Lan Wangji was the best.

Wei Wuxian looked down at his plate. The pancakes were done perfectly, all fluffy and brown. There was even what looked like maple sirup and whipped cream on top of them, together with fresh blueberries and strawberries. Wei Wuxian's favourite. They smelled sweet and homey and reminded him of his childhood, just like the stew yesterday.

However, unlike yesterday, Wei Wuxian was not hungry at all. The opposite really. The rich smell was making his knotted stomach turn and he felt like vomiting. His previous anxiety was still running in his system and was making it hard for him to want to eat. He swallowed, hoping that the uneasiness and taste of bile would go away.

It did not. Wei Wuxian suddenly felt tears fill his eyes again. This time, it was not because of sadness or fear of the future, they were tears of frustration. He was angry with himself for not being able to thank Lan Wangji for painstakingly preparing a feast for him and eating it happily. He had a feeling that his childhood friend did not usually make pancakes for breakfast, they must have been especially chosen with Wei Wuxian in mind. After all, Lan Wangji's own dish was a plain looking rice porridge.

Someone like him did not deserve to be treated so specially, Wei Wuxian thought. He could tell Lan Wangji's expecting eyes were on him and he fell even deeper into shame and regrets. Lan Wangji had worked so hard to make him happy, and Wei Wuxian could not even return the favour by eating the food with gratitude?

Although the simple thought of eating was making him want to vomit, he still took a small piece of pancake and put it into his mouth. What should have been a sweet and welcomed treat turned into ashes on his tongue. His stomach was revolving and making it hard for him to not spit the food out.

'So ungrateful', Wei Wuxian reprimanded himself. If Lan Wangji was not looking at him, he would have slapped himself to regain his senses. He could not let his childhood friend wait and come to a conclusion that he was not appreciating all the care he was receiving.

Going against all his instincts, he swallowed without actually chewing. He was sure that if he did keep the food in his mouth for longer, he would vomit eventually. He hated himself for not being able to properly enjoy Lan Wangji's kindness. Someone like him should not get pancakes for breakfast. He had caused so much trouble to everyone, he was a wanted criminal and an incorrigible troublemaker, a piece of stale bread and a cup of water was what he deserved. If not to be left outright starving and thirsty as punishment for imposing on so many kind people, first the Jiangs and now even the Lans...

"Wei Ying, you do not have to eat if you do not feel like it."

Wei Wuxian's head snapped up from his plate and he stared at Lan Wangji in utter bewilderment. "No, Lan Zhan, everything is fine! I love the pancakes. Thank you for going to all the trouble of preparing them." He was quickly trying to repair what he had broken.

"You are crying," pointed Lan Wangji out.

Wei Wuxian lifted his hand to touch his cheek. Indeed, it was just as his childhood friend had said. He never noticed when he had started to cry. He felt ridiculous for making a huge deal out of this. He was troubling Lan Wangji again, was he not?

"You do not have to eat it if you do not feel like it," Lan Wangji repeated. The kindness and gentleness of his voice were what broke Wei Wuxian's resolve and drew him out of his shame and self-blaming.

"Sorry, Lan Zhan..."

"No apology necessary." Lan Wangji was the most patient person in the whole word it would seem. "I will make pancakes for you again when you feel like you can eat them. Would you like to at least try a bit of rice porridge?"

Wei Wuxian's stomach growled and he nodded with his cheeks flaming red. Yes, he could probably be able to eat some rice porridge together with Lan Wangji. 

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