~ Prologue - The Choice - Anakin ~

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"I'm sorry Master, but I'm not coming back." One sentence. One sentence that tore my world, and heart, to shreds. Her retreating back, head hung low, causes me to force tears back, swallowing the lump in my throat. The Council did this to her, scrapped the Snips I know into a war-stricken soldier with barely any hope. There are scars and muscles that have appeared and developed due to countless missions and battles fought. After losing so many people, I can't lose her too. 

I chase her, not caring what the others will think, not caring about the stares, not caring about much besides Ahsoka. Anger bubbles to the surface as I recall the actions, words, decisions the Council made without blinking an eye. Sending my little sister to military trial just because of peer pressure. Obi-Wan and Plo Koon included! I at least expected them to put up a fight for her, but it seemed as if only my and Padme's efforts were in her favor. 

"Ahsoka wait!" 

"Ahsoka, I need to talk to you!" She turns, having almost disappeared into the horizon, her presence conflicted and torn. But most of all, she's tired. Tired of the fighting, the war, the expectations, everything. 

Just like me. 

I want to ask her why, why she is leaving everything she's ever known, her entire life, why is she leaving me. But I don't. I already know. Our bond may have been damaged due to her being on the run, but not enough for me to not sense her emotions. Then, it occurs to me. Almost as a magnetic pull, a warning. 

A warning that if I do not leave the jedi, not only would I lose my sister, but myself as well. 

A warning that has now become a common occurrence ever since escaping Mortis. 

For a moment, I think of my men, the soldiers who are counting on me, including Obi-Wan and the other members in the Order. However, the magnetic urge towards my sister and whatever this unknown path is leading me to, is more prevalent than ever. 

Closing my eyes, I reach out to Ahsoka, letting her in. For the first time, fully opening myself to someone other than my mother. Padme may know more than most, but for her sake, some emotions are still bottled up and hidden away. Allowing her to see the attachments, memories, pain, fears, insecurities, doubts, all of it. In turn, she opens herself up, allowing me to see hers. Together, we cling to one another, our presences embracing fiercely. It doesn't take long to realize our physical bodies have done the same. 

The Force drags us together, down to see a vision. A vision of a planet far into the reaches of wild space. One that is full of life and death, peace and turbulence, chaos yet order. The nature-filled landscape very similar to that of Naboo, but different. The entire world connected with the Force in every way anyone could possibly imagine. 

Homing in on a specific sight, a valley within mountains, is a hidden entrance. Force signatures, all incredibly strong, calling out through the galaxy, asking for anyone to hear their message. 

A message of hope. 

It wasn't a physical or spoken message, but an emotional one. A message that only force sensitives could understand. A simple plea, for those who hear to come, to spread balance within the galaxy, and hope for peace to be restored. 

Not from the war, but from the overwhelming darkness that has been clouding everything like a heavy fog. To not fully eradicate it, but to tip the scales back into harmony with one another. Something the jedi have never done. This was what had been urging me to leave the Order since Mortis. 

Opening my eyes, I look down at Ahsoka, her body melted in my arms. She looks up at me, her exhausted form still tense and on edge. "If you leave Snips, I'm coming with you." 

"Anakin, you can't! This is my decision; you don't need to-"

"Yes, and this is mine. You aren't guilt tripping me here sister-mine. I have had the same emotions you have about choices made in the Order, and this was the final straw. You're stuck with me Snips." 

After a moment, she nods. Probably she knows that there is no going back after I've made a decision, and after that vision we both knew this was our next step. Together in a sideway hug, we left the temple, into the horizon...


This was the catalyst. 

This was the shatter point that altered the fate of the galaxy forever. 

For one choice affects another, affecting another, and so forth in a chain reaction that makes up the lives of those all across the galaxy, no matter who or what they come across. 

Without Anakin Skywalker being within the ranks of the Jedi Order, Darth Sidious could not manipulate his desired future apprentice under the guise of the flaws in the Jedi Code, the Clone Wars, secrecy, lost loved ones, and disturbing dreams of doom.

For now, the fault line has been drawn, and a new life is given to the Chosen One.

A life of freedom.

A life of answers.

A life of hope.

One that had been intended had Qui-Gon Jinn, the only one that Darth Sidious feared, survived.

For this story has only just begun...

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