~ Eight - Improvising (Once Again) - Ahsoka ~

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The plan has been set in motion. After finding out the truth about the inhibitor chips and Tarkin's involvement with my trial, the Council decided it was time to begin preparation for what is to come. Padme had been sent back to Coruscant, despite Anakin's concern. It would be better if she looks as innocent as possible, just another pawn to Sidious. We already know she is on his radar, since just a week ago she alerted us that Obi-Wan, Cody, and Rexster all were sent to 'watch' her. As far as we know, they understand as little as possible. 

Only that Tarkin, a few senators, and Palpatine were not to be trusted. 


The plan was set right after that news, and now, with a bit of finalizing, its finally time to take action. Skyguy and a few of the Fire Warriors have the easy job, the kidnapping. Or rather, what is supposed to look like a kidnapping to both the Seperatists and the Republic. 'Kidnapping' the leading members of the Delegation of Two Thousand, our allies within the Senate. This being Padme, Chuchi, Mon Mothma, and Bail Organa. 

While me and my clanmates have the hard job, taking out the inhibitor chips without the notice of Sidious. The distraction of having a bunch of kidnappings on influential voices in the Senate means that someone will be on call to go after them, maybe even multiple. With the Fire Warriors leading those battalions to a single area, that leaves us to split up. 

I have the lovely job with Soren of working with half of the barracks. 'Leeri and Elami are on the other half, Attros and Natsa, who the rest of us swear are dating, are in hiding at the rendezvous point, waiting for the rescue brigade. 

"Ready?" I glance over at Soren, his deeper voice ringing through my mind. Our form of communication, similar to the bond me and Anakin have. I nod, my mind going through the plan of action once more before moving in. 

1. First Morai will check if the coast is clear. If so, utilize the confusion and chaos of the kidnapping to sneak unnoticed into the barracks through the ventilation system. 

2. While remaining cloaked, me and Soren splitting up to deactivate the inhibitor chips within our section of barracks, while Elami and Desleeri take on the other half. 

3. Utilize the ventilation system to evacuate the premises and meet at the rendezvous point just outside the grounds of the Jedi Temple. 

4. Don't, under ANY circumstances, release the cloak or reveal our Force presences. 

It was not one of the most foolproof plans of attack, but me and Skyguy have worked with less dozens of times and been successful in the end. Even if we have had to improvise. 

We've had to improvise a LOT.

"Let's get going." With Morai already on the lookout and our Force signatures hidden away, the two of us head into action, sneaking our way into the vents. The sounds of alarm footsteps and voices, as well as the chaos within the Force itself, getting through the ventilation was simple.

We got the code to begin, and after a short time deactivating the chips through the Force, Skyguy's bad luck with plans makes an appearance. 

We are right above the 501st and 212th's barracks. 

With Obi-Wan, Rex, Cody, Plo Koon, and Wolffe in them. 


Soren turns to me, obviously sensing my sudden concern through our bond. Hopefully that doesn't mean that Obi-Wan and Plo can sense my emotions. We used to have a bond after all since padawanship, and for Plo, even longer. They were my other mentors through the Force, the same way that Rex, Cody, Wolffe were mentors as a commander. But where are the other members of the 501st and 212th? 

"The other clones must be on the mission regarding the kidnapping. Calm down, I can't cover for you forever whilst cloaking myself entirely." I glance over at Soren, knowing he is probably correct. Releasing my tension to the Force, I allow myself to calm down. It isn't like Obi-Wan and Plo have already sensed us, Soren was cloaking us both. I send him waves of gratitude before concentrating again on the task at hand. Taking out the three clones inhibitor chips. 

Once I can feel the crumbling of the technology inside their heads, I nod at Soren. We need to move on. I'm about to start moving again when Soren stops me. 

Then I hear what it is they are talking about. 

"If what Senator Amidala said is true, then Little Soka and Skywalker were right about leaving." Obi-Wan sighs, rubbing his beard. 

"We need more assistance in the war effort, to end it. With the kidnapping of Senator Amidala, Bail Organa, Mon Mothma, and Senator Chuchi, I fear that it will end badly for the Republic. And not because of the Separatists. 

"You wish to contact them." Obi-Wan nods and I can tell Rex and Cody are concerned. About the war effort or something else, it's hard to tell. 

"Sir, with all due respect, how would we contact them? General Skywalker and Commander Tano left with nothing in ways of reaching them." Then, Obi-Wan shows them a commlink. One that Anakin gave to Padme as a means of emergency contact for him. She must have given it to Obi-Wan. 

"This will contact Anakin and Ahsoka. It's for emergencies only but it should work for our purposes." No. The last thing Skyguy needs right now is to be contacted. Especially by the Jedi. Going out on instinct, I reach out with the Force, attempting to prevent anyone from using that comm. 

"Someone is here." Kriff. Me and Soren bolt as silently as possible through the vents, when I feel the pull of two certain Jedi Masters trying to take us back. Utilizing a trick that I've picked up while in the Gray Jedi, I take on my nervous energy, using it to combat the pull of Obi-Wan and Plo Koon. I can feel Soren doing something similar although I can't tell what. 

In a last-ditch effort, instincts take over and I mentally snap the binds that are capturing us, allowing escape. 

Unfortunately, for a split second, my cloaked Force presence had been revealed.

Hopefully, they didn't notice. 



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Species: Togruta

Age: 17

Rank: Koawan

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